The Cherokeean. (Rusk, Tex.), Vol. 117, No. 39, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 11, 1965: Searching Inside

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16 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... and ani ftr. (1.00 of At der r ¡i MM yOULL SAVE $$$ THESE PRICES.' >■ .W. v.í.v. 'Útf .*.<. 2£¿ ¡ . *. -... 'j Ga!. 1 ALL FLUFFY 3 Lb, 790 SURF *,,290 BREEZE «■ 360 BULK WIENERS 3¡$l°° FRESH GROUND EXTRA LEAN...' U.S. NO. 1 RED POTATOES 8 Lb. Sack 65 GOLDEN RIPE Bananas ■ 10' FIRM GREEN CABBAGE ¡3* US. NO. 1 TEXAS... Pkg. 79 READY MIX LX3 D-C0N $1.49 NINE LIVES CAT FOOD 2 290 TUNA STARK 1ST CHUNK LIGHT MEAT Vz Tin... 370 HONEY SIOUX BEE 1 Lb. 43^ OLIVES TOWIE STUFFED 7 Ox. 530 LIFEBUOY SOAP 2 „270 LIFEBUOY SOAP 2

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... BLACKEYED peas CRISPY SOUR OR DILL pickles NABISCO'S PREMIUM SALTIN crackers No. 2'; $^0C Cans 1 7 No. 300... OR CHUCK ROAST1 35 KRAF'S SLICED AMERICAN 12 Ox. TENDER VEAL CLUB DOUBLE TOP VALUE STAMPS EVERY WEDNESDAY... With Purchase of $5.00 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) 1 per family—coupon expires March 13, 1965 Brcokthire Bros... sticks TASTE O' SEA perch McCORMICK'S BLACK pepper 1 KRAFT'S FRENCH DRESSING KRAFT'S THOUSAND ISLANC... 4 Oz. Can 8 Oz. Bottle 8 Oz. Bottle LA CHOY CtiuW MEIN 5 No. 1 Flat Cans 39* 29í nooiles LA CHOW SOY

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

...? ',rwil .*«*"• M l«all od the «a- No. quite to the contrary. It is a**1"** time when he said, "Take... will be Thuiw- I day at .'1:00 p.m. in Wallace FuTieral Chapel for Mrs. Dena (!iN ford. Mrs. Caiffm1. He... July 1. —Staff Photo P-TA Officers Suggested Parents, teachers, ;uvl interest- parliamentarian, Mr.... and Mrs. «1 friends attended T u e u day Grady Dupree. The election is to night's regular March meeting

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... Methodist Church, the local Ro- *•4*4 -•i-i JAMES I'OLK RICHARDS tarv Club, and is active in Scout work. 1... in Jacksonville. In 1ÍH7 he was graduated f'r.rn Sam Houston State Teachers Col Ierre in Huntsville... in Rusk since April 1, 1951. In a statements to the voters. Richards said, "If elected, I will make every... stated that posters will be placed in businesses throughout the county around April 1... Mrs. H C. Edwards over the weekend. (Continued from Pag* 1) tiona, or hold other type of Jobs. Mayes

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... EAGLES ECHO Who Is thr Junior girl that likt-s Jchnny Wafer, what «T. >«.> han'1 ?" J*""' wh"n ■o... ReusauAvr Fin- r>1 • Kusk ' ' . Charlotte... Un7 "" tere wh. h • Junta- girl ttiat Ilk™ el ,lot.,. Burton . *>* „ , TMHIKK OF THK 1VKKK ,hl...„ ,.hilclr,„. Butch. Johnny 1 """* * 1 - a •*-- -a a... ...... wm, ta. JBW. rniymw «anta lo thank... with Norman mark out Thursday morning? C a r o 1 Cnrringtcn and Bruce , , , i Could it be something about Rat

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... the fence er W«>-d« No. 1. and No 11 in thn M--tvti*uim Se curity tJnit As Wi>d \'o II i* primarily a rm... Iwck into swiety awl live a normal, welladjusted life. Recently 1 have ttarted in Group Psv<4iothcrnpy.... Orange punch, ass'irtcookies, '"(1 cookies, I offered the Hostesses vent were I Black, J Cicff, Mildred... 1 ni a ¡Smith, Jeff Ixivelady. Paula Smith, Gladys Shattuck ?uid Bobbie Green. Mrs. Edwin Dickey... hWMM r W$1S ■■ml Mothers! Get a beautiful 8x10 picture of your baby for only 98c AOESi INFANTS TO 12

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... "-r: - rrvr r'r 1 y .I ymmmmv" mwuinw 4-H ™■ Action ■ mr XI EPSILON KAPPA CHAPTER I I Make... in eompeob oí showing thoir Beef Scram- 1 tition with his essay on "My Beaf ble Heiftrs in the Houston Fat.... Tex.t IVUl ILL — 1TO*SDAY, MARCB 11, IMS PAOÍ1WO of the following machinery for Cherokee County, Texas... Stock Show. j Hinton February 1st. New Summerfield 4-H: Wednesday, Soott and Curley Protection from... Thursday, March -1 days in the County jail Curley Mrs Davis discussed primarily was fined $100. How

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... Saturday evening March 6th at 7:00 Miss Doris Kay (.'reel anil Jerry Clarence Mayes \v re m. iti (1... of Beta Sigma Phi met Monday eve- i Ming at the Pineview Restaurant with President Patsy P r u c 1 I... by the hostess, Mrs. Helen Daniels. • During the business session plans were made for the next*1 tnoeting. Mrs... and was topped with a miniature bride and groom. Pink punch bowl an/1 coffee was served freni a silver service.... Miss Judy Moake so"- vc d the coffee. Mrs. Mayes is a 1%4 graduate of Alto High School. She attended

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

...; but we have plenty of other 1ypes in Cherokee County that do untold damage to our vegetable crops... by late frosts. For the same reason do not prune back j frost damaged plants until all 1 danger of late... will be considered by the House very soon, probably later this month. The three main proposals are (1... for these covered under these proposals vary widely. Below, a brief comparison is made. HOSPITAL BENEFITS. (1... home benefits up to $1,000, plus 80% of all charges', with a $25 00 deductible and a lifetime maximum

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... courts have found to lie (i.irVs'Cliills to ilieiuvi |\ i • dail"eloUs lo lllose ileal them, ¡111(1... ci Mmed. Approximately hall <>1 then number I kits committed niurder. Seldom no tfaey in contaei... will remain the. ♦ same for many more years to come. ; \ p.* ... ■ ■■ '■ 1 DORMITORIES A FAVORITE PASTTIME... this hospital and make it a really good1 one?" —Staff Photo THE BENCH BRIGADE A visitor to the Maximum Security.... This 1a perhaps the most touching feátufe fount) to the unit. The unit need* more therapy badly

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Two aeres. 1(¡ est ra ac res available. MU 3-27.Vi 2t|>-!ÍS FllK SALE: ( Duren Lake Water..., limits, jKirtially furnished. Call Hilton Bynl, NK 1-32*23, Lufkin, 11 p-37 FOR QUICK SALE Newly... 1'refinished Mahogany Plywood White Ccilm^tile 12\12 ea Latex Inside Paint White Both Set. all nttin«s 3.95 94c... Furnish the Lot or Land WE'LL BUILD YOUR HOUSEI Now building 3 bedroom house with 1'- baths, all utilities... classes of livestock Open 7 days a week. •Sale 1 p.m. each Wednesday on Rusk Highway, Palestine, Texas

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... with school integration requirements of Federal Civil Rights Act. All but lfiO cf 1,350 Texas school districts... in the fir t place, est her $1,500 over a three-year period by the time she went lhroti!;h renewals... and additional loans to meet high interest rates. Sh • It Mficd in a hearing on a ¡Mil I • He p. W If". .1... Act >1 1961." 'lilis cc mpliance has been prcperly exec uted by each district and | has hern filed...* oFLtINTE55J¿ JfrnveMa/uf DACR3N POLYESTER KUTTEIIHIP PRINTS regular 1.98 yd. Sale — I 50 . . . the true wash

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... í t í K > I A B U t t. í a e * 0 t i? r. 1 R * r p « t ti • B V Kt ■ M l> S. P fc" r I Cherokeean.... But the issue Is far from settled. And, if we are to see it through—as we must if we art1 ever to stand up..., told us that the only information given the 1,000 persons interviewed was in the question itself...," Sturgeon said. The 1,000 persons interviewed were asked the following question: tion: "The Texas State.... WHITEHEAD, OffUe ani Business Manager. Subscription Kate*: $3.00 per year. $1.75 for nix months

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... '♦« I ' f • • • • 1i . >v f n .<■. I* ft • * •* '•rr? iu in* nr ' I '•> v j «H ■ ' M - . '... 'V Now Ready! LITTLE DRESS-UPS for the Girl. 1 to 3X and 3 to 14! You'll be pleased at the Pretty..., Perky Styles in Easter Egg Colors! «1 LEVIS Sta-Prest CASUAL PANTS 6 98 And 7.98 Permanent Crease Stays... a ■m * * ar A «i a a tf ft & ii tf I M ñ 'I «T • X A t i 'S ■M 4 * it sh 1 4 3 -A * Mr * V 3 I

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... sociation. ! This announcement was made re- About 1,000 rose bushes, made wnlly by C. D. Acker, Chairman...- This represents 6.5 pergiven by the Texas Association of 1 goal of $200,000. Nurserymen to State Senators... recently gave to the Texas Association of Nurserymen 1,000 rose bushes to be presented to State Senators... section of Summons 1 )ivision Cancer R e s e a r e h, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas

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... and Lack of Funds 1 I I By DON BUCHANAN NtWi Editor "There is nothing wrong with this hospital... institution. Itut burden of proof I of greater savings to the state 1 rests upon those who argue... Superintendent, Dr. Chas. W. Castner was held1 Tuesdny morning in the Chamber offioes. fioes. Free discussion... this year, will be the special guest speaker at the banquet. Thorton was named "Coach of the Year" 1 among

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