The Baytown Sun (Baytown, Tex.), Vol. 60, No. 191, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 10, 1982: Searching Inside

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36 results that matched your query. Showing page 1 of 2.

Sequence: 37 (standard view) | zoom view

... (§> *\s ^IVIAHK) UUWNS1 Y M S 10s jTTJ Hand new iff] impauTm liorrm. flnctd #•**. o» V4, ..... V* 1 3U*OOWf>t **u» <•*>•»< co»»r«; t»m »•"•<> ^odwit.. P 1 f»o»v duly WWI -Stock no .!... ttstnici Jmm ji SC101B4 * •ttCOfUT S477.57 *1/// CSS f#% DOWN MTWINT W » fc f k MAN0 NEW 1912... CJWVE7TI 1 T^»»a mum) grtmp xxy ^rrp^ 4 wild 1 ON** mM roefeH Maovy duty cast .. mwmn 1 1... Slock Wl s27*37 ... . 1 1 IKTWKl ... $4119 44 $101026* DISCOUNT $ 45 S. 44 LESS 70 \ DOWN

Sequence: 28 (standard view) | zoom view

... a*. THE BAYTOWM SUN i- Tkundiy, Jun* it. 1H1 8 Serric® Ottered % PetstSuppiM * Ptt»*St*ipta V... PRfrfBi MM* t mmm me mum ter* Md atiit* * «• utft. _ iODCUX »**OL tVffWB L"?t ■■2? te ■ urrtL pimu rtx c 1... AitttefcrSale ft Artc—Bte nBHAllSTFUCS mHUfmm tarty ftn Don Mi PM* Don 1 Mil mm* iaa«M8a>tM *mi FREE KITTENS 31... , __mu tM(t I ALKIIT DTOMTT OWGDUi. ~~ Bsnaa. lt. nonwroisinM RJBGUBBABS “T!.WS!5S i ^ »B1... DISCOUNT PRICES 1 C—VW t oooc amr snumm HC lU aMM) lE'n III 34 Acreage (or Sale ■ tarn - wa- mm dm Mama

Sequence: 30 (standard view) | zoom view

... THE BAYTOWN SIN rhurvUy, June 1>. 19U2 47 Houses For Sale EDTALLEY4 ASSOC tor On * — — » *» »... «nr>ir(iipu«r STJ CM UK »l am an> 147 Houses For Sale 47 Howes For Sale PINEHURST amac? - iiiiann nn— — — - » 1...— 1 Bill! 1 TM c -Ml n n« taara Mr Nr * na— nn mm cm a m “ UALTY WOULD 0KAMKXMGAB0M •jrTWWan* Per... ite !«*? <»« REDCARPET oJaT «< i Ba* came Mr*?"*1 Classified DMpliy Classified Display [a 47. Houses... Goods |*4. Automobiles IM -14 Nnfe 1— ■M M«* n 1—• *■— Mr —t Mi M REDCARPET SSS8B5SS.‘S ST cocrrtT aci

Sequence: 27 (standard view) | zoom view

... te to Uayw aad CtwBI dan Bar, at Cay 1 toywa«. Hat : no. Canty TwoiitmmO •i Oh C*y HmU oatil it a a n... hi 9 L Ml «ai and rood lor 1C. Garage Sake ItA Female Help 10-A Female Bdp ^aaiaia •B tow I 3n*oo... mt*1 itafladM a a leytawt Sm Saha, *T * ftWr TrtaMBerURH vtft- be pfr . *wM Far mtv tetanMCXft cat...* <8(W m UKUwIRtoBlRM _ „ 1 SooO r>. »20 2’ ’2 r 4 • *C so08 C**tr*ct lilt II MH par fcw 4 Im... awMBBow * iu1> CMMoaCt. Csr4 Of Tloaalt »1 [Mil pat f

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... on the front of s local newspaper, she was destined to adopt the dog "1 made up my mind light then I was going...* [design tain ad Iment krtment |o» and' faced" 28.000- J0 com * 1' '.5000 tlronic ] annual;_ Ido elec ;... match - newly entsen seeing page of 'pie to „ 1 with I men • * DENVER (AP> - Princess Anne of Great... Wt • Um 44 Ml ymt*t ft bt >414” mi *1 . «tl Mi HlH* 44 M| n(W .’744“ ,*•* *«T • 1 5»#»n II ,■•>*•... I" *4 f« • *11 tfw •<•*.« ’ll#" MfeN. t*y • 711 imK cOWi:« »«1 ‘144” miyirbm K«e* M*i **•*«. dew

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... jvk/si &rr» sa.,«»- »«£ Hrrr fr^sttg ^=2a‘ss«ttt trfiw» l[K||| ,j(T 1«» !!■ -—Z_? . minisCe About... YearsWUhSchobl D^tnct Mrs wilkey and ««“■«• sea» come* HI* lCIU1 „ ' „, before -X* 'Now we have... is busy(W®b§ ____— .it through trcx - ^ - 4>-"e*“c - “wpSe* iKy*”1 ttt'» -seim 4 ^ *“?!? ^ v*n Mrs Thorpe... aor. was tnsWt ■** ’ ■ coming, moat of Mrs ^ h£«dJ Arty Conwye‘ «££* ilium -1 used to write Jg- JjJ... in gays "My first trips the u>n^on^ave^ Baytown Mrs Cw .reading to be to Col- says 1 „ way’s mother

Sequence: 33 (standard view) | zoom view

... SIFIED 1MIC V6 Turfco, 2 door, b 0**\ ixwp AM/FM 1/4 CT. T.W -YAMAHA. MO « tm mtm a*?*.-* an naa-c... BRIDAL FAIR ■ 1 DIAMOND FLORAL BRIDAL SET #1542 *47500 SAU 249*° /A- 14K GOLD 7 DIAMOND BRIDAL SET... ■ 1*7*1 2 door me ‘?ji Mir* 5 DIAMOND TU TONE BRIDAL SET #3)46*72500 sru 399*0 2 DIAMOND MATCHING... 21 DIAMONO MATCHING BANO #3377*900 00 sale 495*0 BRACELETS 14K GOL 22-8121 1 DIAMOND 5 DIAMONO... / I 14K GOLD WEDDING RINGS 14K GOLD SOLITAIRE EARRINGS 1/5 CT T.W #C 19*360 00 i/sa. #C 21 *295 00

Sequence: 22 (standard view) | zoom view

...- EMCISE BEGINNER ©PM MAGAZINE A a*ouo that hatps { I N I M I NHM.H J 5^ R9B1N femi ■v >| I M » IS I M *... IS r **l NNM IW» f\ NIMlHiM j | TM«Uf ■ | 3**™1 -SSSw NouuumuM MWm mu fob irwksk; ( sua-going oty... (Rj X college baseball ■ CoAaga WorM Sana*" (Gama 1t) from Oman* NubratM O BUSINESS REPORT X SHOWTIME... production numbers MQhkgM ' an inside took at Me on the set ot a mg Hotywood musical MS 0 NEWS I1 MO 0... Johnny Carson. Quasi Dana HU X tor rank boxing From Las. vagas Nevada QDCKCAVETT 1 SHOWTIME RO- MANCE

Sequence: 29 (standard view) | zoom view

... oh - BBHMB# iv am am amaanti ! RptMOUTt TO auu —1 cowm ait 0an - Vm. ca 1*■«* ' ** ' »*«••*... tSLT*' •“•l ruatiwiiuitfuii0n imu "tataatataaa1 •art a*atm«ara«.arn*Ww ^ Old Texas Realty n » fSrae Tar... i Ntaa aa uiumwun -iiatraa a I Ml I aa Ina tanr- na -art tS»aa«r> Ban 1 w -aa laiM aat aa at am mb.... •rWTORT 1 *a» ataan an aa- M ; 1-tiiil apnar a tnarnt) ERA Da tan Saw Van Oaum ataa Ban var*Fart [#» . 41... jwnSaooMtY im ttmnuaocum or 427-7566 Oaaar up a* naa m* *1 i KMtooa -jaa Hi t ASA HUT - iaanifti'itaa

Sequence: 34 (standard view) | zoom view

... I ll iHl 1 r 3i net:_ mode's /C Slock ^ m\ I iVt-e Hj DB inn) m* tfl V6 . out«t po*'f two ItHI V6... Turbo Q*t powt AMFM 1*7* I 2 door, rac: M 2 door, to cur, pot* LM FM « t [ ' ' ' jt •RAM SUSINESS... ’ , 5", 1/2 OFF! 14K GOLD CHAINS Sm SD% or I BoMct group of I4K 9qtd cha*n» b txBce**!* ONtoM ••O... MK30LD nSHCHMAtrS SAU ^.scxTS*1 I ■ mk ooco wuoorr PWOAWT IJ7108 1136,00 69” 1/2 OFF MEN'S BRACELETS MK...* of; "How Ory I AnTFul color gift OcitC RMBIH Mg tlftit SALE 9” 1/3 OFF! WOOD ft CRYSTAL WINE CADDY

Sequence: 23 (standard view) | zoom view

... recently to watch a few episodes 1 bad a couple of reasons One. I wanted to 'see whether.its success... some of it intentional 1 think And 1 had no troiibie what soever jumping in mid-plot No after-dark... A kleptomaniac Why must you embarrass the family like this1’” hollers Angela, all sympathy Mother I’m disturbed..., aren t1’” sobs Emma You re fine ' she replies "Go have some tea Emma seems to have either witnessed...” and "Dynasty," My ramaae* with them is often heated by invariably short 1 get the four-week Itch I stray INVEST

Sequence: 25 (standard view) | zoom view

... In the 1.200-member Society for Industrial Archeology The international group was founded 11- years ago to promote... finger. Classic diamond rings attractively reduced for Father s Day Reg Spei a 1 Set Diamond Ring $710... $$99 ’i 4 ct (tot wtl l DomofidRing > $ 800 $$99 rictiiotwO 1 Diamond Ring $ 910 $799 Viet (tot Wtl !Q... f * f VSW Club ^ OW* c*** pilot plant - 1,818 racks of mirrors rotated by computers... phase during which it will produce enough elec trie tty during daylight hours to sup^ ply about 1

Sequence: 31 (standard view) | zoom view

... pMjf i|mm iivmjn»qry #Rsir> *tv*> • ggpuMS? 1/3 OFF L? “>*■, '**■ A MAN S OUlLDCRirr QUART...! ROCKET WATCH | 1 ^ * At with CHAIN YaBow. *1779) Rag aSS 97 SALE YSJ bo*? ] FAMOUS BRAND WATCHES... 139*° MAN S CIUILDCRE8T LCD1 ^Hrv SAlf UKr» Thin styling Afarm Chronograph 189*° MMM/zrow MAN S... RfR _ ‘ ■ | > ■» ,v **-.->#»»*».< A V * ■ ‘ 1 'V • Ml-AM Aft I . A * • too VV TtX... shutoff— ^ Kodak DCLUXI 1 RRilD MICRO CASSETTI RECORDER Maw small altal AC ft battary oparstlon •with

Sequence: 18 (standard view) | zoom view

... the league s 'abysmal record" la the hiring of blacks as coaches and In front-office positions “1 encourage... brought back a lot of memories of times when 1 would sit on the bank with a cane pole or, a little later... of monstrous fish I fought and landed during those years when f was such a great fisherman The bream 1 caught... weighed as much as a hundred pounds The catfish much more And 1 broke lines on fish that must have been... as big as some of those I caught back then Why, 1 remember hauling a 100pound catfish out of a streana

Sequence: 38 (standard view) | zoom view

... 5SSSP**1 WE If DOING BUSINESS DIE NEVER BEFORE TO SAVE TOU .. -vino business LIKE NEVER BEFORE... removable u|3 Front »'!*•». quality tested **t Fra1** tESSUffmM fW PIT «B M-N-8*Skf $5799S AVt *500 BSSS... MICROWAVE $66995 REGULAR ‘749 95 UBS TRADE ‘1H H $54995 BU'fttl DISHWASHER 1715 NORTH ALEXANDER RATTOWN... Salts 427*7563 Sanrlcas 472-9291 «J4 9*1 $449.5 ENJOV TOUR NEW APPLIANCE, TV OR AIN CONDITIONER AU... SUMMER LONG.. SAVE '100 330*?row* wj 1WV,. J.. I, APPLIANCES-TELEVISIONS i

Sequence: 19 (standard view) | zoom view

... I' THE BAYTOWN SUN TT^ grade y, 1C. ICC SCOREBOARD. $ Texas, Miami Will Use Topf itchers Playoffs... M at 4 AMERICAN LEAGA’1 * P * ,« Fori Wartl SoNOrafel Softball Results OB Motor* I Mod S«1 B40C4SM ■... . W ~ rod L - snodfrom m M- ■ • • two* etc IOC I—1C SI «*•*- • » HH W L Pet GS T Ml C * m to » » so...* - ,SH i 8 m bh i? a mb i*v is m mnh Dotrotf I Omdood 1 let. dowgod t Dttroe J, w L - 0 i 1-02 Major... League* I, THE ASSOCIATED PWM NATIONAL LCACl't loUMl SroYoti tamMni MkmNmi !MM) mnpl kmm OS*« Mw—1»» Midi

Sequence: 32 (standard view) | zoom view

... FATHER'S DAY SALE! |zz.orz>.v1 AM/RM ELECTRONIC DIGITAL CLOCK RADIO ! Ewy-to-iaad dMa nda tunrx5 1 "9 **..." 1 PER ONLY I _ tXB 110 00 SALE 8" , CLASSIC BLACK PER S PERCH SET #2801 WOO SALE 11 PER ORLY #2800 m... wond WWm J #12Bf -»H79 I RnrfR u «uk w V 1912 CITATION lli f ■'*'0*1 bO(N idlmoldingsl • •♦WRi toxwi... ■EA.I-^Vjr . , SA1| S.4IUSS jo •. do* ICKUP Ry -*ww« mum mne j

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... of controlled substances."1' '■Police arrested Melvima W Varns, 24 of 1226 S. Montana after stopping her... arrested Gordon Lee Vaag of 1,500 N 10th for public intoxication While booking Vaag LaFitte said, officers... at $1,500 Police are investigating the burglary of a storage shed in the 2.100 Mock of aid Highway 146 where... two chain saws, two air conditioners and a ceil mg fan valued at $1,150 were taken American Red Cross... assessed.1 ■ Jeff Morris 49 of the 7300 block of West Knoll was sentenced to 180 days in jail and a $500 fine

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

... THE BAYTOWN BUN Ttarwdav Jaw It. 1W / ■ the win prelate identified e conces ' en if It imself... another 1 979 champion, returns in 2A. along with Pottsboro. a semi finalist hi most Riviera edged... defending champion Shiner, 2-1 to gain the tournament In 3 A, the only tournament veteran is Crockett which... lap of fourth t..... Cdrity ftuaeftritc Mi! vH*ii G«a6«* Httburn LOB ; *1*- Port* ' 5 Baytown 3... ■ t ajwinftj it 1 J f V 2 0 1.0 T*Y*Of f *000 2 0 2 0 MMMIt* iW4Mfe.XMH . 1 »I9 ■■ r-vi \ f l 10 0 2

Sequence: 20 (standard view) | zoom view

... that you really have to buckle down on You can t face problems unless you charge them bead on 1 was always... drunk to be a Jerk ; IX )N< >R 8 i 7 ■ HI WVKX oh rui £ >u*jurn l M ( TRANSMISSION 1* Iwr Ttw ferric...* 0p«* imtmimy Bring Ad tad racsiv* *25** Off •f c*api*t* *»*fk**i OHan 10 ft*, iipowci 1)11 ■ khimtm... krtnra Ti 77510 (711) 427 4)11 **1 (711) 424 41)1 ba* Van 0***r ALPHA AUTOMOTIVE SALES & SERVICE “Baytowi... Micwt wi* no* 0* on* tor bad •* Mi *0*c*‘ day Sundiv Win* 20 ^^MMMHiHgHHg| 1*9 15 2510 S3 OS Owe

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