The Electra News (Electra, Tex.), Vol. 17, No. 19, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 17, 1924: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

.... For OurBoysand Girts By AUNT MARY. la&i BiK- Mirabeau B. Lamar. GREAT MEN AND WOMEN. One of the foremost men... of his day in almost every line was Mirabeau B. Lamar. He was boYn in Georgia in 1798. The exact date... literary taste. Mirabeau Lamar wrote many poems and several stories in his life time. He came to Texas

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... for Baylor University is now finished. It is known as the F. L. Carroll chapel and library, having been named..., Income Tax Service Neil P. Anderson Building Phone Lamar 6433 ^ FORT WORTH, TEXAS (( Oak Barrels and Kegs

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... there was planted in Texas alone 11,040 acres. If t ( i STATE UNIVERSITY SEEKS LARGE LOAN. The regents... of the University of Texas have declared the negotiations with Brown-Crummer of Kansas City for a loan... for the University of Texas at an end and have decided to advertise and ask bids on a loan of $2,500,000 for building... by the University of Texas Interscholastic League have been changed for 1924. The old rules provided that two... opponents were from the University of Texas, A. & M. College, S. M. U. and T. C. U. He is a Baylor man

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... Magazine Section.) A $4,000,000.00 ESTATE GIVEN TO TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY. Out where the West begins... life time the Texas Christian University of Fort Worth, Texas, shall receive onefourth of all... the income from her entire estate of $4,150,000 and at her death the University is to receive the income from

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