Fort Worth Daily Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 12, No. 184, Ed. 1, Sunday, January 30, 1887: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... almost any HON L tj C LAMAR fine afternoon strolling leisurely up the Avenue lib silk hat pulled over his... married and marie a home and the scattered family were reunited The house ot Mr Lamar U on N street one... University and innumerable volumes bought from time to time as he needed them The collection is a varied one... of mathematics at the University of the State he became assistant editor of the Southern Review which diet more... Clevelands cabinet as S cretary of the Interior Socially Mr Lamar is a delightful companion but up

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... there can be little doubt the bucketShop must go GENERAL NOTES Dr Wagoner of the State University lectured... last night on the subjct of the University and the State Before the hour of the lecture arrived

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