IN ADDITION The Texas Register is required by statute to publish certain documents, including applications to purchase control of state banks, notices of rate ceilings, changes in interest rate and applications to install remote service units, and consultant proposal requests and awards. To aid agencies in communicating information quickly and effectively, other information of general interest to the public is published as space allows. Comptroller of Public Accounts Notice of International Fuel Tax Agreement Pursuant to the Tax Code, sec.153.017, the Comptroller of Public Accounts announces the implementation of the International Fuel Tax Agreement. Parties interested in additional information or viewing a copy of the International Fuel Tax Agreement should contact the Comptroller of Public Accounts, Tax Administration Division, 111 West Sixth Street, Austin, Texas 78701, or call 1- 800-252-1383 toll free. In Austin, call 463-4600. (From a Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) only, call 1-800-248-4099 toll free. In Austin, the local TDD number is 463-4621) . Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 1, 1995. TRD-9509542 Martin E. Cherry Chief, General Law Section Comptroller of Public Accounts Filed: August 1, 1995 Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner Notice of Rate Ceilings The Consumer Credit Commissioner of Texas has ascertained the following rate ceilings by use of the formulas and methods described in Title 79, Texas Civil Statutes, Article 1.04, as amended (Texas Civil Statutes, Article 5069-1. 04). [graphic] Issued in Austin, Texas, on July 31, 1995. TRD-9509618 Leslie L. Pettijohn Commissioner Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner Filed: August 2, 1995 Texas Education Agency Request for Applications Concerning State Adult Education Funding for 1995- 1996 Filing Authority. The availability of grant funds under Request for Applications (RFA) #701-95-043 is authorized by the Texas Education Code, sec.29.251. Eligible Applicants. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is requesting applications from eligible grant recipients, including public local education agencies, public postsecondary education institutions, community-based organizations, and public nonprofit agencies to provide literacy services to adults. The state plan requires that applicants must have at least one year of experience in providing adult education and literacy services. Description. The purpose of the adult education and literacy programs is to provide educational opportunities for adults who lack the level of literacy skills requisite to effective citizenship and productive employment, including services to educationally disadvantaged adults. In addition, the programs are intended to encourage the establishment of adult education programs that will: (1) enable these students to acquire the basic educational skills necessary for literate functioning; (2) provide these adults with sufficient basic education to enable them to benefit from job training and retraining programs and to obtain and retain productive employment so they might more fully enjoy the benefits and responsibilities of citizenship; and (3) enable adults who so desire to continue their education to at least the level of completion of secondary school. Eligible recipients are encouraged to maximize the state fiscal resources available for service to undereducated adults and avoid unproductive duplication of services and excessive administrative costs by coordinating and by forming consortia or cooperatives as contained in the state plan and State Board of Education (SBOE) rules for adult education. A list of the fiscal year (FY) 1994- 1995 fiscal agents may be obtained from the Division of Adult and Community Education. Eligible applicants may apply and compete for funding to provide services to a school district region, a portion of a school district, multiple school district regions, a county, or multiple counties. Dates of Project. The state adult education and literacy program will be implemented during the 1995-1996 school year. Applicants should plan for a starting date of no earlier than September 1, 1995, and an ending date of no later than August 31, 1996. Project Amount. The application package contains details regarding available funds allocated to school district regions. Selection Criteria. Applications will be selected based on the ability of each applicant to carry out all requirements contained in the RFA. The TEA reserves the right to select from the highest ranking applications those that address all requirements in the RFA. The TEA is not obligated to approve an application, provide funds, or endorse any application submitted in response to this RFA. This RFA does not commit TEA to pay any costs before an application is approved. The issuance of this RFA does not obligate TEA to award a grant or pay any costs incurred in preparing a response. Requesting the Application. A complete copy of RFA #701-95-043 may be obtained by writing the: Document Control Center, Room 6-108, Texas Education Agency, William B. Travis Building, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701, or by calling (512) 463-9304. Please refer to the RFA number in your request. Further Information. For clarifying information about the RFA, contact Dr. Pavlos Roussos, Division of Adult and Community Education, Texas Education Agency, (512) 463-9294. Deadline for Receipt of Applications. Applications must be received in the Document Control Center of the Texas Education Agency by 5:00 p.m. (Central Standard Time), Wednesday, August 30, 1995, to be considered. Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 2, 1995. TRD-9509624 Criss Cloudt Executive Associate Commissioner for Policy Planning and Information Management Texas Education Agency Filed: August 2, 1995 Request for Applications Concerning Title I, Part A-Capital Expenses, 1995- 1996 Filing Authority. The availability of grant funds under Request for Applications (RFA) #701-95-035 is authorized by Public Law (PL) 103-382, Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), Title I, Part A, sec.1120(e). Eligible Applicants. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is requesting applications from school districts that have incurred capital expenses since July 1, 1985, in serving private, religiously affiliated schools as a result of implementation of alternative delivery systems to comply with the requirements of Aguilar v. Felton. Description. Under PL 103-382, sec.1120(e), the term "capital expenses" means expenditures for noninstructional goods and services, such as: the purchase, lease, rental, and renovation of real and personal property (including, but not limited to, mobile educational units and leasing of neutral sites or space); insurance and maintenance costs; transportation; technician costs for the supervision of computer-assisted instruction (CAI); and other comparable goods and services. Under 34 CFR, sec.200.16, capital expenses do not include the purchase of instructional equipment such as computers. Dates of Project. The Title I, Part A-Capital Expenses project will be implemented during the 1995-1996 school year, starting no earlier than October 2, 1995, and ending no later than June 30, 1996. Project Amount. A state total of $1,270,913 is available for these projects, which are 100% funded from ESEA, as amended by PL 103-382, Title I, Part A- Capital Expenses. Selection Criteria. Applications submitted in response to this RFA must meet the following conditions to be considered for approval. a. The local education agency (LEA) must be planning to incur capital expenses during the 1995-1996 school year. b. Awards to LEAs for current-year capital expenses will be based on the total number of points accrued under the following criteria: 1. the average amount of funds (SAS-201) the LEA has paid for capital expenses for the years 1985-1986, 1986-1987, 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1989-1990, 1990-1991, 1991-1992, 1992-1993, 1993-1994, and 1994-1995; 2. the percentage of increase in the number of students from religiously affiliated private schools who are served in 1995-1996, compared with the average of the years 1990-1991, 1991-1992, 1992-1993, 1993-1994, and 1994-1995; 3. the average percentage of funds the LEA has paid for capital expenses in relation to its basic Chapter 1 grant for the years 1985-1986, 1986-1987, 1987- 1988, 1988-1989, 1989-1990, 1990-1991, 1991-1992, 1992-1993, 1993-1994, and 1994-1995; and 4. the average expenditure per private school student served. The TEA reserves the right to select from the highest ranking applications those that address all requirements in the RFA. The TEA is not obligated to approve an application, provide funds, or endorse any application submitted in response to this RFA. This RFA does not commit TEA to pay any costs incurred before an application is approved. The issuance of this RFA does not obligate TEA to award a grant or to pay any costs incurred in preparing a response. Requesting the Application. A complete copy of RFA #701-95-035 may be obtained by writing the: Document Control Center, Room 6-108, Texas Education Agency, William B. Travis Building, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701- 1494, or by calling (512) 463-9304. Please refer to the RFA number in your request. Further Information. For clarifying information about the RFA, contact Lou Beavers or Vivian Smyrl, Division of Accelerated Instruction, Texas Education Agency, (512) 305-9209. Deadline for Receipt of Applications. Applications must be received in the Document Control Center of the Texas Education Agency by 5:00 p.m., Monday, October 2, 1995, to be considered. Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 2, 1995. TRD-9509623 Criss Cloudt Executive Associate Commissioner for Policy Planning and Information Management Texas Education Agency Filed: August 2, 1995 Request for Proposals Concerning the State Engineering and Science Recruitment (SENSR) Fund Filing Authority. Request for Proposals (RFP) #701-95-037 is filed under the Texas Education Code, sec.51.601, Engineering and Science Recruitment Fund. Eligible Proposers. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is requesting proposals from organizations that serve groups of women or minority group members who, considering their percentages of the Texas population, are under-represented at institutions of higher education in programs of engineering, applied science, and technology. The organization must qualify for exemption from federal income tax under the Internal Revenue Code, sec.501(c)(3), and not distribute net earnings to any private shareholder or other individual. Description. The objective of this project is to allocate funds to eligible organizations to establish or operate educational programs. The programs must support the recruitment of women and members of ethnic minority groups to assist them in preparing for, or participating in, programs leading to an undergraduate degree in engineering or science from an institution of higher education. Funding also shall be used to disseminate information concerning career opportunities in engineering and science, as well as information about these programs that are funded under the requirements of the Texas Education Code, sec.sec.51.601-51.608. Dates of Project. The State Engineering and Science Recruitment (SENSR) Fund project will be implemented during school year 1995-1996. Proposers should plan for a starting date of no earlier than September 1, 1995, and an ending date of no later than August 31, 1996. Project Amount. For fiscal year 1995-1996, this project will distribute a total amount of approximately $400,000, subject to the availability of funds and approval of the commissioner of education. Funding will be provided to eligible nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations receiving contributions from other sources. For any individual program operated by an eligible proposer, funding provided under this RFP may not exceed $25,000 or 50% of the contributions received by the program in the preceding fiscal year, whichever is less. Initial funding to eligible organizations shall be allocated in proportion to the percentage of women and under-represented minority students or teachers participating in eligible programs. After all grants have been awarded, funds may be allocated to establish or continue to operate eligible programs that have not received any contributions. The total amount budgeted by the contracting project organization for administration may not exceed 11% of the total amount budgeted for all selected programs sponsored by that organization. Any money remaining on January 1 of each year may be allocated to funded organizations in proportion to each organization's calculated share as previously prescribed. Contributions are defined as gifts, grants, donations, and market value of in-kind contributions from public and private entities, including the federal government, but excluding state appropriations. Selection Criteria. Proposals will first be considered based on the ability of each proposer to satisfy all requirements contained in the RFP. Preference shall be given to programs that stress the development of mathematical and scientific competence. Programs in the social sciences (for example, psychology or sociology) will not be considered. The TEA reserves the right to select from the highest ranking proposals those that would serve the most participants who are women and under-represented minority group members in the objectives specified. Other program quality indicators are specified throughout the RFP. To be approved for funding, programs offered by eligible organizations must meet certain guidelines. Each program must: (1) use professional volunteers at each level of instruction; (2) require parental involvement; (3) coordinate with public school preparation for scientific and mathematical careers; (4) coordinate with postsecondary educational institutions, involve organizations of women and minority group members, and provide demonstrated professional leadership in educational activities for women and minority group members; and (5) be compatible with state and federal laws governing education. The TEA is not obligated to execute a resulting contract, provide funds, or endorse any proposal submitted in response to this RFP. This RFP does not commit TEA to pay any costs incurred before a contract is executed. The issuance of this RFP does not obligate TEA to award a contract or pay any costs incurred in preparing a response. Proposals will be selected for funding on or about September 15 for an effective date of September 1. For those proposers not selected for funding, TEA is not liable for any costs incurred between September 1 and the date of notification of nonselection. Requesting the Proposal. A complete copy of RFP #701-95-037 may be obtained by writing the Document Control Center, Room 6-108, Texas Education Agency, William B. Travis Building, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701, or by calling (512) 463-9304. Please refer to the RFP number in your request. Further Information. For clarifying information about this request, contact Walter Tillman, Director of Programs II, Office of Education of Special Populations and Adults, Texas Education Agency, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 463-9661. Deadline for Receipt of Proposals. Proposals must be received in the Document Control Center of the Texas Education Agency no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, September 1, 1995, to be considered. Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 2, 1995. TRD-9509625 Criss Cloudt Executive Associate Commissioner for Policy Planning and Information Management Texas Education Agency Filed: August 2, 1995 Finance Commission of Texas and Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner Notice of Public Hearing A public hearing will be held to accept oral and written testimony, evidence, data or arguments on proposed new Chapter 9, Subchapters A-E, comprised of proposed sec.sec.9.1-9.5, 9.11-9.31, 9.51-9.57, 9.71, 9.72, and 9. 81-9.84, concerning uniform practice and procedure with respect to administrative hearings and rulemakings at the Finance Commission of Texas, the Department of Banking, the Savings and Loan Department, and the Office of the Consumer Credit Commissioner. The hearing will be Tuesday, August 15, 1995, at 9:00 a.m., in the Third Floor Hearing Room, State Finance Commission Building, 2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78705-4294. If special arrangements for persons with disabilities are needed, or if additional information is desired, please contact Larry J. Craddock, Administrative Law Judge, Finance Commission of Texas, Texas Department of Banking, 2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78705-4294, (512) 475-1300. Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 1, 1995. TRD-9509577 Everette D. Jobe General Counsel/Department of Banking Finance Commission of Texas and Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner Filed: August 1, 1995 Texas General Land Office Correction of Error The Texas General Land Office proposed amendments to sec. sec.501.10-501.14. The rules appeared in the July 18, 1995, issue of the Texas Register (20 TexReg 5177). The rule contained errors as submitted. On page 5179, sec.501.14(i)(1)(F) reads as follows: "Piers, docks, wharves, bulkheads, jetties, groins, fishing cabins, and artificial reefs (including artificial reefs for compensatory mitigation) shall be limited to the minimum necessary to serve the project purpose and shall be constructed in a manner than:" The corrected version should read: "Piers, docks, wharves, bulkheads, jetties, groins, fishing cabins, and artificial reefs (including artificial reefs for compensatory mitigation) shall be limited to the minimum necessary to serve the project purpose and shall be constructed in a manner that:" On page 5204, sec.506.41(e) reads as follows: "If the any three members of the council do [chairman does] not refer a federal agency action described in detail in an OCS planet [license or permit] to the council within 45 [90] days of the date the council secretary receives a consistency certification with all required information, then the council's concurrence with the consistency certification shall be conclusively presumed. " The corrected version should read: "If any three members of the council do [the chairman does] not refer a federal agency action described in detail in an OCS plan [license or permit] to the council within 45 [90] days of the date the council secretary receives a consistency certification with all required information, then the council's concurrence with the consistency certification shall be conclusively presumed. " Texas Department of Health Notice of Emergency Cease and Desist Order Notice is hereby given that the Bureau of Radiation Control (bureau) ordered Rodelka Incorporated (registrant M-00545) of Brownsville to cease and desist performing mammographic examinations until all health related violations noted during a recent inspection have been corrected. The bureau determined that performing mammography without an adequate quality control program, and not performing or properly analyzing quality assurance tests constitute an immediate threat to public health and safety, and the existence of an emergency. A copy of all relevant material is available for public inspection at the Bureau of Radiation Control, Exchange Building, 8407 Wall Street, Austin, Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (except holidays). Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 1, 1995. TRD-9509606 Susan K. Steeg General Counsel Texas Department of Health Filed: August 2, 1995 Notice of Intent to Revoke a Certificate of Registration Pursuant to Texas Regulations for Control of Radiation (TRCR), Part 13 (25 TAC sec.289.112), the Bureau of Radiation Control (bureau), Texas Department of Health (department), filed a complaint against the following registrant: Fred L. Perez, Jr., M.D., Edinburg, (Certificate of Registration R13637). The department intends to revoke the certificate of registration; order the registrant to cease and desist use of such radiation machine(s); order the registrant to divest himself of such equipment; and order the registrant to present evidence satisfactory to the bureau that he has complied with the orders and the provisions of the Health and Safety Code, Chapter 401. If the items in the complaint are corrected within 30 days of the date of the complaint, the department will not issue an order. This notice affords the opportunity to the registrant for a hearing to show cause why the certificate of registration should not be revoked. A written request for a hearing must be received by the bureau within 30 days from the date of service of the complaint to be valid. Such written request must be filed with Richard A. Ratliff, P.E., Chief, Bureau of Radiation Control (Director, Radiation Control Program), 1100 West 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756-3189. Should no request for a public hearing be timely filed or if the items in the complaint are not corrected, the certificate of registration will be revoked at the end of the 30-day period of notice. A copy of all relevant material is available for public inspection at the Bureau of Radiation Control, Exchange Building, 8407 Wall Street, Austin, Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (except holidays). Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 1, 1995. TRD-9509605 Susan K. Steeg General Counsel Texas Department of Health Filed: August 2, 1995 Request for Funding Proposal The Texas Department of Health (TDH) is requesting proposals for the provision of genetic services to facilitate achievement of its mission of providing access to excellent, comprehensive genetic services to Texans. Comprehensive genetic services may include medical genetics, screening and diagnosis, genetic counseling, psychosocial support services, developmental screening and essential public health services such as outreach education and disease surveillance as defined in the request for funding proposal (RFP). Public and private agencies and organizations which are current or potential providers of comprehensive genetic services are eligible to apply for funds. Programs must be directed by a clinical geneticist (board certified or eligible M.D. or D.O.) This request by TDH Bureau of Women and Children for comprehensive genetic services is filed under the provisions of Title V (Maternal and Child Health Block Grant) and related state funds for the time period, January 1, 1996-August 31, 1997. Contact. Parties interested in submitting a proposal and obtaining a complete copy of the RFP should contact Linda Prentice, M.D., Director, Division of Health Promotion for Children and Adolescents, Texas Department of Health, 1100 West 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756-3199, (512) 458-7700. Due Date and Submittal Location. Proposals must be received by 5:00 p.m., September 12, 1995, by Judith Livingston, Genetics and Newborn Screening Coordinator, Bureau of Women and Children, Texas Department of Health, 1100 West 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756-3199, (512) 458-7700. Review Process. The application must first be submitted to the TDH Regional Directors in the applicant's target area(s) for review and comment. These comments should be incorporated into the application and then submitted to the TDH Central Office by September 12, 1995, for evaluation. Award Procedure. All proposals will be subject to evaluation using the criteria set forth in the RFP. Priority consideration will be given to applications that document outreach to low income individuals and underserved populations (including rural areas), clearly demonstrate plans for care coordination with primary care providers in the community and other specialty service providers, demonstrate plans for consumer-oriented services, demonstrate coordination with public health regions and local health departments and clinics in targeted service areas and demonstrate progress toward plans for measuring outcomes. TDH reserves the right to accept or reject any of the proposals received. TDH is under no legal obligation to execute a resulting contract on the basis of this notice or distribution of the RFP. Neither this notice nor the RFP commits TDH to pay for any costs incurred prior to the execution of a contract. Anticipated Schedule of Events. The anticipated schedule of events is as follows: RFP available for request August 8, 1995; Deadline for written questions on August 15, 1995; Proposals must be received by 5:00 p.m., central- standard time, September 12, 1995, to TDH Central Office. Review of Proposals September 4-8, 1995; Notice of award on September 15, 1995, or as soon as possible thereafter. Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 1, 1995. TRD-9509604 Susan K. Steeg General Counsel Texas Department of Health Filed: August 2, 1995 Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Consultant Contract Award In accordance with Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6252-11c, the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission publishes this notice of consultant contract award. The consultant proposal request was published in the May 2, 1995, issue of the Texas Register (20 TexReg 3272). The contract effort consists of providing facilitation and support services to the commission and environmental agencies from other states in their participation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in national hazardous waste policy and rule development. The contractor selected to perform this service is Ross & Associates Environmental Consulting, Ltd., 1218 Third Avenue, Suite 1207, Seattle, Washington 98101. The total value of the contract is $249,999. The contract began July 25, 1995, and will terminate December 31, 1996. The work products of the consultant will be provided on an ongoing basis to various workgroups in the form of facilitative and other support services to assist the workgroups in developing their regulatory and policy proposals. These services will include drafting agenda outlines for up to 18 meetings ranging from two to four days; providing research and analytical support; facilitating workgroup meetings; preparing meeting summaries; preparing review guides and distributing to the 50 states for comment on emerging issues; compiling state responses and reporting to the commission's project manager and EPA to facilitate resolution of disputes arising in the process; and facilitating the states' conduct of a hazardous waste forum. Issued in Austin, Texas, on July 31, 1995. TRD-9509617 Lydia Gonzalez-Gromatzky Acting Director, Legal Services Division Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Filed: August 2, 1995 Public Utility Commission of Texas Correction of Error The Public Utility Commission of Texas proposed amendments to sec.sec.22.71- 22. 73, 22.75, 22.78, and 22.80. The rules appeared in the July 11, 1995, issue of the Texas Register (20 TexReg 4995). There was an error made in the publishing of Procedural Rule 22.80. The sentence beginning with "Prior to the implementation of any new" the following words were left off. "Form or significant change to an existing form, the commission may". Notice of Intent to File Pursuant to Public Utility Commission Substantive Rule 23.27 Notice is given to the public of the intent to file with the Public Utility Commission of Texas an application pursuant to Public Utility Commission Substantive Rule 23.27 for approval of customer-specific PLEXAR-Custom Service for Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. Tariff Title and Number. Application of Southwestern Bell Telephone Company for PLEXAR-Custom Service for Texas Tech University pursuant to Public Utility Commission Substantive Rule 23.27. Tariff Control Number 14463. The Application. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company is requesting approval of an optional feature addition to the existing PLEXAR-Custom service for Texas Tech University. The geographic service market for this specific service is the Lubbock, Texas area. Persons who wish to comment upon the action sought should contact the Public Utility Commission of Texas, at 7800 Shoal Creek Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78757, or call the Public Utility Commission Consumer Affairs Division at (512) 458- 0256, or (512) 458-0221 for teletypewriter for the deaf. Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 1, 1995. TRD-9509547 Amalija J. Hodgins Secretary of the Commission Public Utility Commission of Texas Filed: August 1, 1995 Public Notices On July 27, 1995, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company filed notice to file a LRIC study pursuant to Substantive Rule 23.91 for the following basic network functions (BNF's): (1) Sent Paid Directory Assistance Call per Call, (2) Alternate Billing Directory Assistance Call per Call, (3) Personalized Ring per Line-Residence/Business, (4) Voice Grade to/from DS-1 Multiplexing per Arrangement, (5) DS-1 to/from DS-3 Multiplexing per Arrangement, (6) Network Access Channel DS-1 Level per NAC, (7) Network Access Channel DS-3 Level Quantity 1 per NAC, (8) Network Access Channel DS-3 Level Quantity 3 per NAC, (9) Network Access Channel DS-3 Level Quantity 6 per NAC, (10) Network Access Channel DS-3 Level Quantity 12 per NAC, (11) Network Access Channel DS-3 Level Quantity 24 per NAC, (12) Network Access Channel DS-3 Level Quantity 48 per NAC, (13) DS-1 Dedicated Interoffice Facility per Bandwidth Specific I/O Channel, (14) DS-3 Dedicated Interoffice Facility per Bandwidth Specific I/O Channel, (15) DS-1 Dedicated Transport Termination per Bandwidth Specific I/O Channel, (16) DS-3 Dedicated Transport Termination per Bandwidth Specific I/O Channel, (17) Dedicated Network Access Channel Connection-DS1 Level per Channel Connection; and (18) Dedicated Network Access Channel Connection-DS3 Level per Channel Connection Service in Project Numbers 12475 and 12481, Application of Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and GTE Southwest, Inc. for Approval of LRIC Studies Workplans Pursuant to Public Utility Commission Substantive Rule 23.91. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company expects to file these studies on August 8, 1995. Persons who wish to intervene or otherwise participate in these proceedings should make appropriate filings or comments to the Commission by September 22, 1995. A request to intervene, participate, or for further information should be mailed to the Public Utility Commission of Texas, 7800 Shoal Creek Boulevard, Suite 400N, Austin, Texas 78757. Further information may also be obtained by calling the Public Utility Commission Public Information Office at (512) 458- 0256. The telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) is (512) 458-0221. Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 1, 1995. TRD-9509550 Amalija J. Hodgins Secretary of the Commission Public Utility Commission of Texas Filed: August 1, 1995 On July 28, 1995, GTE Southwest Incorporated filed notice to file a LRIC study pursuant to Substantive Rule 23.91 for the following: (1) NAC DS-1 Level BNF, (2) NACC DS-1 Level BNF, (3) NAC DS-3 Level BNF, (4) NACC DS-3 Level BNF, (5) VG/DS1 Multiplexing BNF, (6) DS1/DS3 Multiplexing BNF, (7) Smart Ring Service; and (8) Custom Calling Packages Service in Project Numbers 12475 and 12481, Application of Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and GTE Southwest, Inc. for Approval of LRIC Studies Workplans Pursuant to Public Utility Commission Substantive Rule 23.91. GTE expects to file these studies on August 8, 1995. Persons who wish to intervene or otherwise participate in these proceedings should make appropriate filings or comments to the Commission by September 22, 1995. A request to intervene, participate, or for further information should be mailed to the Public Utility Commission of Texas, 7800 Shoal Creek Boulevard, Suite 400N, Austin, Texas 78757. Further information may also be obtained by calling the Public Utility Commission Public Information Office at (512) 458- 0256. The telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) is (512) 458-0221. Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 1, 1995. TRD-9509549 Amalija J. Hodgins Secretary of the Commission Public Utility Commission of Texas Filed: August 1, 1995 On July 28, 1995, GTE Southwest Incorporated filed notice to file a LRIC study pursuant to Substantive Rule 23.91 for the following: (1) DID Trunks, (2) DID Numbers BNF; and (3) DID Service in Project Number 12475 and 12481, Application of Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and GTE Southwest, Inc. for Approval of LRIC Studies Workplans Pursuant to Public Utility Commission Substantive Rule 23.91. GTE expects to file these studies on August 8, 1995. Persons who wish to intervene or otherwise participate in these proceedings should make appropriate filings or comments to the Commission by September 22, 1995. A request to intervene, participate, or for further information should be mailed to the Public Utility Commission of Texas, 7800 Shoal Creek Boulevard, Suite 400N, Austin, Texas 78757. Further information may also be obtained by calling the Public Utility Commission Public Information Office at (512) 458- 0256. The telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) is (512) 458-0221. Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 1, 1995. TRD-9509548 Amalija J. Hodgins Secretary of the Commission Public Utility Commission of Texas Filed: August 1, 1995 San Antonio-Bexar County Metropolitan Planning Organization Request for Proposals The San Antonio-Bexar County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is seeking proposals from qualified firms to conduct a Major Investment Study for the Northeast (IH-35) Corridor from US 281/IH 37 Interchange to Loop 1604 in San Antonio. The purpose of the study is to develop and refine the project plan, and assist in decision-making by the MPO in corporation with the appropriate agencies, on design and scope of the Northeast (IH-35) Corridor. A copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) may be requested by calling Betsy Boyd, Transportation Planner, at (210) 227-8651. Anyone wishing to submit a proposal must do so by Noon, August 31, 1995, at the MPO office: Heritage Plaza Building, 434 South Main, Suite 205, San Antonio, Texas 78204. A mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for 1:30 p.m., Thursday, August 10, 1995, in the VIA Metropolitan Transit Board Room at 800 West Myrtle, San Antonio, Texas. Proposals will not be accepted from any Prime Consultant who fails, for any reason, to attend the mandatory pre-proposal meeting. The contract award will be made by the MPO's Transportation Steering Committee based on the recommendation of the study's consultant selection committee. The Northeast (IH-35) Corridor Study Selection Committee will review the proposals based on the evaluation criteria listed in the RFP. Funding for this study, in the amount of $500,000 in contingent upon the availability of Federal transportation planning funds. Issued in Austin, Texas, on July 26, 1995. TRD-9509371 Charlotte A. Roszelle Office Manager/Grants Coordinator San Antonio-Bexar County Metropolitan Planning Organization Filed: July 27, 1995 State Securities Board Correction of Errors The State Securities Board proposed an amendment to sec.113.4. The rule appeared in the July 21, 1995, issue of the Texas Register (20 TexReg 5351). The following errors appeared in the text of the proposed rule sections as published. Section 113.4(g)(1)-the first two lines should be bold type. Section 113.4(g)(2)-all of paragraph (2) should be bold type. Section 113.4(g)(3)-all of paragraph (3) should be bold type. The State Securities Board proposed an amendment to sec.115.3. The rule appeared in the July 21, 1995, issue of the Texas Register (20 TexReg 5352). Section 115.3(c)(3)(C)-on lines seven and eight, "Articles 6573a et seq)" should be replaced with "Article 6573a et seq)". Section 115.3(c)(3)(I)-on line eleven, the space between "sec.13." and "D" should be eliminated. The State Securities Board proposed an amendment to sec.115.4. The rule appeared in the July 21, 1995, issue of the Texas Register (20 TexReg 5354). Section 115.4(b)(1)-on line five, "amendment" should be replaced with "amendments". Section 115.4(g)(1)-on line eleven, the space between "Form 133." and "36" should be eliminated. The State Securities Board proposed an amendment to sec.123.1. The rule appeared in the July 21, 1995, issue of the Texas Register (20 TexReg 5355). Section 123.1(b)(3)-on line nine, the space between "Commissioner" and the period should be eliminated. The State Securities Board proposed a repeal to sec.133.7. The rule appeared in the July 21, 1995, issue of the Texas Register (20 TexReg 5357). Section 133.7-on line four of new Form 133.7, the word "Form" should be replaced with "form". The State Securities Board proposed an amendment to sec.139.16. The rule appeared in the July 21, 1995, issue of the Texas Register (20 TexReg 5359). Section 139.16(e)(1)(C)-the text of subparagraph (C) should be reproduced and the word "and" at the end of the subparagraph should be bracketed. Section 139.16(e)(1)(E)-on the last line, the space between "year." and the closing quotation mark should be eliminated. Texas Department of Transportation Request for Proposals Notice of Invitation: The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) intends to engage an engineer, pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 2254, Subchapter A, and 43 TAC sec.sec.9.30-9.40, to provide the following services. The engineer selected must perform a minimum of 30% of the actual contract work to qualify for contract award. Contract #09-6XXP5007 and 09-6XXP5008 for off-system BRINSAP safety inspections and PONTIS elemental data collection in two different areas within the Waco District. The providers will be evaluated and selected based on their knowledge and experience in routine bridge inspections. The selected provider(s) will be expected to attend a two day PONTIS elemental data inspection training course conducted by TxDOT, prior to executing a contract. Deadline: A letter of interest notifying TxDOT of the provider's intent to submit a proposal shall be either hand-delivered to TxDOT, Waco District Office, to the attention of Kathy Smith, Bridge Design, 100 South Loop Drive, Waco, Texas, or mailed to TxDOT, Waco District Office, P.O. Box 1010, Waco, Texas 76703-1010. Letters of interest will be received until 5:00 p.m. May 31, 1995. The letter of interest must include the engineer's name, address, telephone number, name of engineer's contact person and number of TxDOT contract. Upon receipt of the letter of interest a Request for Proposal packet will be issued. Proposal Submittal Deadline: Proposals for contracts #09-6XXP5007 and #09- 6XXP5008 will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 5, 1995, at the previously mentioned address. Agency Contact: Requests for additional information regarding this notice of invitation should be addressed to Kathy Smith (817) 867-2747 or by FAX to (817) 867-2890. Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 2, 1995. TRD-9509634 Robert E. Shaddock General Counsel Texas Department of Transportation Filed: August 2, 1995 Texas Workers' Compensation Commission Correction of Error The Texas Workers' Compensation Commission adopted new sec.sec.166.1-166.7 and sec.166.9, concerning accident prevention services. The rules appeared in the July 18, 1995, issue of the Texas Register (20 TexReg 5248). All corrected language and punctuation is shown in italics in this notice. The following errors as submitted by the commission appear in the summary of comments portion of the preamble. (1) The word "proposed" should have been replaced with the word "adopted" in the following commission responses to comments: (A) the commission's response to the first comment in the category of definition of Field Safety Representative in sec.166.1 (20 TexReg 5250) should read "The commission disagrees, since the adopted definition is specifically designed to formalize the distinction between a Field Safety Representative and an Approved Professional Source qualification."; (B) the commission's response to the second comment in the category of general comments received on sec.166.4(c)(2) (20 TexReg 5251) should read: "The commission disagrees. The commenter's assumption that a letter to a large policyholder is sufficient to constitute "other appropriate service" in adopted sec.166.1 requires more than a letter. Additionally, the minimum service any small policyholder (under $25,000 premium) must receive in Texas is solicitation of comments by mail at least annually. To assume this requirement can be applied as the only service a large policyholder should receive is not substantiated in the rules."; (C) the commission's response to the first comment in the category of the A. M. Best Hazard Index under sec.166.4(c)(2)(B)(i) (20 TexReg 5252) should read: "The commission agrees with removing the A.M. Best Hazard Index criteria from the rules. While the A.M. Best Hazard Index is the most widely used product of its type in the insurance industry, it is not an industry standard and requiring its use could result in significant administrative costs. However, the purpose for its inclusion, a proactive approach to injury reduction, is still relevant. This goal shall be met with the use of premium triggers for service. All references to A.M. Best Hazard Index have been removed from the adopted rules."; and (D) the commission's response to the first comment in the category of educational programs under sec.166.9 (20 TexReg 5255) should read: "The commission disagrees. The standards in the adopted rule are essentially the same as required in the repealed rule. The most significant change is to restrict these programs to educational institutions. Insurance company intern programs may be used as an option to institutional programs to meet insurance company needs. See the commission response to the first comment regarding FSR training courses." (2) In the commission's response to the second comment in the category of notification of services on the declaration page under sec.166.4(c)(7) (20 TexReg 5253) all references to subparagraph (D) should have been replaced with references to subparagraph (E). The following errors, as submitted by the commission, appear in the following rules. (1) In sec.166.4(a), the word "are" should have been replaced by the word "is" in the last sentence. Subsection (a) should read: "An insurance company writing workers' compensation insurance in Texas shall maintain or provide accident prevention facilities and services and shall have them inspected by the division. An insurance company writing only excess or reinsurance is not required to maintain or provide such facilities or services." (2) In sec.166.6(a)(1)(A), a comma was inadvertently omitted from the first sentence, between the words "discounts" and "and". The subparagraph should read: "(A) a list of policyholder accounts by policyholder name, policy number, effective date or expiration date of policy, written premium before any adjustments, including deductibles or discounts, and Texas locations. The list shall be taken from the insurance company's most current records, separated by affiliated companies, arranged in descending order by premium, and include all policies which had been in effect or have been written since the policyholder list was prepared for the last inspection of the insurance company's accident prevention services by the division; and" (3) In sec.166.7(a)(2), some text was inadvertently omitted. Paragraph (2) should read: "Based on the information obtained under subsection (a)(1) of this section and a review of the selected files and other accident prevention related information, the division inspector shall make the insurance company representative aware of any areas of non-compliance noted. The insurance company will be afforded an opportunity to respond to the findings. The inspector shall evaluate the adequacy of the accident prevention services of the insurance company and, if no other relevant information is available or anticipated, advise the insurance company's representative of the resulting conclusions."