The Bastrop Advertiser (Bastrop, Tex.), Vol. 51, No. 36, Ed. 1 Saturday, November 14, 1903: Searching Inside

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8 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... buy from us and save money on your next purchase. zjFour Big Specials for November. Special No. 1...'s prices IkjIow: 2f) Bolts Bleached Domestic, the oc kind, we olVer at 1c yard. 10 Bolts Cotton Plaids...!.') Bolt* Oil Red Figured Calicoes, Ic yard. 25 Holts Brown Cotton Flannels. \xv offer at I 1 2c yard 29..., worth 90c, at BOc pair. 10 pair Child's Kid Spring Heel, all leather Shoes, 8 to 11, worth $1.00, at 85c... pair. 3(> pair Child's Marine Calf, all leather Shoes, 8 to 11, worth $1.25, at $1.00 pair. pair Miss

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... •1' * ' V ' % 4 The tiastrop Advertiser I THE SCHOOLS OF BASTROP COUNTY. ( kfu i l'kul" f... a* Second Class Matter. E lavished March 1st, 18.M. Vol. M>. B>i*irop, Texas. Nov. 14, 19(M. kki..., Captain, I'm quite a diversifier and believe in expansion when 1 get squared down to a table well loaded... it is caused by feeding unsound and smutty corn. No Captain, 1 havan't lost any. My preventive is to feed all... on said treatment. 1 hope the frost has driven the " Ha'tlesnake,'' as well as the "Yellow Jack

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... T The Bastrop Advertisei i 1*K NOT I>lscoi'UA(iKl>. ♦ m M \ riiniii r, *11 vj k i.inin v rv mi;lit of '.he c!d fostering sickly 11.00? The Llzner... Mercantile Co. We'll sell you 20 lbs. of Fancy New Crop Prunes for $1,00. —Merchants r e p o r t but iness... turkeys were marketed here Saturday, at $1.00 for gobblers and 50 cants for hens. Oil, HOW CHEAP, $1

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... The Bastrop Advertiser CITATION BY PUBLICATION. KLYSH'M ' in 1 Kk r if I /• b f V >. * Editor... by W. .1, Mlley and C. Krhard A S >n. The M. K. \ T. Cane Belt iai':oad $1,000,000. lias bought Price... if it fail* to cure. K. W, Orove's signature hit on each tmx. 2 ">c IHK STATE >'1 ThNi A *, To the Sheriff... District to said -1st Judicial District, to ap|>ear at the next regular term of the District Court.... I'JU'J, the same being tho 2lst day of December, A. D. 11KK1, then and there to answ«r a petition filed

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

...'s issue?" " Vno." "1 thought not. In the poem 1 wrote a line which read, 'I love \ou process of law..., "hut 1 suppose it would bo just as well for tne to tell you that if I'm on this jury your client had... of your linotype humorists made it read, "1 love you better tliau 1 love inv wife.' " "Kr"— "Exactly—my w... on it in January, and m February 1 wrote to the postmaster of the nearest town to send me particulars concerning my... holdings. 1 sent him for his trouble, ami lie earned the monev. He wrote back: " 'Went over to see your

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... continued. The stock had come Kight sets ot twins were born in Kllis county during month of 1 h'tobel*. ' Ll...' ! •i!v,| . It.1 1 fof' m ll.mna supporters say he can have the Republican nomination for President... of the Bennett will, the court ruled that \\\ .1. Bryan was not entitled to the $50,000, but Mr. Bryan savs he... courts. 1 And .Jim Gregory never ate fresh "Cotton will reaeh ihe 1." -! epare ribs that were bo sweet... and assimilation of f(KkI , which is the only source from which strength can !>e supplied to the Ikk1>\ " I cannot

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... * The Bastrop Advertiser TASSIE. 4 * t. * 1 r (rONTINl'ED FHOM I'AOK FOt'H J. hitn, an we have...." But here now was the chance, and reining in his horse, he said, "I am not sure I know your business, but 1... think I do, and if 1 am correct in my opinion, here is a name for your list," handing him a bit of paper... to A he center of the room, takin£a piece of irefully f dded paperMroin hi- p h f-n he t eat 1 ■ e>! '■ 11..., and no tracer ! of the men who came in the night. Hut the horses of the hi. nged men grazed just near, and 1

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... to buy the best boy's suit of clothes you ever saw for the price. Mothers, coins an 1 bring vour bovs..., ,Tjm„ an(, familv Et the ol(1 home. Mc. report with the directors Ot the been with us this week. 'Tjm... K. O. PERKINS. - - I)EX 1 IS T. - - OFFICE—Over Firm Satioual Hnuk. Mattrnp, Tem Constable W. A...-. ana four children, reached Bastrop Thursday >oooooooo< DON'T FORGET 1 hat we have lM*en (otton Factors..., colored, 1 • charged with forgery and theft lodging j!! him in jail. \| Commisioners C. E. Lindner, F H

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