The Graham Leader (Graham, Tex.), Vol. 90, No. 1, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 12, 1965: Searching Inside

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... 1 r I I; I a n The Groham Poge 4—The Graham Leoder, Thursday, Auq. 12, 1965 T-V PROGRAM Need... A Piano? SUNDAY, AUGUST 15 KFDX-TV Chan. 1 West Side of uore 10 Dallas Chureh MIXED TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS... OPEN EV a DO YOU । BEATA DRUM.. TUESDAY, AUGUST 17 A 1, 3 TELEPHONE LI 9-3737 WHY EX % ther 8 I Thia... News TEXAS S 1 In Court I Hospital I VIDEO m I 602 Oak Street Graham M- \ nepor Show WEDNESDAY. AUGUST... 18 FRIDAY, AUGUST 20 1 KAUZ-TV Chan, 6 £ Carnival Hercules Hospital Hospital Jones Friends L/V

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... ( 1 1 t Page 4— The Graham Leader, Thunday, Aug. 12, 1965 « FOOD at CROUCH'S SAVE The on E - ( { (... 20 A I: 12 ’ PLUS FRONTIER SAVINGS STAMPS W- I1 T FRYERS g N I 27 "x“o NW G- WHERE EVERYBODY SAVES... 10 POUND 1 BAG EACH J G FREE FRONTIER STAMPS WE HELP 8 10 ELECTRICITY Kif IMTi"MTIMTIMTMTMIITI N t... USE Gal FOR . . CH 1 RMMX J ( Preach Double SER LI 9-0100 "GROWING WITH GRAHAM" d h TV „vq.901 wrpay r... I Tett.r M 4 M _ 9 E H11TFS9 NEW LOWER PRICE ur, TWIN PACK STUFF LARGE 1 % LB. LOAF Right on your

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 ~~$ * -N- "" ) ) r ). । 1 =ilEIE Th [ 11 ill 3 k II EI = 1 ) J k ? # = 4: E -e ill = ‘F • f (\... Sell 20 Subscriptions To The Graham Leader & Reporter I E - Follow These Instructions... 11 j 1...TI 1_____4 E IEIE NIE Take MugieafFUrrwith Yu! ii II 1 T • Nc registroticn fee Contestants hove until August... Today! m The GRAHAM LEADER & REPORTER V 620 OAK STREET GRAHAM, TEXAS /w-- r in T II 4 ) 1 f rt » - - - -... 1IiiW=illli==liil Illll=llli=I==l T-inezuonn: Tiiiiis - JO 9 Here's Your Opportunity To Win A BICYCLE Or TRANSISTOR

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... I I I The Graham Leader, Thursday, Aug. 12, 1965__Page 3 “SSH‘ GREEN STAMPS "SOH" GREEN STAMPS I1... WEST SIDE SQUARE GRAHAM, TEXAS wmm 4 7009- € A 1 h / SECTION GETS S I 2 $ J T INSTRUCTION FOR RENT... OF FURNITURE RI-Lip St FOR SALE 2 bedroom FOR SALE — New ond used South Side Squere R1 -Li p LI 9-2427 301... Taylor Fort Worth R49tfc 9-2331 R52-L3i IC as i1. FOR SALE Girls’ 24- Utilities PEST CONTROL paid Phone... < 1018 Third Lip 1 SERVICES A cexn THE GRAHAM COMPANY 1 do Graham, Tex. Box 476 choose from. John

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... I I 1 T » Th. Grohom Lt>d>., Thur^oy, Aug. U, 1965—Fog« 5 U A O I I A t I 9 H A% "= * P H A T r —... a I FEDDERS GRAHAM —t C I ■ % • 4ed 1 Lets Ge Beatinq! several thousand dogs and ends _E_ Ei Lindsay... 9-1275 $1.60 $26.95 $1.98 $8.98 / \ $1.67 $8.95 Penn Surf Reel $4.95 $10.95 $9.95 (AMP STOOLS GOS I8e... LIVE MODERN $4.95 FOR LESS WITH 1 $6.95 (Q)02V5C Except for its old-fashioned thrifty price, modern gas... MASONRY SAND AND CEMENT $1.52 95c Coleman One Mantle Lanterns Aluminum Cots With Foam Mattress Aluminum

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 I I THURSDAY, AUGUST 12. 1965. GRAHAM, TEXAS 9 CADILLAC PERSONALS BUICK sid 2m*m DID YOU KNOW... MARIES f 2 25< vaa..... da 28x 23c P. smnm=ITK 9 SHURFROST 1 « RLE 1312 I mrmremmemmm WELCHADE 1 ' % wm... Opereting Trede 200 Ct. 2 Ppy. EASY TERMS) USE THE CLASSIFIEDS GOSPEL MEETING SURE August 15-22 9 1550 No 1... 1001 EAST FOURTH ST.. GRAH HOME OWNED TEXAS I grdhmkmeemniereran bimt 4 A " = E% A ill $1 $1 Janette... $30.00 more than 1 Chevrolet Impala or a Ford Sedan. BUNGER NEWS By MISS JOYCE BEACH YOU ARE INVITED

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... Green Beans air conditi ...and 11 5$1 has it! Pork & Beans u Graham Crackers Cooking Need- 24 or. lottie... r3 - Lucerne Dry Milk 79$ Kraft Dressing Non-fat-- 12-Quart Size Fresh Elberta 3'1 LI $ LI 9-3644... Size 2- 254 Gala Paper Towels Southwes 39$ 234 Freshly Baked Foods! 1 -n U.S.D. A. Inspected and Grade...< Choice White Meet—Lb. * 3 WAYS TO WIN Smoked Ham Mexican Dinner A ;4 494 1. J ■ 2.794 a. 45... Detergent—12-0z, Plastic . 1 OCopyrinh* 196 Sefewey Stores Incorporated. I I I f —r r F t : .4 Carrit 4) I SAFEWAY

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

... of the Church . 1 ? I 1 I ¥ ★ J I I 4 46 O J T 1. & 3 5 ¥ "1 3 5 .3 2. ■ ii ¥ ¥ F 198sd 20 E i T *7 "nm,ernmen E... « 1 4 K% / * - "L W The First Methodist Church GRAHAM, TEXAS + t 9.6 $ * ¥ L • Come Worship With Us... (Worship Service) Wednesday Evening 7:30 p.m. ing at 0:30 pm Night 7:30 *4 T ■nan writ WK 1 4. I J —m I — I... ch > i ■ 2 3222" i i ana 1, 5,#, For Without Strong Churches America Could Not Survive CHURCH OP... Service. 7:30 pm Wednesday YPE. Friday, 7:30 pm THE GRAHAM LEADER The Community Newspaper Since 1 876 1

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... Aek 1 I 4 The GRAHAM LEADER I I famous 55 STEAK quality Lb costs no more 39 ROAST Lb 59 BABY FOOD... 6 00 COMPANY -Oi 00 PUBLIC NOTICE 49c 10 3 - S-Oi. Pkg. $ 1 101 49c I z MAZLA CORN OIL BANQUET POT... 5-Lb Bag CARNATION EVAPORATED 25c 19c . 8-01. Pkgs. QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED 1 WHITE SWAN COFFEE Mr... and Mr. 4 0> Bottle 1 KRAFT’S PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE 1 1/ f *y i GOLD MEDAL FLOUR TENDERLEAF INSTANT... TEA 1 NABISCO L than ordinary air conditioning ...and BIG MIKE DOG FOOD 3200.19, MAXWELL HOUSE \

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... 4 1.. The Grehem Leader, Thurday, Aug. 12, 1965—Page 3 MORRISON }4 FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE... THE CLASSIFIEDS #MBE, V 3 FINE FOODS AND SAVINGS TOO • News From The Golden Age Home * 1 L &0 a •A 4b. SUPER SUDS... New! tastier.... Associate Editor 2900% ’MH SB 2 ( A 700% f 120096 258 A*™,. 27C 1 Cans... STREET ! Mema C, *• vnm 1,4 * L rz CLIP THIS COUPON lit f 244 CLIP THIS COUPON 3500153333 CLIP.... _____ DEL MONTE SLICED OR HALVES PEACHES I , I aO 1 Quiet people aren't the only ones who don’t say much

Sequence: 18 (standard view) | zoom view

... I )i l " ft’ 1 m$ y Poge 8— The Graham Leader, Thursday, Aug 12, 1965 DON'T PE HALF-SAFE of farm... INSURAN( E INFORMATION INSTITUTE Boathouse Bulletins IB STONE'S A c 937 5 For $1 3 For $1 $1 -9 8 For $1... Kit. - i 500 FIFTH PRIZES Troy Zip A Robe Stadium Blankets Mr. Dollar Grahar the moved here 1 was born... and Georgia Marble Monuments 2 e Mr. John i resided on 1 1:30 a.m. Au ney Hamilton an illness. Funeral s '... Dollar were Friday, Augi PLUS - 1,000 SIXTH PRIZES 144 Tablet Bottley ot Rexall Super Plenamhins (Rexai

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... ] I t The Graham Le i b4 I I V F « ■ 4 sh2 ■I NATIONAL Fri., Sat., Aug. 13-14 1 1 0 € Q '6 4 / =... B3 4 E Tony Curtis Janet Leigh 1 ( 1 3 Bring yourcar, too ... it's welcome BOB’S FOOD / STORE 7 ♦... 195 % * 1 *. * 72071 I > - Greens HI-C All Flavors Released by BUENAVISTA Dwwhnon Co nr 01964 Da 3,71... $1.25 .60 tamilyentertainment ■I •• s I gg, T ’ hp- ( 2 thing. Lawn fe Surgery. Free LIVES REP TOO LATE... subscription contest lost weekend —Leader Staff Photo DEL MONTE Spinach SHURFINE TURNIP or MUSTARD 1

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... VOLUME 90 NUMBER 1 - . f - “ \ » +- V ■ IS I 3 e d n 6 J 106 ■ Graham United Fund •a LIKE FATHER, LIKE... "3 FRIDAY EVENING Schools I deqp-nuexe-a — Te-r 22 660b, 1 i f $ "H * I > I ■ A 7 • TT " MtttMM... ‘hmmdmoeammsmmmmsGsdiM-a % pmm a 7 9*66 $ 1 Father and Three Sons Employed by Manager Graham Leader Observes Eighty-Ninth... Birthday Draft Board Doubles Number of Physicals 1 YOUNG COUNTY’S PRIZE WINNING Mrs. Roy Mathis Funeral... attended the five day school in Dallas. Pupils in grades 1 through 6 will be furnished a form which

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... THE CLASSIFIEDS 843 5 1 B A fi ' .. first Tuesdi in lection all ballots shall » te)) Secretary of State; and cer... f ■ I A n m-- ■ / 75 .-20. 5 I 1 I = ““ YOUR at at American College at i GRAHAM, TEXAS PHONE LI... of the Legislature, or as soon Corvin Monti Sport Coupe high will and v 1 ‘ miny • inthe the Li id sory age Illis... for the teenage “princess” in your home.1 Having her very own Princess phone means more responsibility and more... IIIIlI Ui Monday which el filed applications to participate the inrialh predicted 1*6-00 ......

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

...**: 98*58689 1 _ — 1 __ Open Girls' Barrel Race I L SCERNOSEK’S Downtown Parade 1 t Box... Seats $2.00 Each PH. LI 9-0244 MORE r I * * „mrvy e / 1 -- t KEEP WINTER QUO • /. • h Published every..., be permitted to wear shoes for Combines Now a Sprayere 225 205 111 111-115 209 1M 1M2 IMS 220 171 171 Tractors... New A Uee Chain Saws 233 226 ns GENERAL ADMISSION Adults $1.50 - Children 75c desirable game birds... set forty by the T.LL., and maintain a satisfactory at- US RA CLEAN UP 1 1 S T HAT TIME AGAIN Steers

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... •: 4 3 • T r 1 The Graham Leader, Thunrde The Graham Leeder, Thursdav. Au|. 12. 1965 Poge ‘b... THERE q By EMALINE HARRIS 1 A 1‘ of the Brazos River Read it, you'll enjoy the article . ■ 2* J ’ - 74... Back To School PERSONALS 1 2 Mrs James Kendrick, and by-theway this lame- McColl Junior Size Dresses... months (nearly 1,000 Adq it up for yourself... FRIGIDAIRE'S FRIGIDAIRE'S GOSPEL MEETING I $ 50th..., “A Funny Thing Thing1 Happened on the Way to the For- r- e BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION — Dan Padgett, above

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... I I I I The Graham Lea Poge 2—The Graham Loader, Thursday. Any. 12. 1 965 Fhe Graham Leader...! I 9 Laundry—Done the Way You Like It! $1.10 1.10 B17 Cherry LI 9-3680 1 T • • rep"e Labor Relations... the Congress for an additional 1.7 billion dollars. Added to the 700-Million additional dollars voted earlier...- Washington Report, a publication of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, points out that a 1" per......’ “1 find myself compelled Into a position in which I shall have to vote for IL” Only If Congress shows

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... I I } N I I J The Graham Leader, Thundey, Aug. 12, 1965—Page 5 2 ■ 1 a f ♦ । ) 0 \ Crosbyton ; )... an article titled Mow’s the time to get a 5 Mo. 1 buy on the Mo. 1 cars. GUARANTEED TENDER GRAIN FED BEEF... PAPER 525 Count of High Quality Glossy Finish special 7 C $198 1 PAIR BACK TO SCHOOL SALE fn"2 5 Jr s... to 12 0s97e why wan? TO BUY THE NO. 1 CAR? "THE CHEVROLET Lynn Larkin, Odessa; A-..... A Ri'lie, a aA. d

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