The Daily Express. (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 43, No. 11, Ed. 1 Saturday, January 11, 1908: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... regular 1!. o. b. factory for No. to in full standard quality, out jobbers are not very much enthused... doz., 19c: loss off. TURKEYS-Per lb., 12c. Vegetables. POTATOES—Colorado, per cwt., $1...— Ijeavrs 1:40 p. m. and 8:00 p. ni. Arrive. 7:30 a. m. and 1:40 p. m. For Fnlfurrlas—Leaves 9:00 p. m....; for local points. !> a. m.; through Limited for St Louis, North and Bast, 1:25 p. m. • St 1/OUis. North..., and Sundays, 11:45 p. m. Departures for South-St. Louis-Mexico 1,united, 10:20 a. m.; local to Laredo and 8m I

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... 1 "f "i tnw- jjMOjH>fc_ if" ■ .■ %: h 10 the san antonio daily express: saturday morning, january..., the tone being strong. Best steers sold at »4.15. with the bulk selling around $.150 to J.'J.T1".. She..., with $5.r>2«*. packers' tops, in© hulk of sales were, around $1.40. fculesnien were stubborn, however... mixture. ♦ ♦ ♦ The 1"'ran co-American tariff negotiations at Washington have been successfully terminated... of the two preceding years. Horses. 725.686 in number, and milk cows, 1.152,071. show steady increases since

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..., fearing trouble with Mexico. This report is denied in 1 His city, and it is declared that Mexico... that they must pay a reasonable j grounds, lie was hacked from 40 to 1 price or get no wool at all the growers... DROWN. One Falls From Boat and Other Attempts a Rescue. Special Telegram to The Express. TAMP1CO, Mex... in that place, and, after a few weeks' preliminaries, extradited and returned to this city. to li> to 1. After... luO (Uoedikei lu to 1, won; George II. White l'Xi (McDaniel) 5 to L. second; Hrimmer 110 (Lloyd) \

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...., Jan. 10.—Mrs. Johanna Oudat. aged 6G years, died early <1,1. mnrnlne at Wesser. Goliad County. 8b? "s... and Arthur and Henry Luder of San Antonio. John Hacker. Special Telegram to The Express. MART1NDALE, Tex... preparatory to starting th« woik of assessment for 1*8 taxes on Janu- "Se'made the following elections...: Precinct No. 1, except city of Helton, u J Forrester; precinct >0. &> J. ri. Caskey; precinct No. 3, R. T... of the Tie San Antonio Loan & Trnst Co. (Chartered 1*82—Without Banking \ Privileges) As rendered

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... on March 1. 1908. Apply to F. Yturrla, Brownsville, Tex. EIGHT-ROOM furnished house, close i.i, modern... sure. Dallas Telegraph College, Dal las, lex. RENTAL LIST. KING-MAG1LL REALTY CO., Room 212 Mackay... Building. New F'honc 819. All these houses on car lines. Madison Sq., 7-r., bath, furnished—$40.00 W1 Mason...., 2-story, mod.. 35.00 Mo Lewis, 8-r.. modern 45.0!) j 12fi Mason, 5-v. flat, bath, modern— 25.00 1:223 N... Street. 8 JOB wanted Apply 1820 \V. by first-class Commerce St. shoemaker. WAN 1 ED—Colored coachman

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... Rates 1 Insertion, per word 1c 4 consecutive insertions, per word 3c 7 consecutive insertions, per word... body type must be paid for at display rates: One inch, $1.87: '/2-inch, 95 cent*; less space at three... Company, Nixon, Texas EXPRESS RESULT-BRINGERS COR SALE— " REAL ESTATE. A/VWyWWV KUlt W.M.K 1'imsi lot H..., facing South. Kasy terms. $*J000. About 400 acrctf1 I rullcH .southwest city hall; level, rich nuwiuite... land; in artesian belt; surrounded by wells; cheap, i IV r acre, $70. \V. R McMillan. 1U1 Coll<\'4e

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... Figures Exists. 500 Gins Delinquent. TEXAS RECORDS SHOW 1,(70,664) BALES Croup riMn s child wakes up.... Requested Board Not to Talk With Book Agent3. Daily Express Austin Bureau. At «T1N, Tex., Jan. to.—Governor... ARE OPENED. Selling Prices Show Great Increase in Values. Daily Express Austin Bureau. ALHT1M, Tex., Jan... ginned in T< xas up to January 1, l,670,tititl bales of cotton. From the report it is ob.vlous... show there have been ginned up to January 1, 2,920,000 bales The report made*by the Texas Commissioner

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... in the way by opposing private capital. 1 believe in municipal ownership. It is conducting for tlio people... Express. »KRKDEKICKSM'RG, Tex., Jan. 10.— The Fredericksburg Volunteer Fire .Company, No. 1, lias elected.... Kdthc effect thai Will f'lillat ternjjii THE HOUSE OF FASHION MEN'S SHIRTS 1-3 LESS REGULAR. PRICE... for tills season. Priced regular $1.00 to $1.50. 'ROTHERst UNDERWEAR 1-3 LESS R.EGULAR. PRICE A great... Values $4.-10 Values $2.80 $H.OO Values $1.30 Values $3.20 $ii.00 Values $4.30 Values $4.00 $7.00 Values

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... to The lixpresi WASHINGTON. Jan. 10—1 ress, -The joint Congress commission on immigration visited Kurope lart... of the West and South, many of th*1 Middle. Western States and half ot the New England states. Tho President... »ind Everett Re|<1, probably fatally wounded Mart Moore and shot another man In the forearm, inflicting... th, nianifeatants and the police in several i 1 til. main thorough fares, and these resulted... to slop trains between Dallas and Waxahachle. Cotton bales ginned up to January 1 made public

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..., m.tii, l year Ji <" Sunday edition, 1 year - Siml-Weekly, 1 year t'® Terms Strictly hi Advance... directly within the business district. San Antonio has grown very rapidly 1st the past few years an;l while... National banks may easily raise a guaranty deposit fun 1 by their own voluntary action without coming... been too/' long 'overlupke'l' aD'l. noglecte.1. There js a' mineral field-there thai .might... the nomination in 1MW. Governor Tom was' a railroad magnate In those days. All other, railroad magnates ducked

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... as it was in the contempt cases of \V. J. ]*ytlc and Robert Howard a week ago. Stone and Morris, who are ii 1 - leged... Davies all tickets in their possession, numbering about a dozen, $1S paid to the defendants by detectives...., except Saturday, when the page closes at 1 p. m. Telephone, old 216. Items contributed for this column... dealer's bond filed in the Thirty-Seventh District Court yesterday against 1'. Uarza by V. Cochran... criminal suits against San Antonio barbers for the alleged violation of 1 lie Sunday law were filed

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... ALL—75. Seats ready now. Dvi a am Matinee 50, 75, 1.00 rllCeS Nlflht....25, 50, 75. 1.00. 1.50 MONDAY... NIGHT, The Great Political Satire Hoyt's A Texas Steer PRICES 25c, 50c, 75c. $1.00 TUESDAY—MATINEE.... mill tO50, 75. 1.00 EMPIRE OPERA HOUSE Week of January 5, EMMA BUNTING CO. Direct from New York City..., tieputy clerk of the Federal Court. He na* been a resident of the United Stiitew since 1»H!». • •Jack... value. The borrowers In " mn sre persons with smplc means of the security offered. 1 should jaed to have

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