Jacksboro Gazette (Jacksboro, Tex.), Vol. 37, No. 5, Ed. 1 Thursday, July 1, 1915: Searching Inside

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6 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... Jennlags At*. Phone Lamar 313S Write for Catalogue and Prices. Have TESTS made unless you already know all.... (Harvard University and University of London.) Analytical, Consulting and Pathological Chemist.... Former professor of Urine, Rectal and Skin Diseases of University of South: for IS years professor... with the University of Texas, Sewanee, Virginia and Washington and Lee. For catalogue address CHAS. J. LUKIN.... Everything and all schools under one roof. Graduates enter junior year in University of Texas.. Graduates

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... SILO 00. W. L. HAWKINS, Manager. Office 611 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Office Phone Lamar 1061. Res. Phone.... All work and materials are! guaranteed. 4 IS. Ill M FortWorthTent&AwningCo 121 S. Jennings. Lamar 431A... Building. Phoue Lamar 2109. Fort Worth, Texas. MAJESTIC HOTEL 41T% 23RD ST. GALVESTON. TEX. Entirely

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

.... GENERAL WELDING GO Phone Lamar 2131. 509 Throckmorton St.. Fort Worth, Texas. HOTELS AND RESORTS tube... bathing *a the world. Courteous Treatment The Majestic Hofei and Bath House PHONE LAMAR TWO-SIX-TWO TEXAS

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... character. University Station, June 28.— Open air manual training is an innovation which O. A. llanszen..., Instructor in Manual Training in the University Educational Department, is advocating for rural schools. “The... teachers who are attending the summer school at the University this summer, and will soon publish

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

..., of the the Columbia river.' There thousands of tons of salmon have gone; to waste annually. At present! University... of Illinois; Prof. C. H. twenty-five clubs of about twen Eckles, of the University of Missouri; Miss Jessie W

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