[Letters from A. C. Abercrombie, Jr., 1885-1897]: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 81 (standard view) | zoom view

... rote him in full. he said in his letter perhaps you might want a bil 1 of trees. thats all righ t... it atal but I think I shall , well I know I will, be down there i n t i me to f i 1 1 al 1 the orders i n... yere of any wanti ng trees and tell them II I be in there before the season is over to see them. I'l 1... letter. Hopeing this w i 1 1 find you all 1 we 1 1 I'm as ever your Friend. wri te soon. No more. A. C

Sequence: 55 (standard view) | zoom view

... do not no hoos hands It will fal 1 in. Eeaphrum Richison Babe Dide. I hope you all wi 1 1 get... better and Jim will 1 soon get wel 1 and all prosper. what has became of Mandy Hol ems and Parlee... since they married and all those - El i ci Al len, Dock and so on. Jo, has you al 1 ever had enney... some of them, we have no Give my love to all 1 my old friends and Jim, Charley Your Ma Deaner Louis.... tel Your ma to quit work and 1 ive with they boys for shey has done a nuf for al 1 of them and she

Sequence: 45 (standard view) | zoom view

... hand is working they Ribbon cane. corn al 1 plowed out and cotton not large a nuf to hoe yet... wi 1 l be out in a month or So. Well Jo I have not bin to a p ick nick nor nothing this year... on 1 y Pi ck they bones out of some 1 i ttl e f i sh off of Wi ll y s Di tch and pick they fleas out... tho I have lots of company 1 ike your place use to be. from 3 to 5 boys here ever Sabbath... playing marbles, Pitching money and I am gi tting to be a good ha(n)d. tel 1 Bud and El i c and Dunk Lul

Sequence: 60 (standard view) | zoom view

... you al 1l well and doi ng wel 1 . I have no news to write at this time. Well we have had some... they Kin never did. Well I looked for you Chr i stmass tho you did not come and I never w i 1 l go... Boar wi I d as a deer. said he would tel 1 them he never amed to eat It, had to Kill It to Keep... and got a quart of alcohol ,. this was on 24 of Dec. and we sti 1ll Looked on 25th. we all got up, if we... had not we would of bin in or on they bead al 1 day, and brought in Eggs and alcohol and went to beat

Sequence: 42 (standard view) | zoom view

.... they was all well 1 the l ast I saw of them. all they rest well I bl ive. Louis Holcomb Will Stay at Troup... with me to chew ribbon cane. Pa w i 1 1 plant a nuff this next year to make 500 gal lons or more and Seed... besides. Come up and we will get fat or drunk on bear. I would love to see you Jo and tell you a few 1 i.... You must tel 1 me what Parl ee and all of the g i r s is about. I want to hear from all. I told one... Trinity Co. Wel 1 Jo I am not Rel i gious I no but I mean no harm by m.y fool talk you no. So you See

Sequence: 61 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 grass r i ses. If you ever did miss enney thing good It was Chr i stmass last. Tel 1 Bud... came back from hunting two more boys came in with a quart of alcohol 1 and staid al 1 day, one of them... was Boar meat. 1tho bout nine oclock at night I got up and beat ever thing on Seven up. I did, you... time this cold spell 1 . So I wi ll close hope ing you wi 1 1 make three peas and sprout one water... melon. hope you wil 1 be able to take care of your naborcs chi ldren. Health, Wealth and Prosperity

Sequence: 47 (standard view) | zoom view

... as Procrastination is they thief of time I will not put off no 1 longer for we are born to have bad luck. last... lone some. everboddy sais Ragan will catch him tho I guess not. Dont tel 1 nothing I write. I don t... care for you tell i ng 1 them al I whare he is at for they cant bring him out of Mexico if they do... strichn ine and k i 1 i ng him self bout Christmas times at Troupe. he was by himself and had Lbin Dr i... and Bud never come as I looked for them to. I wish some of you would come and stay al 1 they year I am

Sequence: 62 (standard view) | zoom view

... and glad to hear from you. thos few lines leaves me wel 1 as common, the rest al 1 we 1 as ever. I have... no news to r i te of in trest. crops is looking very well. corn is dronded out in some wet p1 ases. so... week. that is on Sampson and Striker Creeks. We 1 Jo I was up at Concord at meeting third Sabbath... back w i th her. Lizzie Carroll1 was wi th us. the old man has fine Looking girl . I guess you saw... fai 1 not. give my Love the families and Friends. I am as Ever - 10 -

Sequence: 41 (standard view) | zoom view

... bes ide bout 5 or 6 hundred newspapers all k inds of small peaces. Well 1 r i te all you... Homes for me. tel Paral ee if she is down thare I wi 1 l come down and fiddle for her She w i ll g i ve... that sort of pay up there. you out to heare me play. r i te soon Fail not your Friend. Dore 1 ock kee ooss... Dang Sole hel l dad b i 1 i f round 1 oo crop shore hell. Tell Louis Jim and Charley to plant

Sequence: 38 (standard view) | zoom view

... leter some few days ago and must try and answer i t. these few 1 i nes 1 leaves me bet ter I th ink... of Youth tho it is not for us to say nor Judge. their maker nose best. Well 1 Jo, I have no News to write... Col 1 ier will teach at Br-i ttain Schoolhouse. Thomas Cox will teach at Gr i ffin. William.... Char 1 tride to go through a glass - 1

Sequence: 31 (standard view) | zoom view

... 180 Lbs. tell to try and weigh. I Think I am the largest or I feal so. Wi 1 1 iam Said he met... Vergie Holcomb on the Street in Jacksonvi 1 le and She looks bout as ever. Rest of your Kin all.... Will i am gave them a Speach. So did Carrells ol di s Girl and boy and Sevrel 1 others. a nice time... rather Stay at home and play marbles. I have a large set and a fine yard to p1ay on and I play ever... and Star a week with us. I am Ruff as ever the you are welcomb to Such as we have. tel 1 the boys al

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... to here from you al 1 . This leaves me m i ty l ow. I cant 1 i ve long if I Dont improve and I have... bad. I wish I could See You now and all the rest. Al 1 your kin is well up here. No rain for 12 weeks.... this cuntrey is changeing and Settling up fast. Tel 1 Char ley Be Shore and come to See me soon for I feel bad... the 17 A.D. 1881 W. J. Summers - Esq. Deare Friend I drop you these few 1 i nes in answer to your kind h

Sequence: 48 (standard view) | zoom view

... one enney a count yet. If hern is he is they first one, tho I am in hopes he wi 1 1 do as wel l... as his brother in laws that is married, so I have congratulated her now. I will 1 close as ever your

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... a few lines. I got your letter some time ago but was not able to ri te. I hope these few 1 ines... and find rite side up wi th care. I am no better. Excuse this. I wi 1 wr i te more next time. tell... for me. gi ve myI ove to al 1 . r i te soon fami l not. I remain as ever. Your friend. A, C. Abercrombi

Sequence: 22 (standard view) | zoom view

... for I no you want to kiss Josey fine and I will br-ing her along, for Wi 1 1 i am was up there the other... as he came home and five hundred more 1 i es and bin all over the Un i ted States too. I think he has... news. Jo I will close. tell my girls not for get there promise---- I will 1 come when I can. Give my... love to all and Mother Nobles to and Jane and all 1 inquire i ng fri end and so on, Jim, Char ey so on

Sequence: 82 (standard view) | zoom view

... Star others just planting. McMichel 1 is done planting cotton I think. he's most two soon... and are in grate demand, tell Ever body you see wai t. I wi 1 1 be down there in May or June or sooner... no (way) to come only in the buggy and we all could not come in that so I'l1 close hopeing this may find

Sequence: 20 (standard view) | zoom view

... is fl ur i sh i ng up here. al1s wants to marry and my fun has no end. me and dannel is going... last bit whether he got it or not I dont know. we 1l Jo I want you to wr i te to me. I would 1 ike

Sequence: 21 (standard view) | zoom view

... these few 1 ines in answer of your kind letter wi ch came to hand the other day and was read with pleasure... of 1 ine unreadable because of fold in paper) crops fine but cotton neads rain. Louis Holcomb wife... w- i 1 I soon be out and mabe I can get Will iam or Daniel to come Down with me. Dont you guess Mart... unless it wil 1 be you or Jane as you say or Mrs. Nobles. I think they must have more than we

Sequence: 46 (standard view) | zoom view

... So I wil l have to close. I guess you Kin is all we 1l so far as I no. Bill Johnson's babie.... El i c Johnsons wife and mother-i n--1aw is the ones I speak of. I guess Hugh Childress will g... Griffin for const. I hear Tom Bel 1 wi i l Run for J.P. too. So I will close. G ive my love to all, you ma

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... to hand last Sunday. my -------- was relaxed with joy to get a letter from you. it was red with p1.... We 1 1 Jo I am very" weak but am not as bad as have bin. I can walk a few Stepes and Get up a l i..., brothers, friends and al 1 of them. Recieve a potion for your Self. I have no Nuse to rite. Ander Ford

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