The Baytown Sun (Baytown, Tex.), Vol. 37, No. 203, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 27, 1957: Searching Inside

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... To complement your current. Bring to boil over direct heat, i • m_____ —__1 .tivxini. MnctanHv Plir... of crowd** peat, 1 pkg. yeast greens, or beans. cornmeal bolus 1 cup white cornmeal 2 cups milk 4 cup... in greased bowl and cover and let rise until doubled in size, punch down and let it stay 1P minutes before... cutting into rolls. Make 1 cup chopped pecans 4 cup sugar Sprinkle sugar oyer apples and pecans. Roll... about 30 minutes. Cool slightly and spread on glaze: 1 cup sifted powdered sugar 14 or 2 tbsp. hot water

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... (1 Thursday, Juno 27, 1957 I hr Igtjfmmt &vm STOCK UP NOW FOR JULY 4th. 800 W. TEXAS BAYTOWN TIi«m.... No. 1 Calif. Large FRESH FIGS....., 39c IL& No. I Fresh Florida Papayas - 25c GRAPEFRUIT U.S. No. 1... A Calif., Sunkist “ toe | NEW POTATOES j u.s. no. i r. » Fresh red Lb. s#V j I I 4 for 29c1... Jumbo Lemons U. S. NO. I CALIF. SUNKIST SOUR AND JUICY BELL PEPPERS Lb. I OC { US. No. 1 Home Grown... I2s35 AT OUR BONELESS beef tips COUNTER- s'!™ h°°rLiiS! Eu>>1 6*'' c°mb■TF^•,,, v,f SMOKED HAMS tr$ik

Sequence: 19 (standard view) | zoom view

... Thursday, June 27, I957_ Vlp legion in It 1 — Sports Murray*Go-Round Rice’s Garrett In Top NCAA... Don Loses 1st Round Scramble By GENE MBAIUNS t'Bltnl Free* Sport* Writ* SWUNG Rain Notwithstanding -...’ great halfback Frank Jackson. form that made ium champion in will ’ 1*6. led a field of 32..., Tran-, moved into th*' \U III I 1 \JI IrlfflJf U/fUIMU-- Little Leaguers Head Down Stretch _ . . ..... ..... . . . _ ik. *, •Kin., iviion t.iseu. sa ObutU on ww hit* and eight N*ti*4 aluHtd

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... tthr latltnmn Thursday. June 27, 1957^ By J.UfBS *1SHELL | Louisiana routed the Wan y**n United... Urv«i* (Matt (onmpoiidMit ago with a law requiring public! ATLANTA (UP) — T._ !t- Mac ---*----1—k"" "***... flaggings and kwtapingl tn coemopoi-1 number reore than ich begins e Friday, (rector at High school, Baytown... 1:30 P.M. 3D IS OOD I f)Y MllITTIP *> 10 J10' 'b-ps-nrimir on whichi IU JtlUIIIC Case'^'ts no't "tn... for other things,” | 6I6VISIOY1 Judge Casey said, "but we would have to be able to isolate mu.lA MEWALD

Sequence: 22 (standard view) | zoom view

...° R"‘ Uaad Cara A-1 USED CARS A-1 »Q(V)NniT!ONED-aU aranteed 1 55 BUICK RrvsSB£BE hMttr s^£r,s^ 54... BUT HERE WI1TH CONEIPENCE Franta Motor Co. gfxi W. Ttxaa Ph. 3-UM FRANK WOODARD AUTHORIZED ford deader... Highlands WWI CldgOg MU Neal Dickens Mtr. Co. UNDER THE BIO SHED Highway 1M Ownt 3-4165 WANT A GOOD.... Nasro. •*1 Phoi »n«* 160*. EDDIE COX REALTOR BEAUTIFUL RROWNWCOD Beautiful to with plenty_ of i»M »»d... a bedroom home with furniture. ■1 complete b.tlis, ecpcreie rtinins Inige living room. With very 3 car

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

...) was awakened by his whinning at thur said the wind wuld begin 4 a m. suheiding soon. j "1 found him swimming... "GUNFIGHT AT THE O.K. CORRAL" Friday and Saturday —WH JHE PLATTEBJ t|tta-/ffi«.1ffiJ Carcr«*yl— fpeedcriiyl... ............ 48% Pure Oil ................ 44 Royal Dutch ........... 58% Sapphire ................1 9-16 Sears... .............. <2 W. R. Grace..........., NO Cotton................up 1 (Continued From Page One) The truck... of the car which "suddenly slammed into me" caused the truck to turn over. As it went1 over, he noticed Ihe

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... Thursday, June 27, 1957 tip lagtnm tn Humble Continues AidTo Education Humble Oil and Refining 0*1... sent five high in lOence, the Brat of this type educational tor the neat aea-1 tchool teachen.... Theae represent a continuation of a fellowship program that has been to effect tor the part 1..., will .1 receive from *300 to *600 each1* for the six weeks summer sessions, which Include courses toi... be there for 1 the celebration on July 22 of! Poland’s "national day,” t KFRC-TV Channel * KGUL-TV ~ Channel U

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... POPLIN IROWNIE "STARELASH" 1-GALLON THERMIC LADIES' FRENCH STYLE Sunglasses Many style* from which to Yaw... Choice choose. All have* 4 AO that carefree) 1 ‘'continental” ■■ look. ; Children, ladies end Men Priced... spBUt—yellow handle grip. GUAUN1KD WASHABLE Compare Al $5.95 Sizes 10 te II j. FAMOUS STONESWEAR BETTER FITTING... Colors and Jizes ^ jo (4 .*1.59 "T W mark when the final reports are in. An earlier report released... from McGill's office put the damage costs at $91,106,414. Hf-CMl m11 1C rlieoelfiP YOU'LL SAVE $s

Sequence: 23 (standard view) | zoom view

... ordinary ,4, PAPAJtTUENT non I A M. OW 1302 R EDITORS Y K. COOKE, IED ivan that on tht I). 1MT. Uttfrt... »nt«d to the unnit and upon ihf Cook*. 1»f«*n»*4, of Harrii County. *1437 pamlin* on »f mid Court. -..., S’-’SSMt I1.U, A R»m»«y but. rstock is. Say erts lost owners ot ends do themlhan Rood in lares with fish, 1... for the first | week, in a Houston theater, wUs Religious Program Will Start Marine base time in 1® year...* la adapted from of converting a group of green-1 Broadway play by Mary horns into a hard fighting

Sequence: 21 (standard view) | zoom view

... Qaata tabewl{ 1W Ottogl **>«> 9* IW” the smtnd-place Uncinnati Red-o* Redlega ,TT *“* **“.... (BILL) WHITE, Owwr SPECIALS FOR THURS, FRI.. AND SAT of ■SbBMMa Caariag Tegether she1 expSabrocL^ "If... Jim Busby crocked hut fifth Tigers Senators. 4-L 1.. The PhlWe* «*mM a lAhit attack that included... McDaniel suffered hi* fourth km The sixth * place Giant* buried the Redleg* with a 20-1* borobardment... the choice of the touro*1 a game marked by eight round Iment-toughened velersna Thts tie trippers. Mathews

Sequence: 24 (standard view) | zoom view

... pHyatoly-aupportod col-1 After 10 year* the principal aura WASHINGTON (UP) - Amon-llpf(,s Riv1 unlver»iMe». includ... drugs alone 1 proxlmatlng one-half of their 1064-55 faculty payroll*. The retors' prescriptions now...") H normal ------- uKl«- meinmninm cu»i» ™ j griillt of IWi.OOU, y ' roent.” 1 • r r... uroiKt iwnit, ma.x.vw, commonly known DUUitt^DOliOii!lluvi*!cr' 111X1 “*• wllc imu SuE'taulrtl-toaUar... varsity, San Antonio, $337,600; Unlveraity of Houston, $1,389,- 000; University of St. Thomas, $123,500

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Sheridan Morgan. Rt. 2. Baytown, failure to yield right-ofwav, $10, A. A. Smajstrla, Rt. 1, Baytown.... speeding. $10. •• Eva L. Toups, 301 Bowie, driving on wrong side7 of street, $10. B. L. Faster, Rt. 1...: Wildcat, three miles east of Hankamer, The Texas Co. 1 M. E. Jones, H and TCRR Survey 31, A-122, 10,000... feet. following lull I-I'W, *‘V. George Adlbng Jr., Rt. 1, Crosby, speeding, $10. W. L, Powell Jr., 903... 2!. Her et ux, Alfred White, T&, et al Trustees for Mont Belvieu Assembly of God Church, Lot 1 and 2

Sequence: 18 (standard view) | zoom view

... 5lff fu* TWJ.v. Jun. 37, 1VST f Editorial - Why Shouldn't People Have Right To Know? Member... laws, due notice will be made to the public, starting Sept 1, concerning the time and place..., except in open meetings. The records bill, also effective Sept. 1. opens to public inspection or copying... from the Deep South picked up these “Rules for Yankees’’ from a Long Beach, Miss., inn: t 1. Current... Manager »°>n*,r^%^'rrt«y1 *pcr***1 ren who can take charge on a moment's notice, be relied on to be real

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... AUSTIN - The"Tua* IrtwTIn which * Knuriria county Innrtnwncr writ* imml ol a 1,- HINKrS "TENDER-TRIM... It of Shortribs for Barbecue £ HINKIT "TINDIR.TRIM" V. 1 CHOICI HIATT BmcUis Lih iMf Cubastr- HINKIT "TINMI-TKIM..." U. S. CHOICI HIATT MM1NO out a porthoM aboard lit* Ubartan fralghtar Tha A huh*" at Baiumora, kid... Tomatoes.... 2 ■ QUICK-MEAL FAVORITE 39c i Austex Beef Stew W OVEN-FRESH FROM OUR IAKERY 39c 1 Tasty... Cinnamon Rolls ^ IN HANDY CARTON 1 Top Kick Dog Food -12 *■' aer; -wmtf s iw . --waaaamaa. .• . .‘T' 9c

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... VE __ 1 BAYTOWN, TEXAS fJZ y\ \ VEAL ROUND w STEM LB. and orUG and HO««HOlD *«C 2 25c rubbing... and makes 'em change their mind*. Platter r>‘ Chatter 1. Bve Bye Love 2. Teddy Bear 3. Teenage... has caught ■ on fast and is rapidly beginning its climb. Local and nearby disc ■ jockeys push. 1 j... Goin’ On" and Is get- j* jU?ntan ting a fast result. This number rt&JM&jS&Plf+2££ After July 1.... Carol Anh Endreli, 2204 was one and 1 ---------— — ^ California Kentucky Wonder _ GREEN BEANS

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... are SI adults, 50 cents for children, public is invited. nee Postponed URSDAY NIGHT’S dance at 1... damaged when • «-< ttou of louse rolling wa* blown off. fb1 -• operau,hi , mai, hut there wa* ho damage... by Lynn A *>^*"h* |1 ^re'^tmiktii^' were*1 present .t|whteh M mid could propose,! rapttal improvement... assistci m ’r"':‘•so"'1" i^i..ia P*!*™*1™ ^ w#l* Vm*m% •* ffl&Qip, <&*._ reeommeadaHomby T L iD«8...) theroeung. 1 ’ “ Katterwhite sod W. F.JBUI)I Max**-- reeommead* for improving t(re city's water dy

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... toy lotting us rsoslr or rebuild tsom • rsoslr or rsbull r ostrs months of 1 BAUMANN SHOE REPAIR Nil... and SATURDAY MOTHER'S LITTLE HELPER CAN BAKE, COOKIES, CAKES AND PIES ON THIS 98 ..Keg. 5,96 -*1 A THRILL... TO COOK ON * NICE GIFT PARKING METER BANKS Paint by The Number NEW ARTIST $1.59 REUGieUS PICTURES '"$4.19... MASK CLEARS HOUSII MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS f HNotSpwMIy Purchased, Would it in Included 1* tkls... MESH KIEFS 3-»1 Airy light mtsh right for we brief*, just trm w**th*r. Sudt out, thay dry in minutoc

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... but they have been acting poorly since. What is wrong with the industry, and what is the outlook T Should 1 sell... these rolls big helping greens, or COR! 1 cup ' 2 cups h cup 1 ts cup 1 1 tsp. S "SetntPro” Baseball Bat... chrome; base. C1138 aw* «■■■! 6-12 V. Auto 4c Trouble lamp *1 Jumbo Size Sponge . j Perfect car sponge!Y..., puritoed by devious means, gives waersp*®*' and Buy on Easy Terms! in Mr : m 1 • a

Sequence: 20 (standard view) | zoom view

..., Champion Bum Fans May Pay TV Fee WASHINGTON (UP)-Televialon viewere may have to P•y#*1 * game to watch..., EVENTUAL CHAMP/OH\ The speed of round is generally placed at 1.0M feet a second at «ea level at 32 degrees... F. Sfar Vofe Ends ■■ Kell, Bertoia Scrap Tight One Here are the lenders: 1B-Vic I.F-Ted Williams..... mi/1 “limp i« running American League’s eight starting positions in (he July 9 All - Star; Game were

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... c'sweNG-oo— ^ IMVVpUffW' .it REVEREND WAVE GOODBYE TO 1 REVEREND, RUTHIS sswasM* “s^=>-T/--sn so much jClY... of jlhe inequities in the division of 1 the Brink’s robbery to Byrne ’ and G-men. Federal officer... this goat Jeanne Smith, Dodge safety consultant, ha* prepared list of 10 driving Ups. 1. Control your temper... prka. No» a stripped-down "iporiol," not a lari year’* modei-but a big now 12.1 as. ft. Mgidoira... ONLY »95 WITH TRADE-IN .rJ SALE 1 REG. 299.9$ Mfiafim • • W- : WITH YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR • . . M- \

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