The Daily Express. (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 43, No. 43, Ed. 1 Wednesday, February 12, 1908: Searching Inside

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... / 1 the san antonio daily express: wednesday morning. february 12. 1908. ii rainy weather hampers... p. m. For Beevllle. Corpus Chrlstl, Alice, Mathis, Aransas Pass and Rockport— Leaves 1:40 p. m.... and 9:00 p. m. Arrives 7:30 a. m. and 1:40 p. m. For Falfurrias—Leaves 9:00 p. m. Arrives 7:30 a. m... l.ouis, North and East, 1:25 p. m.; St Louis, North Texas, Fort Worth, Dallas. Kansas City, 7:45 p. m.... m_ Arrivals from South-;, rom M«|co City 1:06 p. m.i from Saltillo, 6.30 a. m Mextco-St. Loum

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

..., three-cjitirters of a mile, selling: Ethel Carr no 1.... second: Caper OS (ffuniter) S to l, third. Time 1:17 Mackerel. Kd Km nr. Clara Huron. Dick Rose..., Killoehan ami Fox hall m1 so ran. Sixth race. one mile and seventv vardn, selling: Dr. MeClenr 11* (Mebanlch... even, won: Bertha F. 100 (Sumter) 10 to 1. , .. t , , , srrond: fipon*e Cake 104 (R Murphy) 40 j.elhert... was today suspended for a week »to 1. third Time 1 :.V» l-.v Heart of Hyarlntli. Paragon. Tinker, Cocksure

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... -European, $1.50 day and up. Flr.i-Class a la Carta Service. EIectr1.00. One-half block from... crally lower. The cattle supply was Mgtun 1 Ik 'it. however, and that had tl^ otf«ct ot encoufRglng... wa? disposed of early at an advance of fir as compared with the c1os«* Monday. Prices were steady... with Monday's opening. Four loads, averaging 200 pounds, brought $1.42,2. and the bulk oi sal#»s was largely

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... bv Saltillo iapita.1- Ists, has turned out a good dividend payer. The mine is located near the famous... Rodriguez was robbed of l«0. O Cost 5c per Box; You Save $1.95 in Doctor bills. Red Cross X Cough Drops... 1. to be used in tho improvement of the G-uadxiupe River. Actual work began on the boat this morning... Telegram to The. Express. VICTORIA. Tex.. Feb. 11.—Tl.e Fne Department his decided1 lo hold Its annual... Thousand Dollars over the year 1 m. They have built two large brick factories the past year, cach 310 feet

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

.... One Year Each—New York, Chicago. London. D-I^a-Matlnee 50c, 75c. $ .00 rilCBSNiQht, 25c. 50c. 75c, $1.... *1-50 THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY. MATINEE SATURDAY. Klaw 1.00, $1.50, $2.00 MAIL ORDERS FILLED..., 3 P. M. Matinee Prices—Children 5c, Adults 10c. 10c—NIGHT PRICES—10c THE —ORIGINAL— —MEX1CA N— REST... are wanted for plumbing and elec trie wiring for County Court House. La 1'iiio. Tex., which will be opened

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... and shipping clerk; several years' experience; A1 references. 639 Express. POSITION bv gents' furnishing... Main Avenue; both phones. Old 732-3r; new 1791. W \ NT K I 1 Position by x?>♦*! ir im■ r-,i ladv tea... and board in exchange for sewing and general he 1 p after school hours. 622 Kxpress, H elp wanted— MALE.... Commerce St. H elp wanted—1 FEMALE. WANTED—A white cook, good wages. Mrs. C. A. Goeth, .'129 Adams Street... stenographers, Mexican; two translators for Mexico, J2oi> Mexican; two traveling salesmen, $1(10; two city

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 8 THE SAN ANTONIO DAILY EXPRESS: WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 12, 1908. To get anything you want..., spend a few cents in Express Want Ads. They bring the results to you every time EXPRESS Want Ad Rates 1... insertion, per word 1c 4 consecutive insertions, per word 3c 7 consecutive insertions, per word 4c 10... for at display rates: One Inch, $1.87; /rinch, 95 cent*; less space at three times nonpariel measurement. Those... A M. JOHNSON. Record Keeper. funekal notice. Max Schultze. Died—In San Antonio at 1:15 o'clock a. m

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... R i * 1 I 1 6 NEWS AT STATE CAPITAL. THE SAN ANTONIO DAILY EXPRESS: WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12... Stedman said that on the part « 1 the railroads he would ask that tin' case be dismissed, and it was so... improvement order t«> mad provides for a new depot at Decatur, and the road is to answer by March 1... That Threatens to Undo Himself and Others. Daily Express Austin rtiireau. ATST1N, Tex., Feb. II.—An interesting... that the antitrust law of 1903 repealed the antitrust law of 1S99, with the exception of the right of the State

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... and correspondents: ents: New York Office: Room f>-N, I*"'*1 Nu».au Street—John P. Smart. Manager. Washington. 1..., city, carrier. 1 month * -7jj Daily, mall, l month ■ Daily, mall. 3 months 2.2o Dally, mail, ti... months * Daily, mail. 1 year 8 Sunday edition, 1 year * 00 Semi-Weekly. 1 year 1-00 Terms Strictly... kindness alt that may be won. To fight with knightly valor when 1 must. -S. E. KUer. —- ——<5. ■■ Hints.... This is not very fai1 from true, if we believe that every person we hear called doctor is a real doctor

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

..., is regarded here as obviating1 the necessity for the present of t;ikinjr further precautionary measures... on the Turkish and 1'ersian frontiers, and it is probable that the dispatch of troops from the interior of Russia..., ex-Congressman from this district died at '1 o'clock this morning at his home in this city. Judge Abbott had long... Subscribe $1000 and City Is Expected to Give $600. Special Telegram to The Express. KERRV1LLE. Tex., Feb... at 1ft o'clock fron the undertaking establishment of Otto Rietle, 22] East Commerce Street. The services

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... \f!y "THE HOUSE OF VALUES." Investigate Our February PIANO CLUB A BIO MONHY SAVINC1 PROPOSITION... THOS. OOOC1AN & BROS. Established 1866. Wapl hingto Hancock Inspirators ALL SIZES IN STOCK F. W... to Interfere. OUR YALE PLATES An1 romfortaMe, light and dura bio. Hatletuj receive our personal attention. We... a vote to women taxpayers.'1 The delegates secreted themselves in furniture vans In the vicinity of tilt... Monarch to Spend Several Months at Summer Residence. Franco Partisans Loyal. LISBON. Keh. 11—The 1 ilaro

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... its use. Obtain at your drug store Rose Water, 2 ounces; Cologne Spirits. 1 ounce: Eppotone (skin food.... The entertainment committee will hold a meeting this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the offico nt .1 H. Klrkpatriek... closes at 1 p. m. Telephone, old l!lt>. Items contributed for this column must be signed. The signature... present \v1. V. Coltrane, Lakeside- Institute; R«v..., Osteopath, In Moore Building after February 1. SANDY GONZALES IN THE BAND. Recruit From San Antonio

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