The Daily Herald (Weatherford, Tex.), Vol. 17, No. 125, Ed. 1 Tuesday, June 6, 1916: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... Department of the University of Texas, assisted by Miss Bernice Carter and Miss Cornelia Simpson of the A. &..., assisted by Dr. H. J. Webber, of the University of California, and Dean W. M. Jardine, of the Kansas State... for their accomodation. These Tht University of Ten*. Extension , Pspsrtmsnt Austin, Texas, May 30, 1916. To the Herald...: The object of a State University is to serve the state. Supported as it is by all the people of the state... sense, the University of Texas fulfills this obligations in educating young men and women and sending

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... and a copy will be mailed free to all expectant mothers by Bradfleld Kegulatto Co., 404 Lamar Bdg„ Atlanta... that they may meet him where tears and sorrows and sad parting never come. ONE WHO KNEW HIM. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS... students of the University of Texas have petitioned the secretary of the navy for a battleship to be sent

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