Breckenridge Weekly Democrat (Breckenridge, Tex), No. 23, Ed. 1, Friday, January 13, 1928: Searching Inside

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... of 0321 namos. BIG POTASH DEPOSITS IN MID- LAND COUNTY A committee of tho faculty of the University... cents per pound for their birds. BIG GUT OF LAND TO TEXAS SCHOOL Tho Toxas Christian University located.... and Mrs. Andrew Shirley of Anna Collin county. The gift to the University consisted of lands located... to the University has boon filed in the office of tho county clerk at Sherman. Tho total in acres covered... University. Six tracts of land are covered in the deed. ANTLCHICKEN THIEF ASSOCIA- TION A fine indication

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... on a rented farm. LAND AND HOOKS FOR TUB UNIVERSITY Archer M. Hunting of New York has given the University... of Texas -1175 acres of land also 1500 rare volumes for the University library. The land or the income

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