TITLE banking-and-securities




7 TAC §§1.301-1.305

(Editor's note: The text of the following sections proposed for repeal will not be published. The sections may be examined in the offices of the Finance Commission of Texas or in the Texas Register office, Room 245, James Earl Rudder Building, 1019 Brazos Street, Austin.)

The Finance Commission of Texas (the commission) proposes the repeal of §§1.301 - 1.305. This repeal is necessary because the sections that are proposed for repeal relate to Appeal From Orders to Desist or To Refrain; Notice in Written Contracts; Annual Fee by Holders, Creditors, and Assignees; Notice and Processing Periods for Permit Applications; and Interpretations and Advisory Letters.

These sections are being reviewed and reproposed with changes in a new section of the Texas Administrative Code. Section 1.301 and 1.304 are not being reproposed as the subject matter of these rules is adequately covered by other rules already in effect. The new rules are being published simultaneously for comment in the Texas Register .

Leslie L. Pettijohn, Consumer Credit Commissioner, has determined that for the first five-year period of the repeal as proposed will be in effect, there will be no fiscal implications for state or local government as a result of administering or enforcing the repeal.

Ms. Pettijohn also has determined that for each year of the first five-year period the repeal as proposed will be in effect, the public benefit anticipated as a result of the repeal is the removal of unenforceable and obsolete regulations which will provide space for replacement rules. These is no anticipated cost to persons who are required to comply with the repeal as proposed. There will be no adverse economic effect on small businesses.

Comments on the proposed repeal may be submitted in writing to Leslie L. Pettijohn, Consumer Credit Commissioner, 2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78705-4207.

The repeal is proposed under Texas Finance Code, §11.304, which authorizes the Finance Commission to adopt rules to enforce Title 4. The repeal will not be adopted until the proposed replacement sections are adopted.

The statutory provisions (as currently in effect) affected by the proposed repeal are Texas Finance Code, Chapters 345, 347, 348, and the rest of Title 4.

§1.301.Appeals from Orders to Desist or to Refrain.

§1.302.Notice in Written Contracts.

§1.303.Annual Fee by Holders, Creditors, and Assignees.

§1.304.Notice and Processing Periods for Permit Applications.

§1.305.Interpretations and Advisory Letters.

This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's legal authority to adopt.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State, on December 27, 1999.


Leslie L. Pettijohn


Finance Commission of Texas

Earliest possible date of adoption: February 6, 2000

For further information, please call: (512) 936-7640


7 TAC §§1.901, 1.902, 1.911

The Finance Commission of Texas (the commission) proposes new §§1.901, 1.902, and 1.911, concerning notice in written contracts; annual registration fees by holders, creditors, and assignees; and interpretations and advisory letters. The proposal is part of a rule review conducted in accordance with HB 1, Article IX, Section 167. Simultaneously, the Finance Commission is repealing the former rules and adopting these rules in their place. These rules being repealed were reviewed and those being proposed to be adopted here were evaluated and an assessment made that the reasons for (re)adopting the rule continues to exist. The primary changes from the former rules are organizational in nature or to appropriately identify the new statutory citations of the Texas Finance Code.

Section 1.901 addresses the written notice required in retail installment sales contracts. The required notice provides consumes with information on how to contact the creditor or the regulator for information.

Section 1.902 prescribes the procedures for processing the annual registration fees.

Section 1.911 identifies the appropriate terms and procedures for interpretations approved by the Finance Commission and advisory opinions issued by the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner.

Leslie L. Pettijohn, Consumer Credit Commissioner has determined that for the first five- year period these rules will be in effect, there will be no fiscal implications for state or local government as a result of administering or enforcing these rules.

Commissioner Pettijohn also has determined that for each year of the first five-year period these rules will be in effect, the public benefit anticipated as a result of the adoption of the new rules will be to more adequately inform the public of the procedures pertaining to registration of creditors and the process of obtaining interpretations and opinions.

Comments on the proposed adoption of the new sections may be submitted in writing to Leslie L. Pettijohn, Consumer Credit Commissioner, 2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78705-4207.

The new sections are proposed under Texas Finance Code, §11.304, which authorizes the Finance Commission to adopt rules to enforce Title 4 of the Texas Finance Code.

Texas Finance Code, Chapters 345, 347, and 348 as well as the remainder of Title 4 are affected by these proposed new sections.

§1.901.Consumer Notifications.


When a written contract or agreement is made under the authority of Texas Finance Code, Chapter 345, 347, or 348, the contract must contain as a separate section or otherwise conspicuously set out from the surrounding written material, the following statement: "To contact (insert authorized business name of retail seller, creditor, or holder as appropriate) about this account call (insert telephone number of retail seller, creditor, or holder as appropriate). This contract is subject in whole or in part to Texas law which is enforced by the Consumer Credit Commissioner, 2601 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78705-4207; (800) 538- 1579; (512) 936-7600, and can be contacted relative to any inquiries or complaints."


The telephone number of the retail seller, creditor, or holder may be printed in conjunction with the name and address of the retail seller, creditor, or holder elsewhere on the contract or agreement provided the notice in subsection (a) of this section is amended to direct the reader's attention to the area of the contract where the telephone number may be found.


A retail seller as that term is defined in Chapter 345 or in Chapter 348 or a creditor as that term is defined in Chapter 347 may continue to use the notice as previously required by this section without modification for a period of one year following the effective date of this rule.

§1.902.Annual Registration Fees.


An annual registration fee is required for each location operated by a retail seller, creditor, holder or assignee.


An annual fee is required under the provisions of Texas Finance Code §345.351, §347.451 or §348.401 and shall be payable as follows:


a retail seller, creditor, holder, or assignee shall pay a registration fee for every chapter under which business is conducted.


retail seller, holder, creditor, or assignee who begins business under Texas Finance Code, Chapter 345, 347, or 348 shall pay the annual fee within sixty days after the first day of commencing regulated operations.


The annual fee for each subsequent calendar year shall be due and payable by October 31st of each year.


The registration is not transferable between locations. Each new location must comply with the provisions in paragraph (2) of this subsection.


No annual fee is required for a location operated by a retail seller, creditor, holder, or assignee operating under the provisions of Texas Finance Code, Chapter 345, 347, or 348 provided the personnel at the location are not conducting regulated business with the consumer (e.g. storage, web-hosting, or data processing facility).


Evidence of registration. The Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner will issue a decal evidencing registration under the provisions of Texas Finance Code, Chapter 345, 347, or 348 and this rule. This decal shall be:


Affixed to door or window of the principal entrance; or


Displayed in a prominent location readily visible to the consumer.

§1.911.Interpretations and Advisory Letters.


Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.


Advisory letter--A letter by the commissioner or a member of the staff of the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner providing an informal advisory response to an inquiry concerning provisions of the Texas Finance Code, Title 4, Subtitles A or B and is not an interpretation as defined in paragraph (3) of this subsection.


Commissioner--The commissioner of the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner.


Interpretation--A letter issued by the consumer credit commissioner and approved by the Finance Commission of Texas pursuant to Texas Civil Statutes, Texas Finance Code §14.108 interpreting a provision of Title 4, Subtitle A or B in light of certain relevant facts by the requestor.


Procedures for Finance Commission of Texas interpretations. Any person may submit a request for an interpretation. All requests must be directed to the commissioner and contain the following items:


An explicitly statement that an interpretation approved by the Finance Commission of Texas is desired.


A concise description of the contemplated transaction or activity contemplated, the legal issue raised, and all facts necessary to reach a conclusion in the matter.


A statement whether or not, to the best of the requester's knowledge, the issue to be considered is an issue in pending litigation. Matters in litigation will not ordinarily be answered.


A fee of $300 will be charged for an interpretation to compensate the agency for the expense involved in researching and answering the request. A payment of $300 should be submitted with the request. The commission may determine and remit a partial refund if deemed applicable. The commission may waive the fee.


Additional information. A requestor should also identify each provision of law involved, and indicate the writer's opinion of how the legal issues should be resolved, and the basis for that opinion, including an analysis of any relevant court decisions, as well as, all prior interpretations to which the request relates.


Processing time. Within ten business days of receipt of a valid request pursuant to this subsection, the request will be filed with the Texas Register for publication. Upon publication in the Texas Register , any party may within 30 calendar days submit briefs or proposals pertaining to the request. The agency will draft an interpretation or a response and present it to the Finance Commission of Texas for their consideration. Within ten business days of an action of the Finance Commission of Texas, a summary of the interpretation or the response will be filed with the Texas Register for publication. Copies of interpretations or responses shall contain a notation of approval and the date of action by the Finance Commission of Texas.


Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner advisory letters. Each advisory letter shall contain the following notation: "THIS ADVISORY LETTER IS NOT AN INTERPRETATION APPROVED BY THE FINANCE COMMISSION OF TEXAS PURSUANT TO TEXAS FINANCE CODE, §14.108. If an interpretation approved by the Finance Commission of Texas is desired, then an interpretation should be requested pursuant to the procedures set forth in 7 Texas Administrative Code §1.911(b)".

This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's legal authority to adopt.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State, on December 27, 1999.


Leslie L. Pettijohn


Finance Commission of Texas

Earliest possible date of adoption: February 6, 2000

For further information, please call: (512) 936-7640