Help FAQ - Saving / Printing / E-mailing

Do you have persistent links to items?

Yes, each item has a unique web page address (URL), which displays in your browser's location bar. This URL is a persistent link that will ensure you can always find this item again.

How do I bookmark an item?

Every web browser, such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari, Opera, or Chrome, enables you to save a link to a web page or image. Please use your browser's options to bookmark any of our web pages.

How do I save an item record or image?

Save an Item Record

  • Select an item from the search results list by clicking on either its title or thumbnail image.
  • Use your web browser to save the record.

Save an Image

  • Select an item from the Search Results list by clicking either its title or thumbnail image.
  • The image is presented with a descriptive record. Click on the image.
  • Open the "tools/download" drop-down list at the top of the reading pane and click on an image size to download.

Learn more in our Saving and Downloading guides.

Can I download audio and video files?

No. Due to licensing agreements and contributing partner requirements, audio and video files are not currently available for download from the Portal.

How do I download an entire book or document?

The text items you view in the reading pane of our system are JPEG-formatted digital images of the original item. In other words, each individual page of a book is actually an image! For these items you can only print/save/download one page at a time.

However, we have a growing number of items that are also available for download as PDF, Epub, or Mobi files. Check the "Read Now" section in the left sidebar of the item record for the book or text you are interested in. If you see an "All Formats" link you will be able to download the entire item. Please see our Downloading guide for complete instructions.

How can I copy and paste text?

The pages of books, documents, and other texts are actually stored in our system as images—like photographs. Because they are not text files, we do not currently have copy-and-paste functionality for our users.

For non-critical applications, you may be able to copy some text from the extracted text (OCR) associated with a page. But OCR is not fool-proof. Depending on how well it "reads" the image of the original materials, the extracted text may contain gaps, misspellings, odd symbols, and other artifacts.

For those documents that are available in PDF format, you can download and then copy-and-paste from the PDF version.

How do I print an item record or image?

Print an Item Record

  • Select an item from the search results list by clicking either its title or thumbnail image.
  • Use your web browser options to print the record, or click on the print icon under "Print & Share" in the left sidebar.

Print an Image

  • Select an item from the search results list by clicking either its title or thumbnail image. The image is presented with a descriptive record.
  • Click on the image.
  • Click on the print icon under "Print & Share" in the left sidebar, or simply use your browser's options to print the page.
  • You can also download the image and then print the image from the downloaded file. Sizes available range from 75 to 1500 pixels wide.

Learn more in our Printing guide.

How do I print multiple text pages at once?

Text items are actually stored in our system as images—like photographs. Because each page is an individual file, we do not currently have a solution for printing multiple pages at once. However, you can print individual page images one-at-a-time.

We have a limited number of items that are available in other formats, such as PDF, in addition to our native view. For these items, you can download the PDF and then use your PDF reader's print functionality to print the entire item or a range of pages.

Can I "zoom in" on a portion of an item and then print or save just that portion?

Yes. For complete instructions, please see the Magnifying (Zooming) guide.

What is permalinking?

Our permalinking feature allows you to create and share a deep link to a magnified (zoomed) area of an item. Anyone using the link will be returned to the exact same place on the page at the same magnification you were viewing when you made the permalink.

Learn more in our Permalinking and Magnifying (Zooming) guides.

How do I e-mail an item record or image?

There are two ways to e-mail an item record or image:

  1. Copy the web site address from your browser's location bar and then paste the address in the text of an e-mail and send.
  2. Click the e-mail icon under "Print & Share" in the left sidebar navigation.

Can I e-mail a list of search results?

Yes. Either click the e-mail icon under "Share" in the left sidebar navigation or simply copy the URL from your browser's location bar and paste it into the body of your e-mail message.

Do you offer RSS?

Yes, you can subscribe to a feed for any page that displays the RSS icon. Right-click on the icon and copy the link address to use in the RSS client or aggregator of your choice.

Tip: For search queries, the icon appears in the pale blue bar at the top of your search results list. For all new items added to the Portal, the icon appears in the footer of every page.

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