OPEN MEETINGS Agencies with statewide jurisdiction must give at least seven days notice before an impending meeting. Institutions of higher education or political subdivisions covering all or part of four or more counties (regional agencies) must post notice at least 72 hours before a scheduled meeting time. Some notices may be received too late to be published before the meeting is held, but all notices are published in the Texas Register. Emergency meetings and agendas. Any of the governmental entities listed above must have notice of an emergency meeting, an emergency revision to an agenda, and the reason for such emergency posted for at least two hours before the meeting is convened. All emergency meeting notices filed by governmental agencies will be published. Posting of open meeting notices. All notices are posted on the bulletin board at the main office of the Secretary of State in lobby of the James Earl Rudder Building, 1019 Brazos, Austin. These notices may contain a more detailed agenda than what is published in the Texas Register. Meeting Accessibility. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, an individual with a disability must have an equal opportunity for effective communication and participation in public meetings. Upon request, agencies must provide auxiliary aids and services, such as interpreters for the deaf and hearing impaired, readers, large print or braille documents. In determining type of auxiliary aid or service, agencies must give primary consideration to the individual's request. Those requesting auxiliary aids or services should notify the contact person listed on the meeting summary several days prior to the meeting by mail, telephone, or RELAY Texas (1-800-735-2989). State Bar of Texas Thursday-Friday, August 10-11, 1995, 9:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., respectively. The Texas Law Center, 1414 Colorado, Room 206 Austin Texas Commission for Lawyer Discipline AGENDA: Call to order/introductions/review minutes of prior meetings/report on matters unresolved at prior meetings/review and discuss statistical reports; Commission's compliance with State Bar Act, Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure and Orders of the Supreme Court; budget and operations of the General Counsel and the Commission; grievance committee issues; special counsel program; mediation of disciplinary matters/presentations by trail staff regarding their dockets/Closed Session to discuss: pending litigation and evidentiary cases; assignment of special counsel to disciplinary cases; personnel matters/Public Session to discuss and take appropriate action with respect to matters discussed in closed session/discuss future meetings/discuss other matters as may appropriately come before the Commission/review public comment/adjourn. Contact: Anne McKenna, P.O. Box 12487, Austin, Texas 78711, 1 (800) 204-2222. Filed: August 2, 1995, 2:58 p.m. TRD-9509672 Conservatorship Board Tuesday, August 8, 1995, 9:00 a.m. 710 Brazos, Perry Brooks Building Austin Emergency Meeting AGENDA: Call to order; approval of July 25, 1995 minutes; executive session to discuss personnel matters; reconvene; action on administrative hearing decisions; in the matter of the license of Gary W. Cox (#517-95-0618), in the matter of the license of Joe Bob Fisher (#517-95-0696), in the matter of the license of David M. Park (#517-95-0697), in the matter of the license of Gary P. Chambers (#517- 95-0617), and in the matter of the appeal of Transitional Treatment Centers, Inc. (517-94-2099); approval of compliance guide rules; review of organizational chart; and adjournment. Reason for emergency: Necessary for Conservatorship Board to meet in order to meet statutory mandate. Contact: Tomm Mann, 710 Brazos, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 867-8809. Filed: August 3, 1995, 9:34 a.m. TRD-9509620 State Board of Dental Examiners Friday, August 11, 1995, 9:30 a.m. SBDE Offices, 333 Guadalupe, Tower Three, Suite 800 Austin Credentials Review Committee AGENDA: I. Call to order II. Roll call III. Approval of minutes of July 14, 1995 committee meeting IV. Review applications for licensure by credentials and make recommendations to the Board of approval or denial of said applications V. Discuss and consider proposing amendments to Rule 101.7-licensure by credentials for dentists VI. Announcements VII. Adjourn Contact: Douglas A. Beran, Ph.D., 333 Guadalupe, Tower Three, Suite 800, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 463-6400. Filed: August 1, 1995, 3:50 p.m. TRD-9509593 Friday, August 11, 1995, 10:00 a.m. SBDE Offices, 333 Guadalupe, Tower Three, Suite 800 Austin Dental Hygiene Advisory Committee AGENDA: I. Call to order II. Roll call III. Approval of minutes from July 21, 1995 committee meeting IV. Discuss and consider rules proposed at the June 30 and July 21 meetings that define licensure by credentials for dental hygienists V. Announcements VI. Adjourn. Contact: Douglas A. Beran, Ph.D., 333 Guadalupe, Tower Three, Suite 800, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 463-6400. Filed: August 1, 1995, 3:50 p.m. TRD-9509589 Friday, August 11, 1995, Noon SBDE Offices, 333 Guadalupe, Tower Three, Suite 800 Austin Credentials Review Committee and Dental Hygiene Advisory Committee AGENDA: I. Call to order II. Roll call III. Discuss and consider rules proposed at the joint meeting held on June 30, 1995 between the credentials review committee and the dental hygiene advisory committee and the July 21, 1995 dental hygiene advisory committee meeting that defined licensure by credentials for dental hygienists IV. Announcements V. Adjourn Contact: Douglas A. Beran, Ph.D., 333 Guadalupe, Tower Three, Suite 800, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 463-6400. Filed: August 1, 1995, 3:50 p.m. TRD-9509590 Friday, August 11, 1995, 2:00 p.m. SBDE Offices, 333 Guadalupe, Tower Three, Suite 800 Austin Board Meeting AGENDA: I. Call to order II. Roll call III. Executive Session to discuss pending litigation pursuant to Article 551.071, Texas Government Code, Texas Civil Statutes, 1994, Cause Number 94- 01264-L, Dale Silver Robinowitz vs TSBDE, District Court Dallas County, 193rd Judicial District. IV. Adjourn Contact: Douglas A. Beran, Ph.D., 333 Guadalupe, Tower Three, Suite 800, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 463-6400. Filed: August 1, 1995, 3:49 p.m. TRD-9509587 Wednesday, August 16, 1995, 10:00 a.m. SBDE Offices, 333 Guadalupe, Tower Three, Suite 800 Austin Continuing Education Committee AGENDA: I. Call to order II. Roll call III. Discuss and consider process for proposing rules to develop criteria defining continuing education requirements for dentists and dental hygienists IV. Discuss and consider process for selecting providers to the continuing education program V. Discuss and consider proposing rules to develop criteria for continuing education requirements for dentists and dental hygienists VI. Announcements VII. Adjourn Contact: Douglas A. Beran, Ph.D., 333 Guadalupe, Tower Three, Suite 800, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 463-6400. Filed: August 1, 1995, 3:49 p.m. TRD-9509588 Friday, August 18, 1995, 8:30 a.m. William Hobby Building, Hearing Room 102, First Floor Lobby, 333 Guadalupe Austin Settlement Conference Hearing AGENDA: I. Call to order II. Discuss and consider the following complaints A. 94-183-0105K B. 94-356-0428K C. 95-042-0929B D. 94-379-0509B E. 94-216-0124K F. 94-029-0920B III. Executive Session to discuss pending contemplated litigation pursuant to Article 551.071, Texas Government Code, Texas Civil Statutes, 1994 A. 94-183-0105K B. 94-356-0428K C. 95-042-0929B D. 94-379-0509B E. 94-216-0124K F. 94-029-0920B IV. Adjourn Contact: Douglas A. Beran, Ph.D., 333 Guadalupe, Tower Three, Suite 800, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 463-6400. Filed: August 1, 1995, 3:50 p.m. TRD-9509591 Saturday, August 19, 1995, 8:30 a.m. William Hobby Building, Hearing Room 102, First Floor Lobby, 333 Guadalupe Austin Settlement Conference Hearing Austin AGENDA: I. Call to order II. Discuss and consider the following complaints A. 94-005-0907K B. 94-016-0907K C. 94-088-1104M D. 94-282-0316S E. 94-363-0502B F. 95-050-1004B III. Executive Session to discuss pending contemplated litigation pursuant to Article 551.071, Texas Government Code, Texas Civil Statutes, 1994 A. 94-005-0907K B. 94-016-0907K C. 94-088-1104M D. 94-282-0316S E. 94-363-0502B F. 95-050-1004B IV. Adjourn Contact: Douglas A. Beran, Ph.D., 333 Guadalupe, Tower Three, Suite 800, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 463-6400. Filed: August 1, 1995, 3:50 p.m. TRD-9509592 Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities Thursday, August 10, 1995, 1:00 p.m. Hilton Hotel, 6000 Middle Fiskville Road, Hill Country A-B Room Austin Executive Committee Meeting AGENDA: Thursday, August 10, 1995 1:00 p.m.-1. Call to order 2. Public comments 3. Approval of minutes 4. Consideration of stipend funds application 5. Associate member travel policy 6. Update on federal funding 2:00 p.m.-Adjourn Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services such as interpreters for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired, readers, large print or Braille, are requested to contact Rosalinda Lopez at (512) 483-4094. Contact: Roger Webb, 4900 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78751, (512) 483-4080. Filed: August 2, 1995, 12:45 p.m. TRD-9509648 Thursday-Friday, August 10-11, 1995, 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m., respectively. Hilton Hotel, 6000 Middle Fiskville Road Austin Council Meeting AGENDA: Thursday, August 10, 1995 2:00 p.m.-1. Call to order 2. Introductions 3. Public comments 4. Consent agenda items (marked with *) 5. * Approval of minutes 6. Advocacy and Public Information Committee report A. Recommendations on federal legislation and policy matters 1. DD Act appropriations 2. Labor, HHHS, and education appropriations 3. Children's SSI Program proposal 4. Workforce consolidation proposals 5. Community Attendant Services Act proposal Break B. Discussion on other federal policy matters C. Update on state policy issues D. Public information report 5:00 p.m.-Recess Friday, August 11, 1995 9:00 a.m.-Reconvene 1. Introductions 2. Continuation of unfinished business 3. Presentation: Inclusion Works! Project 4. Chair's report 5. Executive director's report 6. Executive Committee report A. * Proposed fiscal year 1996 budget B. * Associate member C. Report items 7. Planning Committee report A. * Proposed State Plan amendment B. Report items 8. Announcements 2:30 p.m.-Adjourn Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services such as interpreters for persons who are deaf of hearing impaired, readers, large print or Braille, are requested to contact Rosalinda Lopez at (512) 483-4094. Contact: Roger Webb, 4900 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78751, (512) 483-4080. Filed: August 2, 1995, 12:44 p.m. TRD-9509647 Texas Education Agency Monday, August 21, 1995, 9:00 a.m. Texas Education Agency Headquarters, William B. Travis Building, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Room 1-104 Texas Environmental Education Advisory Committee (TEEAC) AGENDA: Welcome and introductions Discussion of the combination of Texas Environmental Education Advisory Committee's programs Presentation by the TEEAC fund-Funds needed during the 1995-1996 fiscal year Subcommittee reports: Finance, Institutional Resources, Communications, Teacher Standards, Rio Grande Border Task Force Development of plans for TEEAC staff development sites' annual meeting on September 8, 1995 Reports: TEEAC representation to other conferences, City of Austin award, announcements Election of officers Contact: Irene Pickhardt, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 463-9556. Filed: August 2, 1995, 12:03 p.m. TRD-9509643 State Employee Charitable Campaign Wednesday, August 23, 1995, Noon. Abilene State School, 2501 Maple Street Abilene Local Employee Committee-Abilene AGENDA: 1. Review 1994 campaign 2. Plan 1995 campaign Contact: Dixie Bassett, 240 Cypress, Abilene, Texas 79604-0082, (915) 677-1841, Fax: (915) 677-1844. Filed: August 1, 1995, 12:53 p.m. TRD-9509557 Office of the Governor-Criminal Justice Division Wednesday-Thursday, August 9-10, 1995, 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., respectively. (Rescheduled from Wednesday-Thursday, August 9-10, 1995, 8:45 a. m.) 1100 North Stanton, Suite 610, Main Conference Room El Paso Emergency Revised Agenda Governor's Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Board Annual Planning Meeting AGENDA: August 9, 1995 I. Call to order; II. Welcome; III. Approval of minutes; IV. 1997 Plan process; V. Results of public hearings; VI. Draft problem statements for the 1997 Plan; VII. Board discussion of draft problem statements; VIII. Fiscal year 1997 fund allocations; IX. Staff reports; X. Adjourn. August 10, 1995 I. Call to order; II. Board prioritization of problem statements for the 1997 State Plan; III. Implementation; IV. Adjourn. Reason for emergency: To meet in conjunction with the Governor's Town Hall meeting which is focusing on juvenile justice issues. Contact: Glenn Brooks, P.O. Box 12428, Austin, Texas 78711, (512) 463-1944. Filed: August 2, 1995, 9:13 a.m. TRD-9509616 Friday, August 11, 1995, 10:00 a.m. Criminal Justice Division, 221 East 11th Street, First Floor Conference Room Austin Governor's Planning Council for STOP, Violence Against Women AGENDA: I. Call to order; II. Introduction of members; III. Designation of chair and vice-chair; IV. Review of planning council's mission and tasks; V. Review Committee composition and structure; VI. Discuss members roles and challenges; VII. Develop mission statement; VIII. Discuss coordination and collaboration requirements-includes two videos; IX. Review demographics; X. Work planning; XI. Timelines; XII. Adjourn. Contact: Carol Funderburgh, P.O. Box 12428, Austin, Texas 78711, (512) 463- 1929. Filed: August 2, 1995, 3:12 p.m. TRD-9509675 Thursday, August 17, 1995, 10:00 a.m. Insurance Annex Building, 221 East 11th Street Austin Texas Narcotics Control Program AGENDA: The Governor's Drug Policy Advisory Board is having a meeting to discuss the Strategy for Drug and Violent Crime Control for 1996 to be published in January 1996. I. Call to order II. Discussion of strategy III. Prioritization of authorized purpose areas IV. Adjourn Contact: Sharon Chesnutt, P.O. Box 12428, Austin, Texas 78711-2428, (512) 463- 1957. Filed: August 1, 1995, 12:55 p.m. TRD-9509558 Texas Department of Health Tuesday, August 15, 1995, 9:00 a.m. 9101 Burnet Road, Room 104 Austin Texas Department of Health/Board of Nurse Examiners Memorandum of Understanding Advisory Committee AGENDA: The Committee will discuss and possibly act on: introduction of committee members, Texas Department of Health (TDH) and Board of Nurse Examiners (BNE) staff and guests; drawing of terms; overview or committee's responsibilities and limitations; current TDH/BNE memorandum of understanding; and public comment. Contact: Merrie Duflot, 1100 West 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756, (512) 834- 6648. For ADA assistance, contact Richard Butler (512) 458-7695 or T.D.D. (512) 458-7708 at least two days prior to the meeting. Filed: August 2, 1995, 3:14 p.m. TRD-9509676 Texas State Library and Archives Commission Friday, August 18, 1995, 10:00 a.m. Lorenzo de Zavala Building-Room 202, 1201 Brazos Street Austin Texas Historical Records Advisory Board AGENDA: 1. Approval of minutes of meeting-January 25, 1995 2. Review and discussion of consultant report on statewide assessment survey and strategic plan 3. Discussion of committee assignments and responsibilities 4. Report-Status of information brochure 5. Report-Status of board appointments 6. Report-Status of NHPRC executive director and budget 7. Determination of site and date of next meeting Contact: Chris LaPlante, P.O. Box 12927, Austin, Texas 78711, (512) 463-5467. Filed: August 1, 1995, 3:15 p.m. TRD-9509580 Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Monday, August 28, 1995, 7:00 p.m. Gordon Public Schools Cafeteria, 112/116 Rusk Street Gordon AGENDA: On an application by Blue Flats Disposal, Inc., Proposed Permit Number MSW2247, to authorize a Type I (Landfill) municipal solid waste facility. The proposed facility covers approximately 140.872 acres of land, is to receive approximately 640 tons of solid waste per day, and is to be located on the north side of Interstate 20 at the Blue Flat/Panama Road exit, four miles east of the City of Gordon in Palo Pinto County. Contact: Charles Stavley or Ann Scudday, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711, (512) 239-6687 or (512) 239-4756. Filed: August 3, 1995, 8:10 a.m. TRD-9509680 Wednesday, August 30, 1995, 9:30 a.m. Room 201S of Building E, 12118 North IH-35, TNRCC Park 35 Office Complex Austin AGENDA: For an agenda hearing to consider costs for Watermaster operations in the South Texas Water Division for fiscal year 1996, which begins on September 1, 1995. The South Texas Water Division consists of the Nueces, San Antonio, and Guadalupe River Basins, as well as the Lavaca-Guadalupe Coastal Basin, the San Antonio-Nueces Coastal Basin, and the Nueces-Rio Grande Coastal Basin, except that part of the Nueces-Rio Grande Coastal Basin located in Hidalgo, Cameron, Willacy, and Starr counties. The executive director recommends the commission set a base charge of $50 applicable to each assessment account, a reinstatement fee of $25 for delinquent payments, and a total amount to be assessed for collection in fiscal year 1996 of $354,404. For a complete listing of the itemized assessment rates, contact Toby Cisneroz, 140 Heimer Road, Suite 440, San Antonio, Texas 78232-5028, or telephone him at (210) 494-3556 in San Antonio or, if long distance, dial 1-800-733-2733. Docket Number 95-1195-WR. Contact: Toby Cisneroz, Mail Code 211, 140 Heimer Road, Suite 440, San Antonio, Texas 78232-5028, (210) 494-3556 in San Antonio, or dial 1-800-733-2733 if long distance. Filed: August 1, 1995, 3:19 p.m. TRD-9509581 Wednesday, August 30, 1995, 6:00 p.m. Fort Bend County Building and Mustang Park, 4725 F.M. 521 Fresno AGENDA: On an application by American 3CI, Proposed Registration Number MSW40079, to construct and operate a Type V municipal solid waste transfer facility. The proposed site contains approximately 1.944 acres of land and will accept approximately 1.5 million pounds of waste per month. The proposed facility will be located at 2725C F.M. 521N, in the City of Fresno, in Fort Bend County, Texas. Contact: Charles Stavley or Ann Scudday, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711, (512) 239-6687 or (512) 239-4756. Filed: August 3, 1995, 8:10 a.m. TRD-9509681 Board of Nurse Examiners Friday, August 18, 1995, 9:30 a.m. 9101 Burnet Road, Suite 104 Austin Nursing Practice Advisory Committee AGENDA: 9:30 a.m. Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes of April 21, 1995, meeting Approval of agenda 9:45 a.m. Draft position statement in competency 10:30 a.m. Guidelines for renewal of expired license 10:45 a.m. Break 11:00 a.m. Guidelines for graduate nurses 11:15 a.m. Nursing issues from open discussion of April 21, 1995 meeting 1. Treatment of pain 2. Nurses employed by insurance companies as screening agents 3. Accustomation course for foreign educated nurses Noon. Working lunch 12:45 p.m. Open discussion 1:45 p.m. Break 2:00 p.m. Comments from committee members 2:30 p.m. Comments from observers 2:40 p.m. Set agenda for next meeting 3:00 p.m. Adjourn Contact: Kathy Burshnick, Box 140466, Austin, Texas 78714, (512) 873-6599. Filed: August 1, 1995, 4:31 p.m. TRD-9509594 Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners Friday, August 11, 1995, 9:00 a.m. 3001 South Lamar Boulevard, Suite 101 Austin Investigations Committee AGENDA: I. Call to order II. Consideration and possible action on cases 95152, 95129, 95102, 95099, 95144, 95141, 95096, 95142, 95058, 95157, 95056, 95126, 95162, 95161, 95160, 95165, 94022 III. Consideration and possible recommendation regarding felony applicants IV. Informal conferences: Case #95126, 94162 V. Discussion and review of ranges of disciplinary actions VI. Adjourn Contact: Gerard Swain, 3001 South Lamar Boulevard, Suite 101, Austin, Texas 78704, (512) 443-8202. Filed: August 2, 1995, 11:48 a.m. TRD-9509642 Texas Department of Public Safety Friday, August 11, 1995, 1:00 p.m. DPS Headquarters, 5805 North Lamar Boulevard Austin Public Safety Commission AGENDA: Approval of minutes Budget matters Internal audit report Personnel matters Pending and contemplated litigation Real Estate matters Public comment Miscellaneous and other unfinished business Discharge Appeal Hearing of DPS Employee Arturo Moreno Discharge Appeal Hearing of DPS Employee Robert Maldonado Contact: James Wilson, 5805 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78752, (512) 465-2000, Ext. 3700 Filed: August 2, 1995, 3:02 p.m. TRD-9509673 Public Utility Commission of Texas Wednesday, August 2, 1995, 9:00 a.m. 7800 Shoal Creek Boulevard Austin Emergency Revised Agenda AGENDA: In addition to the previously submitted agenda, the commissioners will also consider emergency procedures related to the State Emergency Management System because of the impending hurricane scheduled to hit the Texas Coast as early as Wednesday, August 2, 1995. Reason for emergency: Prompt commission action is necessary in order to take action with regard to the impending hurricane scheduled to hit the Texas Coast as early as August 2, 1995. Contact: Amalija J. Hodgins, 7800 Shoal Creek Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78757, (512) 458-0100. Filed: August 1, 1995, 4:42 p.m. TRD-9509596 Tuesday, October 24, 1995, 10:00 a.m. 7800 Shoal Creek Boulevard Austin Hearings Division AGENDA: A hearing on the merits will be held at the above date and time in Docket Number 14435-Application of Southwestern Electric Power Company for approval of agreement for electric service to Eastman Chemical Company. Contact: Amalija J. Hodgins, 7800 Shoal Creek Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78757, (512) 458-0100. Filed: August 1, 1995, 10:14 a.m. TRD-9509544 Stephen F. Austin State University Monday, August 7, 1995, 12:30 p.m. 1936 North Street, Room 307, Austin Building Nacogdoches Board of Regents, Finance Committee AGENDA: Consideration of recommendation regarding 1995-1996 budget and related agenda items. (Posted for August 7th and 8th) Contact: Dan Angel, P.O. Box 6078, Nacogdoches, Texas 75962-6078, (409) 468- 2201. Filed: August 2, 1995, 11:48 a.m. TRD-9509640 Texas Tech University and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Friday, August 11, 1995, 8:00 a.m. Board of Regents' Meeting Room, Administration Building, Campus Lubbock Executive Session AGENDA: Approve June 9, 1995 minutes. Consider: V.T.C.A. Government Code sec.551.074-Personnel matters: a. employee disciplinary matter; and b. employee evaluations and V.T.C.A. Government Code sec.551.071-Pending and contemplated litigation update. Reports. Contact: Donna Davidson Kittrell, Box 42011, Lubbock, Texas 79409, (806) 742- 2138. Filed: August 1, 1995, 3:45 p.m. TRD-9509583 Friday, August 11, 1995, 10:30 a.m. or following executive session. 104 Academic Conference Room, Administration Building, Campus Lubbock Campus and Building AGENDA: Approve June 9, 1995, committee meeting minutes. Consider: Texas Tech University: Authorization for president to approve and submit Campus Master Plan for the University to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to comply with the October 15, 1995 deadline; renaming the Ex-Students Association Building to Gerald and Louise Merket Alumni Center Building; authorization for the president to proceed with planning, establish a project budget and appoint a project architect, approve the schematic design, authorization to proceed with contract documents and the receipt of bids and authorization for the president to award a construction contract for the renovation of Fuller Track; authorization for president to proceed with planning, establish a project budget and appoint a project architect for replacement of windows in Sneed Hall; authorization for the president to proceed with planning, establish a planning budget and appoint an architect to complete a needs analysis for Carpenter/Wells Hall; authorization for president to proceed with planning, establish a project budget, appoint a project engineer, approve schematic design and proceed with contract documents and the receipt of bids for renovation of the mechanical system in Horn/Knapp residence halls; authorization for president to proceed with planning, establish a planning budget and appoint a project architect for roof replacement on East Research Center Building; and authorization for president to approve plans and specifications and authorizes construction for the expansion of the Ronald McDonald House to provide eight additional bedrooms for temporary housing for families under care of University Medical Center Hospital. Reports. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center: Authorization for the president to approve and submit the Master Plan for the Health Sciences Center to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to comply with the October 15, 1995 deadline; authorization for the president to proceed with planning, establish a planning budget and appoint a project architect for design and development of an Ambulatory Health Center for the TTUHSC at Odessa; authorization for the president to proceed with planning; establish a project budget, appoint a project architect, approve the schematic design and authorization for the president to proceed with contract documents and the receipt of bids for completion of the renovation of the Neurology Clinic on the third floor, Pod A, of the HSC Building, Lubbock; authorization for the president to award a construction contract for the completion of the infrastructure in Mechanical Room D, Phase I, of the HSC Building, Lubbock; and authorization for the president to proceed with planning, approve schematic design, establish a project budget, proceed with contract documents for submittal to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for review and approval for completion of Phase II of the TTUHSC at El Paso. Reports. Contact: Donna Davidson Kittrell, Box 42011, Lubbock, Texas 79409, (806) 742- 2161. Filed: August 1, 1995, 3:45 p.m. TRD-9509586 Friday, August 11, 1995, 10:30 a.m. or following executive session. Board of Regents' Meeting Room, Administration Building, Campus Lubbock Finance and Administration AGENDA: Approve June 9, 1995, committee meeting minutes. Consider: Texas Tech University: TTU operating budget for fiscal year 1996; revisions to Board of Regent's Policy 04.05, Contracting Policies and Procedures; approval and adoption of an amended policy statement for the investments of institutional funds of TTU; authorization to request the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to set a tuition rate for residents of the states of New Mexico and Oklahoma effective with the fall, 1995 semester; approval of a cooperative purchasing agreement with Houston-Galveston Area Council; approval of the exemption of senior citizens from the payment of tuition; appointment of members to the Board of Directors of the TT Foundation; acceptance of gifts-in-kind with value in excess of $25,000; authorization to increase the price of men's and women's regular season collegiate basketball tickets; approval of an agreement for the radio rights to the men's basketball and football games; ratification of administrative actions relating to finance: a. delegation of officers and administrators to approve travel; b. delegation of officers and/or employees to approve official travel reimbursements from appropriated funds; c. delegation of officers and/or employees to authorize and approve expenditures from appropriated funds; d. specification of officers and/or employees to sign checks; e. specification of officers and/or employees to sign cashier's checks only; f. specification of officers and/or employees to authorize wire transfers; g. delegation of officers and/or employees to approve and sign documents for the sale purchase and transfer of securities owned or controlled by the University; budget adjustments for the period of May 1, 1995 through June 30, 1995; and salary adjustments to be effective September 1, 1995. Reports Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center: TTUHSC operating budget for fiscal year 1996; revisions to Board of Regent's Policy 04.05, Contracting Policies and Procedures; approval and adoption of an amended policy statement for the investments of institutional funds of TTUHSC; approval of the exemption of senior citizens from the payment of tuition; ratification of administrative actions relating to finance: a. delegation of officers and administrators to approve travel; b. delegation of officers and/or employees to approve official travel reimbursements from appropriated funds; c. delegation of officers and/or employees to authorize and approve expenditures from appropriated funds; d. specification of officer and/or employees to sign checks; e. specification of officers and/or employees to sign cashier's checks only; f. specification of officers and/or employees to authorize wire transfers; g. delegation of officers and/or employees to approve and sign documents for the sale, purchase and transfer of securities owned or controlled by the HSC; and salary adjustments to be effective September 1, 1995. Reports. Contact: Donna Davidson Kittrell, Box 42011, Lubbock, Texas 79409, (806) 742- 2138. Filed: August 1, 1995, 3:45 p.m. TRD-9509585 Friday, August 11, 1995, 10:30 a.m. or following executive session. Board of Regents' Committee Room, Administration Building, Campus Lubbock Academic and Student Affairs and Academic, Clinical and Student Affairs AGENDA: Approve June 9, 1995, committee meeting minutes. Consider: Texas Texas University: Revisions to Board of Regent's Policy 01.01, By-Laws of the Board of Regents of Texas Tech University; approval of Biennial Operating Plan for Information Resources Management for TTU; approval of ethics policy for faculty and staff; consideration of degree program leading to a Master of Arts degree in Applied Linguistics; adoption of resolution supporting Lubbock/Reese Redevelopment Committee, its goals and objectives, and the appointment of President Lawless to the committee; finding of fact regarding the appointment of an employee to another position of honor, trust or profit; and ratification of administrative actions related to academic and student affairs: a. Leaves of absence; b. commissioning of peace officers; and c. establish the Center for Financial Responsibility in the College of Human Sciences. Reports. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center: Revisions to Board of Regent's Policy 01.01, By-Laws of the Board of Regents of Texas University Health Sciences Center; approval of the Biennial Operating Plan for Information Resources Management for TTUHSC; approval of an ethics policy for faculty and staff; faculty grievance policy for the School of Medicine; revision of intellectual property policy; approval of the addendum to the affiliation agreement between TTUHSC and Medical Center Hospital for funding of resident and other services; approval of the renewal of the interagency cooperation contract between TTUHSC and the Managed Health Care Advisory Committee and all related subcontracts to provide health care to prison, jail, hospital inmates and clients of the Texas Youth Commission; approval to renew the contract between TTUHSC and Midland County Hospital District for resident and faculty support; approval to renew the contract between TTUHSC and Life Management Center for Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services to provide psychiatric crisis stabilization to clients of Life Management Center; granting of academic tenure with appointment, consideration of faculty disciplinary action and notice of non-appointment; and ratification: commissioning of peace officer. Reports. Contact: Donna Davidson Kittrell, Box 42011, Lubbock, Texas 79409, (806) 742- 2161. Filed: August 1, 1995, 3:45 p.m. TRD-9509584 Friday, August 11, 1995, 10:30 a.m. or following executive session. Board of Regents' Meeting Room, Administration Building, Campus Lubbock Revised Agenda Finance and Administration AGENDA: Approve June 9, 1995, committee meeting minutes. Consider: Texas Tech University: TTU operating budget for fiscal year 1996; revisions to Board of Regent's Policy 04.05, Contracting Policies and Procedures; approval and adoption of an amended policy statement for the investments of institutional funds of TTU; authorization to request the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to set a tuition rate for residents of the states of New Mexico and Oklahoma effective with the fall, 1995 semester; approval of a cooperative purchasing agreement with Houston-Galveston Area Council; approval of the exemption of senior citizens from the payment of tuition; appointment of members to the Board of Directors of the TT Foundation; acceptance of gifts-in-kind with value in excess of $25,000; authorization to increase the price of men's and women's regular season collegiate basketball tickets; authorize the president to award and sign an agreement for the radio rights to the men's basketball and football games; ratification of administrative actions relating to finance: a. delegating of officers and administrators to approve travel; b. delegation of officers and/or employees to approve official travel reimbursements from appopriated funds; c. delegation of officers and/or employees to authorize and approve expenditures from appropriated funds; d. specification of officers and/or employees to sign checks; e. specification of officers and/or employees to sign cashier's checks only; f. specification of officers and/or employees to authorize wire transfers; g. delegation of officers and/or employees to approve and sign documents for the sale purchase and transfer of securities owned or controlled by the University; and budget adjustments for the period May 1, 1995 through June 30, 1995. Reports. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center: TTUHSC operating budget for fiscal year 1996; revisions to Board of Regent's Policy 04.05, Contracting Policies and Procedures; approval and adoption of an amended policy statement for the investments of institutional funds of TTUHSC; approval of the exemption of senior citizens from the payment of tuition; and ratification of administrative actions relating to finance: a. delegation of officers and administrators to approve travel; b. delegation of officers and/or employees to approve official travel reimbursements from appopriated funds; c. delegation of officers and/or employees to authorize and approve expenditures from appropriated funds; d. specification of officers and/or employees to sign checks; e. specification of officers and/or employees to sign cashier's checks only; f. specification of officers and/or employees to authorize wire transfers; g. delegation of officers and/or employees to approve and sign documents for the sale, purchase and transfer of securities owned or controlled by the HSC. Reports. Contact: Donna Davidson Kittrell, Box 42011, Lubbock, Texas 79409, (806) 742- 2161. Filed: August 3, 1995, 10:02 a.m. TRD-9509688 Friday, August 11, 1995, 1:00 p.m. Board Suite, Administration Building, Campus Lubbock Board of Regents AGENDA: Action and/or reports on: Minutes; Academic and Student Affairs; Academic Clinical and Student Affairs; Finance and Administration; Campus and Building; and president's report. Contact: Donna Davidson Kittrell, Box 42011, Lubbock, Texas 79409, (806) 742- 2161. Filed: August 1, 1995, 3:45 p.m. TRD-9509582 Friday, August 11, 1995, 1:00 p.m. Board Suite, Administration Building, Campus Lubbock Revised Agenda Board of Regents AGENDA: Action and/or reports on: Minutes; Academic and Student Affairs; Academic Clinical and Student Affairs; Finance and Administration; Campus and Building; and president's report. Revisions are as follows: Under TTU Finance and Administration, add Item IV. 9a; revise Item IV.11; delete Item IV.14. Under TTUHSC Finance and Administration, delete Item IV.6. Contact: Donna Davidson Kittrell, Box 42011, Lubbock, Texas 79409, (806) 742- 2161. Filed: August 3, 1995, 9:59 a.m. TRD-9509687 Regional Meetings Meetings Filed August 1, 1995 The Blanco County Appraisal District 1995 Board of Directors will meet at 200 North Avenue G, Johnson City, August 8, 1995, at Noon. Information may be obtained from Hollis Boatright, P.O. Box 338, Johnson City, Texas 78636, (210) 868-4013. TRD-9509556. The Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission Board of Directors will meet at 2910 La Force Boulevard, Midland, August 9, 1995, at 1: 30 p.m. Information may be obtained from Terri Moore, P.O. Box 60660, Midland, Texas 79711, (915) 563- 1061. TRD-9509579. The South Franklin Water Supply Corporation Board of Directors will meet at the Office of South Franklin Water Supply Corporation, 4430 Highway 115, South of Mount Vernon, August 8, 1995, at 7:00 p.m. Information may be obtained from Richard Zachary, P.O. Box 591, Mount Vernon, Texas 75457, (903) 860-3400. TRD- 9509555. The State Preservation Board Permanent Advisory Committee will meet at the Texas Capitol Extension, Room E1.012, 1400 North Congress Avenue, Austin, August 9, 1995, at 4:00 p.m. Information may be obtained from Dealey Herndon, 1700 North Congress Avenue, Room 1029, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 463-5425. TRD- 9509595. Meetings Filed August 2, 1995 The Concho Valley Council of Governments Executive Committee will meet at the Horseshoe Bay Inn and Country Club, Marble Falls, August 9, 1995, at 7:00 p.m. Information may be obtained from Robert R. Weaver, P.O. Box 60050, San Angelo, Texas 76906, (915) 944-9666. TRD-9509622. The Education Service Center, Region X Board of Directors will meet at 400 East Spring Valley Road, Richardson, August 9, 1995, at 1:15 p.m. Information may be obtained from Joe Farmer, 400 East Spring Valley Road, Richardson, Texas 75081, (214) 231-6301. TRD-9509674. The Gregg Appraisal District Board of Directors will meet at 2010 Gilmer Road, Longview, August 8, 1995, at 11:00 a.m. Information may be obtained from William T. Carroll, 2010 Gilmer Road, Longview, Texas 75604, (903) 759-0015. TRD- 9509641. The Hamilton County Appraisal District Board will meet at 119 East Henry, Hamilton, August 8, 1995, at 7:00 p.m. Information may be obtained from Doyle Roberts, 119 East Henry, Hamilton, Texas 76531, (817) 386-8945. TRD-9509646. The Harris County Appraisal District Board of Directors will meet at 2800 North Loop West, Eighth Floor, Houston, August 9, 1995, at 9:30 a. m. Information may be obtained from Margie Hilliard, P.O. Box 920975, Houston, Texas 77292, (713) 957-5291. TRD-9509671. The High Plains Underground Water Conservation District Number 1 Board will meet at 2930 Avenue Q, Board Room, Lubbock, August 8, 1995, at 10: 00 a.m. Information may be obtained from A. Wayne Wyatt, 2930 Avenue Q, Lubbock, Texas 79405, (806) 762-0181. TRD-9509639. The Martin County Appraisal District MCAD Board of Directors will meet at 308 North St. Peter, Stanton, August 8, 1995, at 7:00 p.m. Information may be obtained from Elaine Stanley, P.O. Box 1349, Stanton, Texas 79782, (915) 756- 2823. TRD-9509678. The Nolan County Central Appraisal District Board of Directors will meet at Betty's Breakfast, Oak Street, Sweetwater, August 15, 1995, at 7: 00 a.m. Information may be obtained from Patricia Davis, P.O. Box 1256, Sweetwater, Texas 79556, (915) 235-8421. TRD-9509619. The North Plains Ground Water Conservation District Number Two Board (Special Meeting) will meet at 603 East First, Dumas, August 8, 1995, at 1:00 p.m. Information may be obtained from Richard S. Bowers, P.O. Box 795, Dumas, Texas 79029-0795, (806) 935-6401. TRD-9509649. The North Plains Ground Water Conservation District Number Two (Revised Agenda.) Board (Special Meeting) will meet at 603 East First, Dumas, August 8, 1995, at 1:00 p.m. Information may be obtained from Richard S. Bowers, P.O. Box 795, Dumas, Texas 79029-0795, (806) 935-6401. TRD-9509677. The Quality Work Force Planning, Region VIII Upper Rio Grande Private Industry Council Board will meet at 1155 Westmoreland, Suite 211, El Paso, August 16, 1995, at 7:30 a.m. Information may be obtained from Norman R. Haley, 1155 Westmoreland, Suite 211, El Paso, Texas 79925, (915) 772-5627. TRD-9509679. The San Antonio-Bexar County Metropolitan Planning Organization Technical Advisory Committee will meet at 434 South Main, Suite 205, San Antonio, August 8, 1995, at 9:00 a.m. Information may be obtained from Charlotte A. Roszelle, 434 South Main, Suite 205, San Antonio, Texas 78204, (210) 227-8651. TRD- 9509650. The South Plains Association of Governments Executive Committee will meet at 1323 58th Street, Lubbock, August 8, 1995, at 9:00 a.m. Information may be obtained from Jerry D. Casstevens, P.O. Box 3730, Freedom Station, Lubbock, Texas 79452-3730, (806) 762-8271. TRD-9509644. The South Plains Association of Governments Board of Directors will meet at 1323 58th Street, Lubbock, August 8, 1995, at 10:00 a.m. Information may be obtained from Jerry D. Casstevens, P.O. Box 3730, Freedom Station, Lubbock, Texas 79452-3730, (806) 762-8721. TRD-9509645. The Wood County Appraisal District (Rescheduled from August 8, 1995.) Board of Directors will meet at 217 North Main, Quitman, August 9, 1995, at 1:30 p.m. Information may be obtained from W. Carson Wages or Lou Brooke, P. O. Box 518, Quitman, Texas 75783-0518, (903) 763-4891. TRD-9509621. Meetings Filed August 3, 1995 The Upshur County Appraisal District Board of Directors will meet at Warren and Trinity Streets, Gilmer, August 14, 1995, at 1:00 p.m. Information may be obtained from Louise Stracener, P.O. Box 280, Gilmer, Texas 75644-0280, (903) 843-3041. TRD-9509682.