The University Press (Beaumont, Tex.), Vol. 27, No. 6, Ed. 1 Wednesday, September 22, 1976: Searching Inside

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... UNIVERSITY PRESS September 22,1976*7 Penalty kicks defeat LU Ruggers Lamar's Rugby Club failed... was there to pass off to or help him out. Our opponents were Lamar names bowling team Lamar University held its.... took a 12-0 lead in the first half of play on four penalty kicks. Halfway through the first half Lamar...'s inexperience showed has the penalties mounted. Penalties called against Lamar were hands in the scrum, off... sides and not binding in. Lamar came out in the second half, and cut the lead in half on a quick try

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Conference on Ethnic Cultures will be held on the Lamar University campus on Saturday, September 25... forms may be obtained from the Continuing Education Office Box 10008, Lamar University Station, Beaumont... to be present. Chemical Engineers to meet The Lamar University chapter of the American Institute of Chemical... Lamar University. Quality plants and floral arrangements at a student’s price. Come share yonr plaat... $50 for Lamar tuition, $1,560 for to and from France transportation and registration at the university

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... <*• UNIVERSITY PRESS September 22,1976*2 Editorial view sa If a poll of Lamar students were taken... to the article. Kavanaugh Bill Roth THE UNIVERSITY PRESS Serving Lamar for 54 Yeare Cheryl Daniels.... Lamar University is an equal opportunity affirmative action educational institution and employer... of the Lamar University Station Richard W. Setzer Center Beaumont, Texas 77710 L Telephone: (713... for voter registration is Oct. 1 for the Nov. 2 Presidential election. Lamar students may register

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... # Error s return to haunt Cards by BUI Hatch Nightmares of last year arose to haunt Lamar... University in a 16-6 loss to Northeast Louisiana last Saturday night in Monroe. The Cardinals committed five... turnovers, which resulted in 13 points for the oppostion, and last year Lamar turned over the ball eight... times. The first turnover came after Lamar had drove to the Northeast’s fouryardline. Anthony Pendland... and returned the ball to the Lamar 25. The Indians moved to the 12 before tackle Donnie Davis stopped Neal

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

.... TEXAS 77705 NEXT TO LAMAR UNIVERSITY University^ Iculator Center m IF) 1975 Application Calculators... UNIVERSITY PRESS September 22, f„a^Xro“mittees I University DPdate ] The Faculty-Student Relations... of communication between Lamar faculty and students. Faculty members in the department of elementary education..., the inventory and check writing will be handled by Lamar’s computer. Lamar’s new computer should arrive

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... university press September 22,1976^ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m... $6 Second time in same week receive $10. Lamar students can receive bonus of $3 for each new donor... $50 bonus drawing each month for Lamar Donors only. For further information call 832-1146 Free drinks

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... WEDNESDAY This Wednesday! Anyone Wearing a T-Shirt Or Sweatshirt That Identifies: A. Lamar University B... from Orange, will be working as assistant to the director. Ski trip set The Lamar University Geological... THE CARDINALS BEAT THE AGGIES » UNIVERSITY PRESS September 22,1976.5 il 984’ cast chosen The leading roles... by Vera Campbell, assistant professor of communication, will be performed in the Lamar Theatre Thursday

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... OF NEW YORK ____' ik*V THE UNIVERSITY PRESS SERIAL Rw Vol.27 No.6 September 22.1976 Lamar University... plays in concert halls and on university campuses across the country, he still takes to the streets... this Friday at 8 p.m. He will also conduct a free workshop Thursday at 2 p.m. in the University Theatre

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