The Baytown Sun (Baytown, Tex.), Vol. 36, No. 11, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 23, 1955: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... JUNE U, IMS- M8I I1 Guest Spea Members T Tinder, Nice Size, Garden Fresh SPRED “Aim High," current... Tuesday night at the Baytown P and \ PW installation dinner. < A prominent Houston B and PW 1 member.... Encouraging the Baytown members to be an "action11 club she f cited "Four S'«": - i 1, Sound holding te... objective*. 1 . t. Steady adherence ti pedeee S. Sane approach to personality < THE VERY BEST SPREAD... IN ,1 Victor Tun. Up t. k .v \i Irak# Work W . j ^/Kco! Bdlincifljl ^ ; Overhaul of Hydramatics, !

Sequence: 24 (standard view) | zoom view

...- on July « in the National League lng Mg. But rvw got a let of dynamite left 1 didn’t uae lest night... .............*■ 'TjzSdD*s**n , ___________„---------- fifth inning glad to defend against Moore any 1 while... Oklahoma Ctty squeeied Worth took the i time Arrangements for the fight by the Missions 1 to 0 In a rain...- —---1-- are up to my manager. At Weill.” shortened contest to produce a tie Rocky saw the Moore-Olsen... Shreveport 5 ,1 Moore, top heavyweight contend- to 1 While Tulsa topped Houston •r as well as king of the 178

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... The V. S culture, red Jives took col aaU summj were "gred much of thd rains. ] On the easi "abundant”1... was availabM ■mm CALIFORNIA KENTUCKY IfOHDER BEARS REW CROP I.S. HO. 1 RED POTATOES 1 t / ^ttmter-ie^1 SHMfl... "Heeer IrmuT V '£mmeat:x, a ABLE f ircoal Grill « 5-U. *.*««««< 4^yU* u C*\Ql kif vfatod VA1,,* K #to... QUALITY mmim weer^ M T# Start T«r Set ad HA k # volumes i - 2 FRANKS 4L1 CHOICE NORTHERN HEAVY MATURED...'S and KWH ENCYCLOPEDIA VelMM 1 ...... He . U.*,XH0ta,toWMIN,O»N.F»H^^^ D E C E SHOULDER ROAST S DEEr SIRLOIN

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

...( on Friday with a aharing program I for parent! and trlenda at 7 p.m. 1 Courses have been taught... of 1M has been reached in the school. •VKfel'S A • !/• _ courta Indicate the drulik driver la... of the affalr wu Mrs. J. W. Sammona. >&&&&&£&* Carolyn Oliphint and Mrs. JuUa c Hover. 1 ii W' Jkl j... semencea ui iu in jmu. - f WHH MB., , JRH 1 In Pottawatomie county, Judge p VL HL MBeyt' jjH... John 1. Given says convietmns are ■ 1 now running about SO per cent In . Sat ! drunk

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

..., wily and won't dbsolve In - 1(animal bodies •uch systems. I H U very h unoertUnri how n ik« *• Stg... by m 1 “» «* laftolsture A trained nurae todmlcton probutkflmc fund of *35, gram, operated... by OtoStoteto^ stter * J!*1 Y8**- toto^a."1 <* Ul system in cooperation with jun- | Tat In his... laboratories at the 5 I £»*-»"« tber I ®2» Un't ev*n * scientific sus- " P1^" to«t plastics cause... hasnltabTwtll ^ „* -}DP* of P'M'ionm'1 ®*t now state institutions and lacs' behind be faced with n» JL.?801wil1

Sequence: 25 (standard view) | zoom view

... t'5rT:? »1 > ■ f ‘ MdMt Ww« benched Sunday fo, the first time in hit career. The rett mty help and... three double* keen tlxth straight win and Spahn chin fall a three- and catcher 53 Crandall c£m. 1m Pie... most baaeball men Inatst ‘t-nflll | |Qf that wlmt.|rtM*lK£liust waa 1 m " # 11H? admRtrd^on... told me one afL ahortly before teeing off at 1 P-m. ernoon, -that they* * looking Smtony. and each... no. 1 bole, whafe a circle damage then merely draining hla will be drawn around the pin. energies

Sequence: 21 (standard view) | zoom view

... THE IAYTOWN FEU1RS WILL FERGIVE HONPf FGR COMIW MERE HER WORK IN' CLOTHES* what will help... Vtm * Ch,pW *• out vital lctom by saying "then >1 aaed for plaints of a news ‘‘brownout11 »n... uaaar an OMKIAIIMIOM naouNO! SUPER MARKET 3lf MARKET ST. R0. ★ WOOSTER * DIAL M2R . ECU1S FOR THURSDAY... to buy It back In Bank and Trust “ve years *t a stated price of |1I5 litalization of |1,- a share. »... In deposits, a Thi, was in IMS. In 1M7 h. 00 and profits of bought it back at this price-4138 Large Box

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Mrs. hh. ha had. Seated at th« middle taMe Oseeva magma^'M1 petite and directly In front of the apeak...- hlond* wotw an Empire »tyl# dress O’ Ufa table, 1 got to tee nearly every- 2I?a^«^ln^^*dotaW*^ , body... I’*r*"uhear sal dinner 1s planned for Abilene, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dali M M0KaJr*133 Market Thursday night... i»*t -.'T1; . , r student at the University 0f 1$ Party Scene aie’SUfti &.* For Bride-Elect “... Th, mi will con.Ut of fUM4 or1GwfTB!>^S«L..bWM boa- RAF'G Gtlild Members ftASyKSSS* To Sell Yule

Sequence: 28 (standard view) | zoom view

... Joined Technical Service Division at Bay- JUUI SHELDON, 1# monies old, of Lot Angeles, has twice as much... front!® hom, at IMS Florida, and little Carol Morris i, heartbroken, ,WM1 someone Mg It >| City Loses... able'to go 1,000 trtoTaro D*r’ n rll pounds on the knee-bend within a wiu! cT C' Siapf’ year... Site..............Plus Tax prell U9UID SHAMPOO »,«, EBEE FREE MEAT SPECIALS - jnnlMr i»-ot. pjtg. 1/1 T" FORDHOOK UMA... REGISTER NOV GIVEN AWAY JULY 1 No. 1 California Long White GOOD GRADF, VEAL POTATOES ROUND STEAK • GOOD

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... $117 SIZE ■ wet * bstssi.-yi-K.jfea Girl’s (Afn 2 - 8) 1-Pioeo “Cone” Cotton Plisso r ROMPER... provides better fit. 1_ * I R«9- 79c • Pfbonatra J Houiahold Helper ENVELOPES Piel*9* » cniuyrco... have baaufy RSG. CO 9f WITH » 1 »uct ONLY RIG. 3.49 PUSTK GARBER HOSE ■ARr . 32-Ounco lead Tea..., red, aqua and 10-GAL GARBAGE CAN i^etal 1 PICNIC BASKET &.. GlaseoGraduated FORMULA PITCHER. Gilbert... Beetnc m W”1; 1 ■. .&>>;.&!-. . ■ ■ hi i vi Mil ■ wwii m# < j ------- ‘ ; Vj|fc§Si^f Tht Pirfiet

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... kllws >*** 'i'n,*1*' v'i 1 “C' 7""" ^ ■SSr •”■ ■swa-asrrws'K intonob&ebqyar otter oonla. . .\m... questions should be asked. After Year, Trouble Still Grips French Indo-China gSHHfw SSS MV1 last My tl... behind drapes when not in use. 5 year unit guarantee. 6J1570. Wizard Deluxe. 1 ton............90AM... window fan Reverses with just a flip of the swietch! 1 speeds intake, 2 speeds exhaust ... for extra... steel guides 7*5 Two 18" x 18”.cooking 1 A75 table spin grill. 7766 V7002,*. .................J grid

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... .......22% —*» * 1 white with taring the service. La Land .....................*4% i!,1-0?*?* .. ....» An»U MMk & kM. H. work,. .1 th. Hou.ta, Oil svfcavf. lass: sEtesgh. »“ r’“- thrss 2r^"r 32sr£ a -... *winwvnwi Newp New* sup .1".......41% and do to any thn* between now Cli Oil ....................... »d noon... Sotarday. That will Olln-Malh.................88% flualUJr you to vot*. If you a» ............... 1...... 45% >.»«..,'e4.k«. 1% _ _ __ aooooooo -10 Penney*! loo e#»o*Mi»*s»**i* Wt Phillips

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... 2«-*poch l« Part , "to be" 28. Bitter vetch 1DAY SPECIALS 83. Summon 38. Group of three 35. Not any 86... | ifR ■ ■ * fWiifc . . U6HTCRUST handoey A loaf 01 bread, al- ?'* W***1 to be bad luck to tifighnot... a symbol of good luck, J"* "£* *•* Joon* dote represent prosperity. ““ 1,1 * ^®dro?®- ^ weeping "And... the average householder ’£n ^ w never has too much of that,’* Lin- wu J brl"* denthal said. . * 1° *... bad !?ck beeUe enters * w«n. But • luck If you spill it, but tp«»w « 1* Cricket enters the house, It

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

... Gets Around More Than Anyone In World vats- zoo/exsT*. 1=.^'^'-’** seta; _ . letters to Now...* her number °**n °* FVeDCl1- and Balmain, who produce* * on* rule la: b* firtwifi: IT i... the money.- ■MffSSrs .r-^ssts^- WOgMa HSFJpWtsS‘^1 • VS'Jl,' you do Ml — *»'■** to find Julius Uarflnkel... attended her Fn break the Ice. , . ’ ' ‘ «&** «lw*y* wlU be, to* world's showing in Part* In 1UL I...*. W. A. New 0fn0fri wm SEm. OW 1 tStSAiZj! *" 1 “ Mm. Dean ’ —--------- .elvlew and Mrs. JM

Sequence: 26 (standard view) | zoom view

... ty£ ■/■%*• • **»9*9W*»»»9* end u Hemorto* 1. Usad Car* for Solo All Used Cars On Sale « AT FERGUSON... Plymouth..........$595 Radkv Mater. A c!..n car. 49951 --...... I pror.nlonal 1. Used Care for Sale •. Houtm tor Sale A-1... USED CARS % At ' A-1 YOUR LOCAJ. FORD DEALER. 50 Ford ------- . CuatonUM tartar. ' SESfiaL _. $375 ▼4... 701 West Lobit Almod oaw Audio «loee Mm *;krn room. Two 1-toa alr-eoodltloimro. A. C. Coker...* at are unbeatable. Brown Built Homes, Inc. _ home. Good sandy well and tmlll Haraioga. iOcV1only''j<0U(S aoll

Sequence: 22 (standard view) | zoom view

... White House late Monday night «•£«* He will make eight speeches and P1*0” hopes to get In a weekend...* were tcCflmpanifff tir manager, Ike Wlnnlngham, ilatant manager. Ahn -Qombs, 1 the Kemplays. Mr... In the ^ wu»y tonriUm. were «i the murder trial of Ernest Henry Jr., *hip *1*m» it WtThursday fortoe S... with the Pasadena All-Stars st Pasadena. The exact time U 1# P-m. Wednesday night at Pasadena High School Field. Js...- company, the estimated value of short trousers and I—“ ‘------ ‘ 1 ' *■----“ ' ------ ■*' “

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... station operated imtlvldunl- punks, since tney are wmreaum m By HAKKV WILSON SHARPE The staff 1* now... OF TCX A sSKSSS SP^=’“SSS5-. il the ,ut<1 hospitals, U the You must be shocked to know however... . . regular 2.45 value with puriaae of 1 gallon of either of these famous lizard palnta... occa- v «, A imrelwf is for value1 Did XJ 'ajSB iatumt/ok tMwrrtai ! RATH’S f| SUGAR CURED Lifiiiu p P... ... 3 Camp stool* from 1.19 CHUCK WHOLE OR SHANK HALF • 1 ft• - H^iSSSE MENU FEATURES FOR THURSDAY

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... In the daoiroom* before Plteh#t J" and after the program extremely « A total enrollment of 101 hoi Flournw an<1... been reached In the school. a bit of reml PARIS ! FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS & 1 Into a pillar at on «dt... Mlchlganor named retap’-deslgnate of the Amy ^ *”.1 I' JFK stout end amiable. . . Detense Do- *■**... ,: , aa an Infant tootled on Republican iiaaa A# Ia—mam A------ If. 1 4l« i ll -— A-*-- - «»...> emijiimuS ranged by the 1 clos('d plan* for No Let-Up Seen In Construction Boom year’s construction work wiU

Sequence: 18 (standard view) | zoom view

... edian Indignant ••l list U pounds in two da 1 wanted to illi\ 1 DID Oh, i wal the streets all... night. One (toy 1 Red Buttons and he said 'I vtrnr show and do you know » i think?' I said 'What?' t-24... urkland Air Force Base, was 1 convlrtcd of the July 4, 196b murm***} der of mere Jo Horton at t gravel ►... s new trial of th ecase. The hl|h court said Shaver was deprived of a fair trial because 1$ one... -available to all Korean veteran, -if you act within 1*» dayi following your discharge, then aftqr VA rules

Sequence: 19 (standard view) | zoom view

... A IIA- SONAlLE FACSIMILE IN YOU* Mtl§HlO*HOOOSUPt*VAlU STORE U-S-Nb-1 CALIFORNIA EfcbSolS —If you act... 1* exhausted. * v~4 ;'f ■ Q—Is It possible for a veteran who lives In one state to get a GI... to oleomargarine million. has entered Sing Sing pH* ■on to nerve a sentence for pandartag, :v 1 'y: -/... In Sing Sing.' •> their flOfl-a-nlgl has been senU or three years Dies In DALLAS 18-year-old was killed 1... DIAL 5079 .........-..... . i ■ - - ’• '?• ; , r ■HI 4 liiiiiifl k, JIM* 12°-oi Am I 'V >1

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