The Statesman (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 45, No. 320, Ed. 1 Sunday, November 19, 1916: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... siaunnugerzaaunutss usanmutuua 18 1 susi NEWS OF THE CHURCHES Homi 1 UR S in Off g of New Winter Suits Ward Mewrerial... Methodiet Church N qp I tion to exfended to ei s35 $ At $1.05 Pair .1 w©s 7 : 1 es in Coats :rent m. which... in the Home All-Wool Tailored Suits at $8.75 lit complete $8.75 Sets Matt 21:1-9, Sets ’ Set United amounted.... At $1.00 Pair ily Desirable Merchandise log time and HOME COMING WEEK. Every housekeeper knows hy not MARK... $1.75 / tty solid Oi ly trimmed sizes—cup! plates, plat i gold band And now is the time to make your

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... m-se=== SUNDAY, NO1 IR 19, THE STATESMAN PAGE FOUR Htl suuai •ill murmuaua... Dinner Sets $31.50 Bi $30.00 only . The use of Sa for re- PopuL .$1. $4.75 to •iMr flounce—black only.... thom. 1 $ 79.00 $115.00 ........... ......$2.48 S49.00 1 1120.00 DRESSES AT $68.00 1 >175.00 DRESSES.... NCY BO boxes fano elopes in 1 es, violet Women’s Sweaters $5.75 and $6.5 Beautiful novelty weaves..., beautiful colorB, a 11.25 >1.75 1.48 2:78 German Damask $1.50 Heavy all pure German linens with plain center

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... 19, 1916. THWLLIAMS8 Garments of Wondrous Beauty Seeond Floor 1 / I New 149 2 I » & L -& 9 $19.75 - r... $25, $27.50 and $35 2 32 K9 Women's Tailored Suits 31 $25.00 and $27.50 ises $1.95 $2.95 1 l % { HER.... -4 8 Sweeping. Reduction On All Established 1865 618 Congress Ave. 3 The Hallmark Store Suits 1... IIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIItlHIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIUIIinilllllllll IIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIHmil 1 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday... Of nentrtee, N-h. - rtM peemeher Overt • SUMS 27 17 1 IIIIIIHIillllllllllllllllU Miltlarry Shop “ Second

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... SICKENS! & People of South IT’S MERCURY! DANGER 1 TE.: f been placed in one of State.... Ar # Si 1322 il...' s U r< I 7 _: e ( I 4 RENZ THE TAILOR 1 903 CONGRESS AVE. —G _ (900 DRoPS) Always Bears the Suits... 19.0 mid mid st ri Signature of 10 1 tati % tary ing to B late wer T ver the in a i bull cen N exp ton... wer futt a r cloa poll N m«i day Ma 56 1 day poll rece end a* i mot inal T oua dati pblj the 10 I nea... Treatment can do for you in the privacy of your own home. Amalie 1-2-3 NON CARBON CYLINDER OIL Gold does

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... Drama LOVE VIRTUE 1 FAITH MORALITY BEAUTY V ■ Wed. and Thurs 2 Days Only SG A ) KU ! PRICES: Lower Floor... St In pernon. MRS. CHAS. G. NORTON a .1 The Plow Girl" Fanhionable English Society Drama. 1 I Tickets... Stood Still” a " ,2 SAONA & CO. Impersonations n 3 ice, worked out the same time 1 FRIDAY-SA’TL RDAY MAE...” D’ARMOUR-DOUGLAS Sensational Equilibrints CRESCENT THEATRE OK t oxannss, MKAR 10t1—Q1 alTY AT AU. TIMLS 1e 4 u, v...- 1 _________RTSk I ask* Paramount JO? LYDIA BARRY Sure-fire hit. In latent song succennes. birth

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... for of a ciew, and ald In vain, to . -1Te .25e . .15e . 8br 25e bottle Catsup ............. 3 pkgs. Oatmeal...., of food given said ccws. (d) If the applicant be a skipper of 1 the milk are free from any contagious |... Piles. send me Hailey Realty Company 1 504 Scarbrough Bldg. new location unti such notice shall A full..., either himself 1 Hans Hart han: ach Bufterers owe their complete recovery to Mayr's Wonerful Remedy... of the dal 1 permit is revoked. Any persons whose 85-acre dairy place, running water, with 45 head

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

..., Dresses 3 (i your use. 1 INTRA-MURAL aamE PUT OTP. r Free! s Free! "THMLLIAMSaG At Scarbrough’s of Figs.... Charitable Spirit Abroad in City Basketball Rules Are Promulgated I 1 Hamburg I nans folks Thro,’ at I... EunananannununsununuuuumuamumunmniIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII promuleate yesterday afternoon. They are as follows: 1. A man may be permitted to represent..., fall weight, No. 79. 35c pair or 3 pairs $1.00 Children’s hosiery in all sises, in ‘pony” black... it, and classical if I don’t.”__________ .. ,) I Reception, Party and 1 a

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... and Velvet. 3) N Children’s Hats 50c to Veiling, a yard, 15c to 9 ! for Those Thanksgiving Functions 4 *1... kit •I NINIM AN condazssav HOT LUNCHES FOR CHILDREN. fWASHINGTON, 0 “0m 5 Q 1 7 ’ 1 =9 Esa s ) 129822...-. ANNOUNCEMEMT: 1 7 Mark Cross Novelties. Let us urge upon you the advisibility of making an early selection... 510 Congress Ave. Austin, Texas J ■ *1 Our beautiful line of imported and domestic leather goods... • • • Cm It Ma shampoo You'll rave over M1SS G T B — T.> that face pow- * Eor twenty-five cents you

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... be obtained at a reasonable rate of interest and almost indefinite time, not 1 Tin ach heart acid, no d heads... the wonderful bargains we are offering. VOSS & KOOCK BAGGAGE MEN MEET. WACO Texas, Nov. 1*.—A meeting.... Humphreys' Homeo Medicine Co., 1M William Street, New York. AT 1 A full Hun of solld Sold Jeweiry at popular... price®. O. 1. Koock Jeweler. 3t..., Influenza COLDS Pathology of a Cold 1 he disensed listen producea bytak- In* Cold .re—local congestion

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... AT $1.25 HAM-RAMSAY We will fit you or not sell you. TABERNACLE $1 .50 704 Congress Ave. Eu Cit X ••-3*4... ....25 ... .$25.00 very specini priee . . .$1.00 All our $15.00 Serge Drennes go on .. . .$15.00 Monda y... iiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii um - 1 ‘A A Monday Night Gospel Services at Tabernacle for Colored People We have a line of FULL..., ribbon trimmed— Earl a Wilson Fall Dress Shirts Full Drea* Mufner Jewelry, ete. II = 1 ret wl He Remember..., at the country towns i = = 5 I I Recruiting Station Has An Auto Now If eight Won unre evinc enla the 1 que

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... Growers Associations. I t 1 yes Bai mo eft foe ha I aamtamtmata the blood, while the pores Kveybody... fresh as a daisy. DILLINGHAM SHOE CO. 610 Congress Hurry, Mother 1 Remove Poisons From Little Stomach.... put a cup of bolling water upon it. pour throus’i a sieve an a drink a tencup full at any time. It 1... harmlesa. Seventh Dev Adyentist Church— Servieen 29 and Pearl streeta Sabbail. School every Saurday. 1* A... held at the funeral , of Patroclus in which demi-gods took part. Other 1 colleges there might be

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1918. THE STATESMAN PAGE EIGHT FOR KENT—Rouses and Flata. FOR SALE-REAL... 6th St., >1.000. Five room cottage, large lot >1,850. $504 SITUATION WANTED. fror selling advertising... pressure. 19 Austin, Texan. Old tf£ 809. FOR 8ALE OR 1KADE. Phone 439. HELP WANTED MONEY TO LOAN Real... of the city. Phone 214. , that add to I to 1 (I not ord I s cati tion hea not side cil..., POULTRY AND EGGS. rr.dPymouthRockchickensor AN 8 1 EAST . tf weekly income Write 19 FOR SALE—A nice, large

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... SIXTH STREET 1 d ) 53 "Foe • - 0 5 ir Why Not $ Van Smith Drug Co. Lert to Rght: Robinson, Smith, Mill... A 1 Inta FORT WORTH tet showed renewed nerv- ) C. U: 22; Daniel Oklahoma Ageither either Gcorgia Tech... YORK, Nov. 18.—Coffe: No. Han Center. Winter.. G. & M. CYCLE CO. . . Oakley . .Carroll 1 Smith . Elam... , . . Simmons ms A Garth McCallum IAN-KO'S P1l periods; New Hampshire. Northwestern, 38; LEG ft... weather destroys one house in fou But it doesn’t destroy the house that’s painted with At Oxford, Ohio:, 1

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

... of Chamber Music—Absolutely Unexcelled. 332: MAJESTIC THEATRE 3. ,1 i 5 d8 D-$ Seats on Sale at Reed’s Music... Store Here’s the Secret la of Reo Reliability 41 TY 11 # -t Aa L.ADINS FREE ADMISSION 50 3 1.7 Gift- V 1... 31 • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8th PRICES $2:00, 11.50, $1.00, 75 CENTS AND 50 CENTS OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE No... NIGHT, NOVEMBER 21 10t(i Ward Fire Hall ■ s I l = IHT > ELKS BUILDING pnoxm CM L 1 #2 WELL THEREIN LIES... the grandmother, gelecta Margot to impersonate the randdaughter $ we STEP BY J STEP 1 I 1323 As a1Me Zlek, Munn

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... emee 9 916 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1918. THE STATESMAN nuuIi2 BAYLOR BEATS SOONER AGGIES K1 'K A 4 J... Gay ... Center. .501 G. Roach Haynes 1 . .. Reed Copyight Hart Schaffner & Holland Wheeler Quarter... COLUMBIA, Mo., Nov. 1«.—Starting sity of Missouri football team was outmill mill It KANSAS BEATS NEBRASKA... Baylor . .. Scor’ng: forward Princeton At all drug stores 60c and $1.00, or by mail $1.00. Sets Stronger... expects to pun Tey.for Meucan, MeGraw for Latrobe, 1 something with his Ereshm.en in the Tybbot

Sequence: 18 (standard view) | zoom view

... and 0 Allen Classic Cars $1095 NE Wii Cullen & Caswell 204-6 East Fifth St 1 Tm here for having five How... near future. Ref Mr. "It Gther t'on 1 "I study persis create will i time gency wise certai tries owner... last week from the Thomson Motor Car Company pany Fir; ] Until Dec. 1 The WALTER TIPS CO DISTRIBUTORS... of Hutto. Hot te co lands which pense time Ren posals Comn Feder Rtate over i "Th to w1 overlo ficult: many... were,forexarg‛e,lsa"saeons. oovef I uy 1 •power.asI m"mkpmgsasuia"e I 2-- 1 | riding-com10 n semicasily. , of the finest

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 C « 1 * 3 -5 Scarbrough’s 27 t $4.50, $5.00, $6.98, $8.50 Up Skirts * r MODART CORSETS-EXPERT.... GILLESPIE, Props 906 Congress. --v IT’S AS GOOD AS CASH! USE YOUR CREDIT! Men's $18.00 4 Suits and 0 •, / 1... Seek Lower Rates of Exchange kindr "Therenrstr CC foole do a ever thre It at Get sten w1 and beah next... in Austin many years ago to the committee working for the 1. W. P. A. bazaar to create a fund, •... the (50 mo; "kit con of tile an T 84 r a 1st cm| It I san pbo T toet par pen or veg seat tati forr t an -

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... HEARD IN MURDER CASE IE MS. DENY FARMERS BOOST PRICES ROAD INDICTED TO CARRY OUT PROGRAM. -1 today... against the St Louls, Bouth- Dec. 1. was announced today by the Department of Agrieulture. Headquarters... of consider. _ abk P"oportions have broken but 1 hene r-ports were denied by the British government and so far... for 100 yards. that there is a practical agreement from all sourees of crop information that there 1... 65,303 bales of rotion prior to Nov. 1, 1916, as compared with 44,017 bales ginned to Nov. 1. 1111. Round

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