The Cass County Sun (Linden, Tex.), Vol. 53, No. 12, Ed. 1 Tuesday, March 20, 1928: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... hiW Hii! District endorsement OF LAMAR DENMAN of titus county Candidate for STATE SENATOR FIRST..., and endorse whole beartedly, the candidacy of tbe Hon. Lamar Dewnan of our «ky for tbe ofiee oi Slate Senator... District or his Slate than Lamar Denman. Mr. Pleasant Pastors' Association Frank E Luker, Pastor Methodist... and management. Lamar Denman is a successful business be employed for the grades next j man and can be of much

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... Senator—1st Sena'toHal District. LAMAR DfiNMAN. tor District Judge for fith Judicial District— S. I. ROBISON... pullet totaled $2,225 for 1927, according to Prof. E. A. Lloyd of the university. Of this total

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

.... 12. Mt. Pleasant Man -i For State Senator. We have been /, authorized to announce Mr. Lamar Denman...'s candidate for this important office will be Lamar Denman, who is a successful businessman, and who would

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