Jacksboro Gazette (Jacksboro, Tex.), Vol. 35, No. 22, Ed. 1 Thursday, November 12, 1914: Searching Inside

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6 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... of Texas Christian university, Where Mr. Agar had charge of I t tie voice depar tment during the season ’... repeatedly delighted. Respectfully, (Signed) W. B. PARKS. (Dean Texas Christian University.) As a teacher... to be shipped to Fort Worth, to be sent to the orphan children in Europe for Christmas. mas. Office flssM Lamar... 9*3. Job* WHlt R«a. V’hene, Lamar 417* WILLI DETECTIVE AGENCY All kinds of legitimate detective work.... (Harvard University and University of London.) Analytical, Consulting ard Pathological' Chemist

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... answering advertisers mention this paper* E. CLYDE WHITLOCK Violinist if dins SIS Lamar St, Fori Worth... us for dealers’ proposition. ___ __.. Phone Lamar 4265. GULF RUBBER CO. Fort Worth. Texan, DO

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... University, A. & M. College, and the Departments of Education and Agriculture. The greatest war of history.... Bulletin 355 of the University of Texas on Cooperation in Agriculture, marketing and Rural Credit, has some

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