The Standard. (Clarksville, Tex.), Vol. 16, No. 35, Ed. 1 Saturday, September 17, 1859: Searching Inside

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4 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... On. J^ikr.ap f ck County > Johnson Co.iutj, . 41 .j •< Hill and Kosque, Lamar County, Farcnin *... abroad, were, John T. Mills of Harrison, Ilcrvey Jiillahunty of Ti'us, W. B. Wright ot Lamar. S. F.... At his residence, in Lamar county, Texas, in the he 2d j 51st year of his age, of cwga'wc Jtver, afura... settled in whai is now Lamar county. He at once espoused the cause of Texas independence. lie had heard.... ('ienietu. Lf. Wells Mi>. R. Piercc—Paris. JOHN C. NEW3EP.RT, Print^L Sliiloli. Lamar Co., Sept. 3d, "o

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Company, :*t Paris, Lamar countv, Twnif, uutil thei l.itL day ol' November, lWt , for the p,ijftion of W.... Lamar Co., L-c*en head of Oxen, qencrihed as follat'k crumpled horns, branded L G. •„ .fc nsd brown Ox.... no. 22—tf. NEW SPRIM &SUMMER GOODS, AT PARIS, LAMAR COUNTY. •• A verv large stock just received... l.if, 18^1. no. 50—t f. W. H. HOWE, F l C A L and Theoretical isiiiuker and Jeweller, Paris Lamar

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

.... VERY tliankful for the liberal patron age heretofore extended to him by the citizens of Lamar, Fannin..., A "IX>W>7lis. ATTORNEY'S AT LAV7, Paris, Lamar County Tosrao. ILL vraeii and the .v'n] Disirict Court at TUJ

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