The Sulphur Springs Gazette. (Sulphur Springs, Tex.), Vol. 52, No. 52, Ed. 1 Friday, January 1, 1915: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... LaGRIPPE Washington, Dec. 28.—Justice Lamar of the supreme court today granted ah appeal from... appeal , to the supreme court. The appeal to Justice Lamar, granted today, permits them to bring... their case up fi>r hearing in Washington. Lamar Gives Reasons. Justice Lamar, in a statement explaining why... of Georgia should ask to have it advanced. - Meanwhile Frank’s execution is stayed. ! |4 Justice Lamar... informed that Justice Lamar had granted Frank’s appeal on the habeas corpus proceeding, stated

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... If you wanted to make a first class, doctor, lawyer or minister, you wouMt; ^ attend a university... training? The Tylor Commercial College of Tyler, Texas*, is the business university of tke ;

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