Valley Sunday Star-Monitor-Herald (Harlingen, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 12, Ed. 1 Sunday, October 1, 1939: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... up for the Big Ten cam- HAMILTON. N Y-^-Big Ed Boell. New York University’s ranking backfield star... CITY——A fourth quarter lateral pcs* from 20 vards out Saturday gave the underdog University of Utah... University Horned Frogs, first distinguished himself in athletics Ehlers entered Schreiner Institute... BEARS BEAT AGGIES BERKELEY, Calif.-iA»>—Pushing over four touchdown* in the second half. University... in the first half but Duke scored another third period field goal gave Ari- University of Santa Clara Broncos

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Centenary 0. Tulsa University 23. Wichita 6. Dartmouth 41. St. Lawrence 9. Fordham 34, Waynesburg 7. Army 16... Cunningham, defeated the University of Colorado Saturseat on the subway during the rush hour. Pitt's Panthers... University to a spectacular 7-6 decision over Colgate and Holy Cross inaugurated Joe Sheeketski's coach* ing... Saturday with a 12-0 victory ito Greyhounds battled to ever Stanford University before a deadlock... the scoring ice, wi.a Collier going turn convinced the old saw say die.” L_‘J 2 SEATTLE— —The University

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

...- at the Woman's Building. Allen, and graduated from the Me- 1 Allen high school, tended Southwestern University... at vice. Georgetown and graduated last June from the University of Texas ■r - -w. IP"®’ 'Av ‘ 1 A, ’ jfli... in Virginia and graduated WEDNESDAY J from the University of Texas He 3 15 p m —Music Lovers received... the University of Texas

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... at ths University ot Texas. -----0----- MRS. II. H. BIGGER FAN JUAN—Mrs Walter F Good Group Entertained... of Mrs B Halpenny. Texas University Austin; Joe Willis Lane, son of Mr and Mrs Paul Lane; and Miss Nina

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