The Dallas Daily Herald. (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 209, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 29, 1882: Searching Inside

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4 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... and LAMAR. CHOICE GROCERIES Sugar-cured Dry Beer. La l'rcscrvcil Figs Okra and Shrimps. Deviled Crabs.... Messrs. Moore A McCorrnlck have taken .an otllot In W. II. Patterxon'sdrtig store on Lamar street. Tber... cmiiiren's white suits at Dauman's. Cold soda and mineral waters at Hickox A House. Tho Parlor. -107 Lamar...'s that good whisky beer and wine' Why. at the Par lor Haloon on Lamar street between Main aim streets you

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... Estimates and Testimonials It. V. TOMPKINS Corner Commerce and Lamar Street. . . DALLAS TEXAS FREES & SON...! KERFOOT & HEREFORD AGENTS. OFFICE NO. II! LAMAR BTRKKT DALLAS TEXAS Insure Buildings and Stocks Flouring

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... University Wen. a. W. C. I.KK l-reslnent Thomuuh Instriicilmi In LaNnt'Anits l.irraA Tl-nie and Kcnixi K... AND LEE UNIVERSITY fl.. n sat a. .. ' " v. a.r.n a-rvaiuent. racully-a A OraTcs M A. Professor ef Cnmmon... that of the Tennessee Virginia or Kentucky schools. Heud fnrja Catalogno. dnlm University of Virginia. Session begins.... University of Mrgliila Albemarle Co. Virginia. it lie 1ll"tI(". Chalnnau of the Faeulty. F.LIZAHF.TH AULL... af A UUAH uuaklrs. I'resldent. UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPL i AT OXFORD. j (exsept Law BUnlcnts aro

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... to file as agents for purchasers of school university and asvlum lands must. i.rn..ii authorised powers... llini lll-lllli A II f'liiilr rniilninln In 1 i . ii " I'li-n iuu university building hied his bond lo... fair and hall at the university grounds last night was a grand success. It will be continued to-night... ... "iiii-ji Kinuuniu or the University of Virginia and frofessor Thonins 1). Onwfonl... university during tho coining year. 11. ll..I...V..: l. i.. ai. -ii ii -i i A.uiiyauu la 111 IU19 Ulvy

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