The Lubbock Avalanche. (Lubbock, Texas), Vol. 12, No. 3, Ed. 1 Thursday, July 27, 1911: Searching Inside

We Found:

16 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 I I I I I I Unknown) Unknown Unknown) Unknown! U n known Unknown! Unknown1 Unkimwiii I'nK now n... 'nknown Unknown! I 'nknown' 1 'nknownl I ;iiknownj I'nknown 1 '.iknow ii 1 'nknown Unknow nl Unknown) '... 'nknown; 'nknow ii' 1 'nknownl t i. known! 'nknown! I 'nknown I 'nknown I 'nknown' t 'nknown I 'nknown' t... 'nknown' I 'nknown! 1 'nknown! ! 'nknoA .i' I 'nknown) I 'nknown I I'knnwu! 1'nknownl Ui know n I 'nknownj... I '('known; Yknowm 1 'nknown' 1 'nknown 1 'nknown! 1 ''.know n 1 'nknown! Unknown I 'nknow n '

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... Unknown T30I ml 7711 B2N 030 t32 MHI 9C4 07 104 1025 1039 1129 1164 11 Ml 119 11 vol 11911 112 1 1 :! i ml... 18001 1210 1211 1215 1206' IttT 61 1122 328 960 1-46! VGJ 6H7 331 107 453 Unknown 1222 S.I 53 S3 A3 S3... 53 S3 110 35j. 132'G 32' K 32 K 32 F. 32!f: 321 K 32 K 32'F.. 10611 1 12 H 110 lOte Wm . . . I K I... 101.1. A. I'harr W. Weir Hf.lJ. V. Weir 24lT. n. Rarhait .... Fox Farri Farhart Farhart Farhart Karhart... Farhart Farhart Farhart W. Ky. off Vt E. & W. T. Ry.. L. fi K. K Ky. Lea 1 (46 df'4160 (.40 '4320 640 640

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... i II ' lltllOW II1 tiklloW II nknow n! iikini ii i V m ti1 nknow n' i. known n k I w ii I i k m w n...' n k 1 h . w 1 1 nk at r nk' ..t i I k l 1 I . K T 1 r . k i . v 1 1 k " W ok :. nkr- t I I I o : k w... II t! w n w n w n tt i . it l. n ii I i kn I . k ' 1 ' k '1' tt : ' k -. I ' k "ow II " k lioW II '... I k (low !i '. k I o v ii I"' m: ' k f. w k ' W ' ' '"... 1 - ' . i I known I k in . ii i known ' k... known n k now f 'nk now ii f k row . 'nk now i i k now i. i kiu. i. "l k l . w . know i ' n k i 1 1 w n

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... of lands and town loU assessed on the Tax Roll of said courty for the year 1SI10 are delinquent... Lubbock County Texan. 1 By Luther M. McCkhmiien Deputy. CERTIFICATE OF COMMISSIONERS COURT. THE STATE... TOTAL HI k iv TAXhli P 11! 121 Kilfc-ar Snlson jlt.O VV. A.'t'a'rlule ie''i!l0 e 4 1 1 Ml ion... I.ul.l.o. k Llil.l.o.k I.lll.l.o. k l.lll.l... k H. U. I k K. K Blake. Alvu ).. ..' : 1 Ulake. Alvu I .u .... .... k Blake. Alvu 1 In 24 I In '.'4 :s. 4. : 7 . in J to 22 24 Hi. I i.'i.M' Hi Hi. 17 IMV '.i '.'I "l

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... ntui nil k It lit m of ropnlr A7nk on w hcIiom CIooUh nm1 Jowolry rind will bo plot mod to mhmM my... inny cnll ::::: : t I. Wolter S. Norton I ft " a M V. 11 1 m 1 fllfHJH j J J o o n o a o a o a o o a o... a O a O o a o n o B o a o a o a o a o a o a o ra o a o a o a o Neighboring Nes 1 r.. TrrM I .mi l v Hi.... Hen Hurst ami wife passed through Wednesday mi their way AcufT Items AculV. Texas July 25 PU1. -Kain... at the Lubbock icellent variety in his orchard M.ntii- I'nm.H.n. .'a i of fi ve acres and the yield this AMV 1 VU

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... (Kt.rrri Oin W Lk'fi Inlrriiihv. .iiiik 1lr-tiy uiu llw hlnl rikI niuc"i" nrfat--" "f it"1 vl''tu...." mi1 1'rli". .'1 O'liW butilf H.ll hi all Itru.ifioi. lfc llaii rauulv Till lor imxupitluo.... Satisfaction iuarant.-'-d C. L. ADAMS Room 1. Stat- Bunk liuiMini; I.ulilxM'k. T'.as YOU ARE NEXT To a first... H'in of Square TUBBS & KINCANNON PROPS Kob Tublis VV. 1. KiiK'amirr MR. JULIAN bASSETT RETURNS Talks... Crosby looks as k"1 if not better than the best he has seen. Speaking of the KUmkj acre farm lie

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... I I 1 6 l o lAE STILL WANT TO TELL ) Alimil Till; MANV ATTIMCTIONS Wl; AW; 0111 IINO IN I Mil I... IVi:DV cmMI: I III vm will viiit n i ............ II ci 1 Wh MII.UNIiKY. SOMI; I HI Ml VOU M;; ALL ; TIMI... Broom Martin and Holland are head-! 1 "ry' .''V ?-?in' "'"'and quarters for all kinds of vejre- i V rw... Kr t(1'.K You tables and fruit that can he hail. I J'?" Corn 1 V fT"' l'" th'u I country... and it will make with I 1 1 - . 1; 1 .. . r . 1. iin- 1. no y.s aiy 01 incioraje v will l. j'Ihi to make hmv nn

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... and Winkler the combined strength of w hich is l?1! The News has complete rejx.rtj from 'S' counties... or two small toxes has been retorted. '1 he nine counties from which Federal Irrigation Agent Answers... to ABOUT IRRIGATION I Adding maintenance and fixed chargis at fit) cents per foot or 1.5 cents per acre.... What would 1m? a reasonable value for lands under an irrigation system of this class when... in small tracts as feasable and desirable for a colonization pur- WE BUILDINGS 1 NOW CERTAIN ONE BRICK

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... coccccoccoooccoccccccccccn 8 Attention! Land Owner 1 0 4 N 4H 4 0 4s 4s 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4" 4 4 4... White our cumrn'-n rts of injurious insects too po-1 none for the killing of any song quail... by these aod destroy the plans upon which active and hearty little birds and 1 men depend for food the figures... are surprising. In a1 Kvery boy therefore who single day oneuuail has eaten 11-J wantonly kills a bird or injures... with which is extremely funny. Better look we meet. It is only because we1? " insurance-then laugh. ! P. J

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... Crop Mtlo Mnix1 r."1"" . " : "" Hill 1 ' I II IU t . 4 a I i.l I III! M . I. l. ...I . U' A It.. ....... I.IT.MH Oil I IIC I.MAI "" "" II 1IH Hill m nmnlrii rrct'htlv In rVrt Worth IiiMim Carolyn rrldmorc Tim... Plain country market and l Mm "ihl at tt '' 1 ""l':"""'"'' P't o.nditio. ?!Jv Mi!-fwry price. Krm f-mHl... Ir lln; ir ft thi in in Th n an i W X he : i mn l-r ;-m be uilc a ""M" h. Lubbock omntv will bnMk .1...-. imp nnv nf ili 1 "" nice raised. i.ei noi mis oemo ; . inii. Diroftiofis for Kci'i' nj; Vr!l I U

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 i ; r .. . ; There is some satisfaction in buying where you can have a Real Choice." Where you...'s Tonic I Mm F ' VI.-hr.teM. Kl 4 of Shook AK writes: Hi J "Hcf ire I hKa:it take G L.truui 1 v-.ts ur... and therefore not requiring actual settlement. It had been retorted that the land was worth only alout $1... the l.ii tcr so as to encourage pros- 1 1 -cling ar.d t he development of j th' minerals of Texas j... remaining unsold in any f j ' :rt :i r it y nn wuho'.t r-1 ring ai'ttnl si-tt:-!iM-nt by th- purcI.iim r

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

.... engraved in Old English. Return to First National Bank and receive reward. 1 3tp gun when a dreadful storm... everyone made ready For Sale -1.240 acres of land cheap. J. 15. Mobley. Lubbock. Texas. 24t For Sale.... U. H For Rent-1 4 room low. Bath room with tub Lneney. l t l. o-riirMriiialv ntunpH thp doors of her.... 1 Elliot. 1 tf hiinca Large j mng with 4 ana otner games. Fur Rent Three good houses very cheap well.... Wanted -To list some bar-! eiWieh. Fraizier White Rosgains in land in Lubbock and adjoining counties. 1

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... and Bonham. At an election held at Granger to determine whether the streets of Granger should le paved. 1... of the state's offer to appropriate $2x0 u year roads in the county will 1 oiled. ' Mrs. Glover and children... that oil is a road saver. All the A petition to the Commission-1 and Vance came in from Lubers Court... to look after business we have been having in the Lub-1 matters bock rountry-th past few days. 1 here... is always class in the insurance that 1 crrv. See me for all kinds. D. J. Wood. T 2t. E. L. Kleet

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... Til l3 A V A 1 1 A NO 11 10 t mi .mmhi ru mi M'iii nt s.TIIIC AVAliANOHIC I ! J I II JMltlNU... Tmm Mall a utt'iiiKl t liMi m i t-r f ir irtiinmluiiin through th On Vi.r mi A DV Kit I iplMt It A1 It..." 1'IWCKII'TION It ATM (Strictly in Arivtnr) Kit Months Sue Lmaia li ri'iiU iiT linn rich liuwrllnn. ilap!ay a...! of imrrhU a tihl limy Hill i1i wllh llirlr hnvn which haven Hip linprrnnlon nn t h mlrnl nf thp )ouriir... on the square to provide the fire company with more water in case it is needed for fire fighting i . i l"-1

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... Wo are prepared to furnish you with anything in fruit pre 111 1 Hm v v g ; JOTf fffr O Q? !!... ..T S m -7 v f .a IT 1 I I stone jars of all kinds fruit jar rubbers and lops paring knives m fact... in this line. 3 can ru FLOiH .vlTH CAN FUffM?1 CiOHT hflND FLU5H (?.5CV0i majestic J I majestic I 1 DCALLO '... o o o o o s o o s THE CITIZENS NATIONAL I I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS S120.000 BANK 1 A' o o 8 O o o o o o.... Aitan( Chler. .S. U. I'ierte. Assistant Cashier Scurry County Lard Case Austin Tt'x;ts. JjIv 1

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... r i 1 : : WH3T PLAINS LUMIIKK COMPANY POSTS IJLOCK5 DOORS CLASS PAINTS AND COAL TOO Bartonsite... when asKirik' ' 1 change. J. A. ("annor. was here Saturanl dropped in to see us a few minutes. He... -are of and the cost is light: L. II. Simpson. Phone 1". : It. Attention Cotton Planters To the cotton... August 1st and is going to pit our plant in thorough and up-to-date shape. N'e ex'('t to in-j stall.... She will return home i with hirn so we understand. The "ideal husbands" and 1 "ideal wives" are often

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