Proposed Rule Reviews

Finance Commission of Texas

Title 7, Part 1

On behalf of the Finance Commission of Texas (commission), the Texas Department of Banking files this notice of intention to review and consider for readoption, revision, or repeal, the following chapter of Texas Administrative Code, Title 7, in its entirety:

Chapter 5 (Administration of Finance Agencies), comprised of §§5.100 - 5.105.

The review is conducted pursuant to Government Code, §2001.039. Comments regarding the review of this chapter, and whether the reasons for initially adopting the sections under review continue to exist, will be accepted for 30 days following the publication of this notice in the Texas Register.

Any questions or written comments pertaining to this notice of intention to review should be directed to Catherine Reyer, General Counsel, Texas Department of Banking, 2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Suite 300, Austin, Texas 78705, or e-mailed to

Any proposed changes to these sections as a result of the rule review will be published as a proposed rule in the Texas Register. Proposed rules are subject to public comment for a reasonable period prior to final adoption by the commission.


Catherine Reyer

General Counsel

Finance Commission of Texas

Filed: August 11, 2022

Texas Department of Banking

Title 7, Part 2

On behalf of the Finance Commission of Texas (commission), the Texas Department of Banking files this notice of intention to review and consider for readoption, revision, or repeal, the following chapter of Texas Administrative Code, Title 7, in its entirety:

Chapter 11 (Miscellaneous), comprised of Subchapter A (§§11.10 - 11.37).

The review is conducted pursuant to Government Code, §2001.039. Comments regarding the review of this chapter, and whether the reasons for initially adopting the sections under review continue to exist, will be accepted for 30 days following the publication of this notice in the Texas Register.

Any questions or written comments pertaining to this notice of intention to review should be directed to Catherine Reyer, General Counsel, Texas Department of Banking, 2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Suite 300, Austin, Texas 78705, or e-mailed to

Any proposed changes to these sections as a result of the rule review will be published as a proposed rule in the Texas Register. Proposed rules are subject to public comment for a reasonable period prior to final adoption by the commission.


Catherine Reyer

General Counsel

Texas Department of Banking

Filed: August 11, 2022

On behalf of the Finance Commission of Texas (commission), the Texas Department of Banking files this notice of intention to review and consider for readoption, revision, or repeal, the following chapter of Texas Administrative Code, Title 7, in its entirety:

Chapter 26 (Perpetual Care Cemeteries), comprised of §§26.1 - 26.12.

The review is conducted pursuant to Government Code, §2001.039. Comments regarding the review of this chapter, and whether the reasons for initially adopting the sections under review continue to exist, will be accepted for 30 days following the publication of this notice in the Texas Register.

Any questions or written comments pertaining to this notice of intention to review should be directed to Catherine Reyer, General Counsel, Texas Department of Banking, 2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Suite 300, Austin, Texas 78705, or e-mailed to

Any proposed changes to these sections as a result of the rule review will be published as proposed rules in the Texas Register. Proposed rules are subject to public comment for a reasonable period prior to final adoption by the commission.


Catherine Reyer

General Counsel

Texas Department of Banking

Filed: August 11, 2022

On behalf of the Finance Commission of Texas (commission), the Texas Department of Banking files this notice of intention to review and consider for readoption, revision, or repeal, the following chapter of Texas Administrative Code, Title 7, in its entirety:

Chapter 27 (Applications), comprised of §27.1.

The review is conducted pursuant to Government Code, §2001.039. Comments regarding the review of this chapter, and whether the reasons for initially adopting the section under review continue to exist, will be accepted for 30 days following the publication of this notice in the Texas Register.

Any questions or written comments pertaining to this notice of intention to review should be directed to Catherine Reyer, General Counsel, Texas Department of Banking, 2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Suite 300, Austin, Texas 78705, or e-mailed to

Any proposed changes to this section as a result of the rule review will be published as a proposed rule in the Texas Register. Proposed rules are subject to public comment for a reasonable period prior to final adoption by the commission.


Catherine Reyer

General Counsel

Texas Department of Banking

Filed: August 11, 2022

Adopted Rule Reviews

Texas Real Estate Commission

Title 22, Part 23

In accordance with Texas Government Code §2001.039, the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) has concluded its review of Texas Administrative Code, Title 22, Part 23, Chapter 537, Professional Agreements and Standard Contracts and Chapter 543, Rules Relating to the Provisions of the Texas Timeshare Act. The notice of proposed rule review was published in the March 4, 2022, issue of the Texas Register (47 TexReg 1107).

TREC has determined that the reasoned justification for adopting Texas Administrative Code, Title 22, Part 23, Chapters 537 and 543 continues to exist. Furthermore, the review process indicated that certain rules needed to be amended to further refine or better reflect current TREC procedures and policy considerations or that rules should be combined or reduced for simplification and clarity. Accordingly, amendments to 22 TAC Chapters 537 and 543 were proposed and published in the May 20, 2022, issue of the Texas Register (47 TexReg 3010) and (47 TexReg 3014), respectively, and are adopted under the Adopted Rules section of this issue of the Texas Register.

No comments were received regarding TREC's notice of review. This notice concludes TREC's review of Texas Administrative Code, Title 22, Part 23, Chapters 537 and 543.


Vanessa Burgess

General Counsel

Texas Real Estate Commission

Filed: August 10, 2022