Jacksboro Gazette (Jacksboro, Tex.), Vol. 37, No. 10, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 5, 1915: Searching Inside

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10 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... with the South Carolina extension department of the state university, has devised what is described.... Bank Bldg. Office Phone Lamar 1061, Re". Phone Ros. 5400. Factory E. 21st and Jones Streets. FORT WORTH... bags in the shipment. Farmers of Lamar county have organized a county institute with G-. H. Montgomery..., S. B. (Harvard University and University of’ London.) Analytical, Consulting and Pathological

Sequence: 18 (standard view) | zoom view

... TAYLOR. PROP. -0M a 4- cTc] ENROLL YOUR SON AS A STUDENT IN THE University of Dallas Dallas, Texas...., Fori Worth, Teias m PHONE LAMAR TWO-SIX-TWO TEXAS TOP WORKS Good Position for hostlMi Don't aaarwwr tf

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... rations and menus from the University. Then, in the cool of the afternoon, prepare your vegetables... values.’! University Station, July 31.—In discussing problems of the farm women before a meeting of Texas... Farm Women at the University of Texas, Mrs. E. M. Barrett, of the State Department of Agriculture, said... and handled as other goods. Bohemian to be Taught in State University. or says: “One year has elapsed since I... Cotton. University Station, July 31.— Cotton contains more cellulose was obliged to call -4o arms

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

..., .ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS ENROLLED IN UNIVERSITY w (as Hamdrsd and Fifty-eight Counties Represented... In the Summer School ife ^ ■. T.-^ IpCfe - E»$t fe- ; », University Station, July 30.— Registrar E. J. Matthews... of *the University of Texas, has just •completed an analysis of the enrollment in the summer school read... of the -araunmer school students have prewionHy attended some regular .session of the University; 162 Slave

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... not, ri University discussed “ Raising poured off and placed in the a'de to take the responsibility... interests are benois University lectured upon |order °f a pickle, the following mg affected by it today

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Former professor of Urine, Rectal and Skin Diseases of University of South: for 18 years professor... in Texas having United States army officer detailed by War Department. Affiliated with the University

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... year Mr. W. C. Ilomeyer, a graduate of the University of Texas, and former assistant in Agricultural... Education at the University, will assist Mr. Ownsby next year.” Jaeksboro merchants are prepar ing for a big

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... Exhibits Showing the Vario Uses of Cotton. University Station, July 31.— Friday, August 20th, Will Cele...- An interesting exhibit in the University of Texas Main Build- The Coming aand Going of Many People. A Big Social

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