El Paso Herald (El Paso, Tex.), Ed. 1, Thursday, November 16, 1911: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... EL PASO HERALD 16 Thursday November 16 1911 I AT WATSON'S GROCERY ' 1 II New Crop Shelled Pecans... Sugar for cooking. 1 1 1 ! 1 1 - W 1V t ! 1 JS Hill I (jenuine Mexican jrressea mini pouna sue iiiiii... morning on a business trip. R. B. Shanklin Is a new arrival 1p town from Wichita Kansas. J. C. Dunlavy... Every woman who is obliged to wear false hair or rriSn a toupee feels that it 1 a misfortune. What makes... with the business outlook here. W. F. Moore came in on this morning's train from Chicago I1L Land Office Notes

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... aintily and looks so appetizing. so EI PASO HERALD "CXS. 7.ER0 -) o vv. r z-3 S1' r Fesni 0 X3" A v3 -4...'s Vegetable Compound as she had taken it herself for the sam 1 ' v B IT? J" trouble with wonderful results. I... or cures to its credit. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women 1W to write her for advice. She has guided...'s distributor In Doming Is C. C. Rogers room 1. Decker! building telephone 213. The Herald will be delivered... to all parts of the city same night of publication at to cents ner month. 1 for Chicago where he

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... THE PdT SAME. pOCt-ED ih A BUEFjH 3 FEET 1-OMCr THE. VEfVl FiK-ST CliACK OOT OPTHE MY 01'.!! CM"! IV4IH... Subscribers. Business office .1 115 1115 HERALD Editorial Rooms JJ 2S TELBPHON-HS f Society Reporter 1019 . j... Two Republics Bldg. Bell 4354. S ififf&i ye Association of Amer- S 2h1 icaa Advertisers has exc UtJr... considered. Terms S10M cash balance 1. 2. 3 4 6 years. We are sole agents. Lone Star Land Co. 213 Texas St.... $8156 BUYS 5 LOTS ON A X. FXOR- BXOE ST. CORNER. These are only 1 block from a paved street; terms

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Case or 100 Lbs. HEW BEANS 3 lbs. New Lima Beans QP. for &OC 85 lb. sack by 4Jm ft. 7 1-2c 3 lbs. New... Navy Beans OC 85 lb." wide by the lb. 6 1-2c 85 lb. aack New Ptak C Beans per H. Q &C lbs. fancy Head... .$1.30 .$5.50 17c 35c 40c FOE FRUIT CAKES AND MINCE MEAT Fresh Citron Orange or OP- Lemon Peel per lb... kit Dill Pickles $1.00 20c dozen for rt..:f35c 2 cans Piemebtoes " nf 2 cans Piemehtoes (Red Peppers... 50c 65c 25c 25c 25c 30c Gold Coin Flour 24 lb. bag '....75c 48 lb.-bag $1.45 American Lady Flour 24 lb

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

...? ( AMD W-t- Xou've- f HEUuOjJMSuRecG J WSSL0 I ftUWowwrouRMNAe. UsWtJff PAOOQ Fop. GOV -to DO l 1.... No charge less than $ .25 Six Consecutive Insertions per word . . v . .05 By Month per Line. . . 1.00 Lost... middle-aged man wants light wdVk. Write C 226. Herald. WANTED POSITION as erecting engineer. Kq 1 man... furnished steam heated room $1S per month. Flat 14 Bassett building. FOR RENT 2 or 3 clean' furnished... nomelike economical sanitary; ample bathing facilities Rates 50c to $1 a day; $2 to $C week. $12 to $25

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... iMKsia Hi 1 ran II III!' i nvlll I Winter Suit Come to Our Big Slipper Show Our Felt Slippers Have...!" & $1.25 PAIR IP Mr.P I made his two home runs with In the world's series. The bat was auctioned off.... DEFEATS FORMER CHAMPION. Oakland Cal Nov. 1. Fritz Holland of Spokane won a 10 round decision last night.... CONNECTICUT TRAM "WINS. Newport R. I. Nov. 1. The team of the battleship Connecticut won the football.... The score: Walz's team. Carr 1S9 179 160 468 Hardiker 174 17 1M 508 Calisher 1M 21 .138 541 Abbott ....1M 1

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... to enrol and Sunday November1 12 a meeting was held at the Y. M C. A. and the organisation perfected. '... The name chosen was "Est a Bite of Pie1' and the following officers were elected: Chief eat a bite of pie... or as small as desired by the' operation of mamrnot1 bronse doors that Increase or lessen the flow... a nervous wreck greatly suffering from insomnia almost constantly constipated and weighing' only 1S6 pounds... Beauty roses can be bought for $1 a dozen and yet enrich their grower; that the capltol grounds

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... November Sixteenth 1911. EL PASO HERALD EDITORIAL AND MAGAZINE PAGE National Election of 1 9 1 2 WHAT... 13 Arizona 3 total 34. This gives the Democrats 1M Tetes without a very hard fight It will require...." remarked a tourist in Berlin "that 2 or the German papers speak very highly of the new reiebs- 1" "Ach... ior that she said snaktng her head. Oh dear it's nearly one! What shall I dor for 'Nor a window. 1... Are Compelled te Live on the Tips They Can Get BY FREDERIC J. HASKIW 1 AMUBL GOMPERS president of the h American

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... Thanksgiving Notice! Special Demonstration ?:1 U 77ns special demonstration now being conducted... in our Corset Department is a noteworthy event Attend this demonstration tomorrow without fail. I mimm 1... New York N. T. Nov. 1. The 11th annual report of the Union Pacific Railroad company for the fiscal... to $14334445. Pull mcasHrc at Southwestern Fuel Co. POLICEMAN HAWKINS AltltBSTS HIS NAMESAKE 1VBDXESDAY W. P... and beet-on the market. 1 gal. 75c; 2 1-2 gL 90c; 5 g&L $1.50. For a short time sly. El Paso Tent & Awning

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... EL PASO HERALD 8 Thursday November 16 1911 PHYSICIAN ADVISES GUT1CURA REMEDIES For Eczema. Patient... to get white men in. We've offered the managership to half a dozen. 1 won't say they were afraid... save my life 1 can't imagine how I ever came here. But here 1 am and I can't run away." "Blind destiny.... Mich. Dear Sir: Your Appliance did all you claim for the little boy and more for 1 cured him sound... Family Doctor Book were sold in clotk binding at regular price of $1.5. Afterwards one and a half million

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... hav1 sore feei. There U nothing on earth that can compare with it. T I Z is for sale at all druggists...' persons applied xor tree transportation to other towns which upon1 'investigation were found.... Zach White. 120.1 Mesa avenue Monday. November 20 at 10 o'clock to plan the work. Mrs. White has... eening -erwee tfi "f j W If. jrT J" tV of I J Xj ' i J t"a'"w " T1 Copyright 1911 Five Striking Portraits... with the result. Three sises. 25 cents. 50 cents and $1.00. Remember ou can obtain Rexall Remedies onl at our

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... of Cabinet. The composition of the new consti tutional camnet is as1 ioiiows Premier Yuan sni ivai. on-wji nf... today for Chfiia. M. . The Cincinnati will call at Cavite to ..... 1.I..JIm mtiAlan- 4n- Lthe woman... fines of $1 each for their connection with the case. They witnessed the "tarring" from behind a hedge

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