TITLE education




19 TAC §5.12

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board adopts an emergency new rule §5.12 concerning General Provisions (Expert Witnesses).

The new rule is to be adopted on an emergency basis pursuant to §2001.034 of the Texas Government Code, which allows a state agency to adopt an emergency rule if a requirement of state or federal law requires adoption of the rule on less than 30 days notice. The rule is being proposed for emergency action to implement the provisions of House Bill 746 which requires the Coordinating Board to report annually to the governor and the presiding officer of the House and Senate on any faculty members or professional staff at public institutions of higher education who serve as expert witnesses in lawsuits in which the state is a party. The rule will provide guidelines to higher education institutions for reporting on employees who serve as expert witness under the conditions specified in the legislation.

The new rule is adopted on an emergency basis under Texas Education Code, §61.0815.

§5.12.Expert Witnesses.


Purpose. Pursuant to Texas Education Code, §61.0815, this subchapter sets out guidelines for reporting by higher education institutions to the Coordinating Board on certain employees who serve as consulting or testifying expert witness under the conditions specified in the law and in this subchapter.


Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.


Consulting or testifying expert witness--any non-fact witness whose name must be disclosed during litigation as required by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.


Institution of higher education--any public technical institute, public junior college, public senior college or university, medical or dental unit, or other agency of higher education as defined in Texas Education Code, §61.003.


Faculty or professional staff of an institution of higher education--a non-classified, full-time employee who is a member of the faculty or staff and whose duties include teaching, research, administration or performing professional services, including professional library services.


Fiscal year--the State of Texas' fiscal year, August 31 through September 1.


Non-classified--an employee whose position is not controlled by the institution's classified personnel system or a person employed in a similar position if the institution does not have a classified personnel system.


Reporting. No later than September 30 of each year, the president of an institution of higher education shall file a written report with the Coordinating Board regarding members of the faculty or professional staff who received compensation for serving as consulting or testifying expert witnesses during the prior fiscal year in lawsuits in which the state is a party.


Each report shall contain:


the number of hours spent by faculty or professional staff members serving as consulting or testifying expert witnesses during the prior fiscal year;


the names, cause numbers and county where filed of the cases in which that service was rendered; and


the outcome of the case, including the amount of:


any judgment entered against the state;


any prejudgment or postjudgment interest awarded against the state; and


any attorney's fees of another party ordered to be paid by the state.


The information regarding the number of hours spent by faculty or staff serving as consulting or testifying expert witnesses shall be reported to the Coordinating Board in the aggregate without identifying specific individuals.


In the event an institution cannot provide the information specified in paragraph (1)(C) of this subsection, the Texas Attorney General's Office shall provide the information to the Coordinating Board.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State, on November 15, 1999.


James McWhorter

Assistant Commissioner for Administration

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

Effective date: November 15, 1999

Expiration date: March 14, 2000

For further information, please call: (512) 483-6162