The Canton Herald (Canton, Tex.), Vol. 64, No. 11, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 14, 1946: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... PAGE SIX THE CANTON HFRALD U4“ I I BUSINESS & INVEST. OPPOI. 1 SF, X s A 2: i sale L - • * o *20... KOT l % l AVER Crowiry, Texas. C) 4 ? F-s‘ *2 2 & ,6 8 MAY 1 Please 2. ! c / IN THE /, 23. 7 \ I = Buy... for this smart davtime frock ‘‘Ze A WONDERFUL A I 6 AND *41 1,7 in $- -fe C2 T Nc A 3) * T By Margarita Size— ^4... Name •I Address 4'; । Li ‘ i tl- ! I ’ x n n $ I V (e ■ 1 fna “ ) / 1 E REG’LAR FELLERS By Gene Byrnet... I f I I I I I V B I I 21 20 I) 5 $ 2a ,4". k ! WNU—L ) — &4, L /A I K mA I SILENT SAM » / P 1 (/ 3 1

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... stole the civics students' constitutional' hard-worked-for July 1 contemplated that the navy them, would... Either variety at $1.50 per pound THE CANTON HERALD Purchase at once while supply is available. Write us... EOR SALE 150% acres land short 1 brindleBuldog Onerblue eyeand Ambulance Service at a moment’s notice... $1.25 . 75c Catherine—Algerbra. Emma Lee—Boys. Una Lois—Junior business. Henrietta Oldfield— Industrious... Simmons—Tests. Pammy Rowaid else’s. Hi There Doc, May 1 ask one simple question? Why do sour girl friends get

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... return Another two-point reduction wl become effective April 1 and at the same time the score for womfu... (Re-election, 2nd Term) BILLY DEEN For Commissioner, Prec. No. 1: PERCY HEDDIN HOMER E TUNNELL For Commissioner... at reduced policy gives you more for your 1, Canton,' money, and you deal with homet-1p. ' folks.... 11t-1. Old-Age Assistance Army, Navy Expenses Are Up Joint Atom Faye For Tax Assessor-Collector: JOE... with navy blue accessories. — dte from Canton 1 Miss Christabelle Fincher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... Phone 98 VAt.” 4 Join the Red Cross drive. 1 USDA to Aid Poultrymen In Price Sag dyes. Call... $2.25 to $6.95 Permanent Waves the sick list last week. 1 Mrs. Alma Chamblee of China Addis Norrell... Paul Canton MEN’S SHORTS 50c - 79c and $1.19 Compare these with other makes and you will be proud.... 1 children of Fort Worth and Miss The ladies of the church served i * - fm-"------------ Permanents... 7:57 5:1010:10 6:38 GRISER’S CAFE CANTON, TEXAS 1 19; two concerts in San Antonio on March 20; Lon

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... shorteninq needed! (?) - □ 4. E A Va ( A f pj •):( 1B15500185R S1818/D)S aue LIGHTED MOMENTS... of Nation Ceriow Co^wy, ime. (0 r MILD BEN-GAY FOR CHILDREN jet PAZO Todgy! At Drugstores! / ORETONE 1 e...'s ALL-BRAN % cup molasses 1% cups milk Harold was, and is, a great friend of her parents; he has loved Sandra... since she was born. “Harold is a doctor, who went 1 egg 1 cup sifted flour 1 teaspoon soda % teaspoon... ^If^LGESIQUE BAUMI DAAN I RHEUMATISM 1 MTHERE‘S"ALo oe‘ < NEURALGIA. X MILD BEN-GAY DUE TO LANDCODS J

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

...- 1 I 4 dens gave generously of food for the Find an unbearable dress . . . If the original skirt... S.1h blouse. from ours and England’s, where the *• w $2 3 J *E L Virginia. It was Lord Fairfax who 1 J... .48 { 6• GET 25/BOX 1 Spring Fashion Notes 4 The angular outline in shoulders If baby brother wants... a sailor outfit like big brother, select one in gatherings. ‘ ! 1 .dad [ 88 tation. AU druggists sell Swamp... Root Marui;: 1 irs CARBOIL - TABI LT S- N? ner texture. Australian turf is much stronger, much more

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... and seal off Gibral- . 2 Maintenance of bog ceilings at present prices up to September 1. 1946... is put under regulation on June 1 said that by pursuing an independent foreign policy, we might better... 1 2 a -4 P, A 7 1 1 3 e ) r 1 yy 7 /A .! at descriptions for manufacturing nniTitv the A-bomb... attache at Ottawa to obtain samples of atomic materi- - J - - - [ "s _cec 1, •r 2... the subsidy on heavier bogs before September 1 3 The 58 cents a mundred pound subsidy paid cattle men

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... LATE, CALL 88 START AND STOP HERE 1 WHERE TO FIND “Johnny Angel” $9.95 & $12.95 Your Car Batteries... 24-Months Guar a tee—50c Exchange $5.00 A-B Pack 1 000-Hr. Radio Battery We have plenty tanks, $7.95... and SATURDAY with WILD BILL ELLIOTT as RED RYDER “Great Stagecoach Robbery” So HANE 1!! \‘ MY BISCuns I ?... ARE DARKER ) But my C family likes Y TWEIR"WHERTY" 1 TASTE. THERE'S NO EMERGENCY STU5/ \ SISTER! L Rascoe... USED GLAV\OLA EMERGENCY TYPE FLOUR! VT‘S SIMPLY k WONDERFUL* , JAMES PEACE - EVERITT HIGGENBOTHAM 1

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