Journal of the Senate of Texas being the Third Called Session of the Forty-First Legislature: Searching Inside

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Page: 56 (standard view) | zoom view

... proper laws to safeguard the interest of the school fund and the University of Texas. If you... are unwilling to remain in session to pass proper laws for the protection of the school fund and the University... to pass laws now to provide for the disposition of these lands and give the school fund and University... may involve many. many million dollars to the University of Texas and the Permanent School Fund

Page: 55 (standard view) | zoom view

..., notwithstanding my original purpose, I am submitting these subjects for your consideration. The University... of Texas is resurveying all University Lands in the several counties of West Texas. It seems that the law... of a number of sections, and that the field notes for the many sections making up the University Lands

Page: 50 (standard view) | zoom view

... a fellowship in the American University at Athens, Greece by competitive examination is now on the floor... with the University of Pennsylvania as hostess in the International Students House of that great educational

Page: 122 (standard view) | zoom view

... for the purchase of additional lands adjacent to the campus of the University of Texas is hereby appropriated... adjacent to said University, can be acquired in the manner and the purpose therein stated and specified

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