Abilene Semi-Weekly Farm Reporter (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 31, No. 7, Ed. 1 Friday, December 30, 1910: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... Oiltsldo tho Htntft l)r Prodcrick Kby University of Texas Austin. Unhurt on Work of Btuto KimdlUK Clrol... of the State University delivered a short oxtempornneus address in which ho urged all delegates to roglstor... Hyglone Dr A. Caswell Ellis University of Texas Austin. Soloctlon of a Place for Mooting In 1011. "'... following program! Address Dr. William Lyon Phelps Professor of English Yalo University. Following Lho... of Lamar cpuuty was here today arranging to move tp Austin for the forthcoming session of thq Legislature

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... 77 men It. Vx. nan ul v.cu. . Brooks of Baylor University T. P. Brooks of Hllsboro Secretary of tho... -nil nf tho State University; C. E. Evans General Agent for the Conference .for Education in Toxasi.... C. Brooks at Baylor Dy- Was shot and killed by Marlon Good "University. while attempting to arrest... was called to ordor by Dr. A Caswell Ellis of the Stato University who nomlnnted Mrs. E P Turnor representing... Stato University or. A Caswell El lis of Austin ' Brief Addresses Made Dr. Ellis" at tho request of tho

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... North Second. "Bontley and I attended college tocother at Cumberland University Le banon Tenn." said col... Sends Excellent Delegation to Contention of Texas Educators Tho University of Texas Is conspicuously... represented In the stajo teachers' meeting. rho following schoolmen from tho University aro presont. and have... of 'Baylor University arp also on the ground. - 1 W. C. HIxsqp editor of tho Toxaa Schnol Journal of Dallas...'s gifts to date: General Education Board $53000000 University of Chicago 35309000 Institute of Medical

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... Two organ numbers untiste's uuer- To tho President nnd faculty of tho University of Toxas wo extend... University will bo wrought Into n complete Byatcm and that sanenosSj and conservatism wlU characterize tho... Is a faculty member Jf Hie State University Joint niithorvpl Lt. fl..?t... J1- 1-I.l...n..nl. ...I.l.t'l.. rwl... Independence In tho estnbllshment of rollglouB freedom in this country nnd In tho founding of tho University... stato schools Including tho University of TexaB the Agricultural nnd Mechanical Collogo tho College

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... this Morning. f".'W TEXAS AND THE DELINQUENT YOUTH . ' ' Dr. C. S.. Potts of State University jSupt. T. G... S; Potts of the State University; Supt! up the. bodies and mliids of Its Inmates Trb. Kennedy of tho... with His Wife Attends Sessions of Teachers' Association Dr. William Lyon Phelps of Yitlo University arrived

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