The Teague Chronicle (Teague, Tex.), Vol. 39, No. 34, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 14, 1946: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... ?e By Ernie Buthmiller <0. I $ OKAY vV 7. r ‘ I AT 10 ‘ / £ $• •5^. Nl !4l^ 1CZ. X2 S. Savings Bonds...! ( F/y e-t CL, He W s By Margarita I -SI: Address I Laces and embroidery should be i KB 9 1 ▼ I wg >f... Commit! a ■ fee u rv b T ! !* I "If I I I E I I I I I right.1 r’.l [ £) I YOU PAU li IS IS r ,i * « ■222... FROM LIEF T I ' I i • i_______ I F 1. We havi to handll cur...'s awfully hopeful of getting one of those 200.000 new cars!” io iixrt1 SUIT turkish towel under embroidery

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... «• 1 in CA Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. means MUI We knot H. O. AMAN Violet 1 G A I..." Oli « 'd A 1 •W ' j ■ 7 ft I 4> If spring plans demand action "" on a loan without red tape or __..., By EVERY TEST, THAT GLAPIOLA'S STILL THE BEST/ * " ■/ .......... t * I . CO. >kl fit WAi nted To Buy: KT 1... eCrain o.’ functional ixrlodto tilHrori 1 urn like a Unto, It choald cumulate appeUta _ eld mention.• ttm... in Europe1-, and , of Japan, has been appointed by President Truman to be chief of the army air forces

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... of in H vfe jRTH A ? *e •NG To Pet week's column. Prec. No. 6: i -------1 r BATTERIES'-ACCESSORIES GAS... ‘OIL ;a k ■W 01 in the building of a greater town, Cut ■ i‘g 1 .-•J >1.60 >1.00 .......>2.00... _________>1.26 SPENCER TIRE C of a life’s picture comes in for development. She would then select the ( sucker... Attend ASSOfillt UMia! ---------.... 1 1 win Meeting in Fairfield Mt „d Mr, N w !pOTl An associations... of white narcissus graced the tables. - Qi ' ' " 7 - M -" Mom ■ ■ candle sticks holding 1 candles

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... i ■ _ WAR Middleton, Mrs. F. E. Smith, of d b1 I <**- Cross PETE DAVIDSON ■... Mi to __ J • ! V I w $1Q95 RILEY SHOP Tailor Shop FRANK HUBBARD ting’s. , paid .. If •f the pre- Upon... service. l r Co. MHrilaM z n % Phone 68 EARLE’S -- - . ■ ■j: ■SJ...... k 'G ■ ■ 1 I I 1 I > - . -*7 *-«•... Cylinder Hood and MonWoW nuH for tighfnocc. SPECIAL This Week Only iSlM-X1 wv Mr- Mrs. C. Pickle spenl UlfS... al 1 For Automobile Insurance When new parts are necessary for your Ford Car, come to us and get

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... I SINCLAIR H [ < - PALACE DRUG CO. use ii i 1 1 fishing tackle i nt rr * Your Time RECAPPING... Teague 1 • i A___I Ml i rs ant Book week. iti SRH1 busi ind v it 34' Pil mrmrmriK ^PTs .xnrTrraK C & B... factory way. two double possession. The Davis Co. G. W. HARRISON TIRE CBCC RECAPPING and VULCANIZING T1... STAR CAFE Where Good Food Is Served” I). C. LLOYD 1 ■ v'V Luna News Well I will try to dot a few... MEMORIAL CO. “Hie Creation of Beautiful Memorials—Our Life 1 Write Us ^or Illustrated Booklet PHONE 510

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... ■ 1 — - •a " •» March. 14, Thursday, March 14, 1946 <> $50 Worth of Seed highest O'-'J* vx... vinivllu LIL Wlv JI'Jliiv- 1U 1”1 I 1’1115. YV . VV . VY (?bL of Mr. and Mrs. F. E, Withrow eon... of Mexia, spent Saturday in Sr. several days last week. 1 Waco at Cameron' Park. v for D. 4 r 1 - p- Fourth... Avenue ________■_ .. nth a 4 4 ■ / sa-w-raEI /- FT t, ’Xnaovio I <1 / - More Important Wh,€n you come in... rff.:ff.-aat‘.'rsa.?w7T:- x—1 — OOdfer house. Wcz. ' fialletvirter ■virter Next .time you are in Teague, will you

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

...’ t fi I. *<• ■ Life B? - ■er E. Peas, Cut B< BREAD Large Loaf (Limit) 10 Both X 1 lb. Brick Earle... McSpadden Gro. & Market j CORN MEAL Head •i>e« Phone 9 e and 3 •1 ■ Bl .J ib. — Nicholas Grocery & Mark J... PUREX Bleacher '/z Gal 28c Qt. Bot. 1c 29c fc;rl 1 you wi like and SNUFF, Any Brand, 6-oz. Glass or 1. *... ----------1-----------------------a MACARONI or SPAGHETTI. Gold | Medal, 3 Boxes...........................................^ttree8t0...; PORK and BEANS, Phillips, 1 lb. G 2 For CARROT- 2 Bunches 15c ■ ■J .wfapB . I WWlHhiiit; )

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... 'a .0 OT*»»0X FOB QUICK RELIEF — . Jv’’ > ’■j/Z-VEGETABLfS LAXATIVE 1 IS GETTING UP NIGHTS GETTING... SCHOOL bo.oo Ldle. RGJ out '! 1 ■ I s. -:-W Lennon subjects and Scripture ‘ ‘ ’ ——lyrighted by Intel ;... answer. There was no point in leaving their homes 1 and loved ones and going with her [ to another... , vide# over V3 your / . j daily minimum / J// /)ft 1 need for iron. //[IfWffJjll Serve all-bran... face, "no navy; 1 suppose." I 1 - ■■■ ^Bot I ■ i I I ’)r<11 KI. K ™ fresh 'Eveready" Batterie ‘77

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... EVERY i-:7 - ED ■ a 1 "Ig LT3 1 i _ » A Wffl * r / enes DU prim ~T iey . \ ; . ...1 •4 wagf LJ <’ J N sf... ■ 1 h: * THE TEAGUE CHRONICLE ■saw ■ j service If Super • departcar run fiver, stock of dry goods... >8,000 with 55,000 in- '="^ m ll&fc A Pound. 1 /-J 7-7. • 7- <1441 ■■ ■■ ■ ” ’f ?'* ■ ;‘,... 1 ! itoWW WK We urge you to place your order now for these chicks from U. S. approved flocks. ■»* Uh... __________ results yfl HOG FEM id form ill ■ more Po e’s a 17Vi H ■ .ms J ' • Z more i bring vB - I ■ -1

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

.... ARMY RECRUITING STATIOI Teague City Hall Tuesdays , bell 1 IrSTEM HOISTF3 snringers. VER ► WANT I... ■tment, Vai ss R T IS & INV Lea»«< sand ontract haul »x .Til. Yunl 1 MT W Ktn Ml ^Bb ant sal be d< iit Kt... th< YOU st. jJ teed J 1 >euid ------- ,1 Is k 8 Xq paiosuodg E. O. COSSON * \ g [ACHINE »CEDAR H lots... this t| 14K GO SONOS! I t». b«.iWtll I SIND I tnd name. 1 On arrl » cost cf )| lax and J Unite vvi| WCNLY... lil| riSFItDI I T, INC D.1 I World ul " - . .. |lS(U I L \ICG A IN J Surplus mel Kd shoes $11 I

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

.... 34. Pavement Section ■ 75k ♦ 7 ; ■ 7 'A Ln at (PREMIUI v reort ort coqp ds i l®r I iks m: 1 Head -nw... reason md kr their ]>ic ork to oun tride in id service uri studios. ........ 1 i C , ‘J „ iil 'J IfgHM f... an “outright grift” $1,000,000,000 to Britian as an ___.___T *<___,-^i Editor’s [AIR ’’ ® 1 " ' / T b! j *'./7... subscription rate of The Chronicle would be raised from $1.50 to. $2 in the county and to $2.50 out.... LeRoy Gauntt passed away at his home in Hubbard, Saturday afternoon, March 9,'at 1:00 p. m., after

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

...! STAR Phone 302 LAST DAY MARCH 14 ) V PurKsNQW F < ... .... PS®! a ■ a i g 1 OU Farm and Garden Seed... JOHN EPPES, Owner j trs «S • / 1 K I £ "enriched I FLOUR jwkKSEijsu w hve. / . M £ O ft. Q ft) £ M > S... O ft. Q M £ ◄ W > a K £ i th>| festJ bps P Jl : 1 wi I S LSI FRIDAY - SATURDAY MARCH 15 - 16... . «• No. 1 1 ;■ GENE AUTRY r> i i Kancho Grande ■ j GOOD GULF... to our studio., We take pride, in our work,1 and put our service up against. the largest studios. Era

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