Sherman Daily Democrat (Sherman, Tex.), Vol. THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR, Ed. 1 Monday, March 5, 1917: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... ........ $50.00 iVheat, tier husliCi ............$1.85 Oats la-r bushel...... ..27c to 51...) Corn...........'........ItOo to $1 r SHERMAN DAILY DEMOCRAT—-SHERMAN, TEXAS. " (liirago (.rain and Brovisious. Chicago, Mar. 5... or disordered kidneys. E. L. Turner, llomer. Ky„ writes: “Since taking Foley Kidney I’llls 1 have not lieen.... m5-.1t ALL THIS WEEK mi COOK WANTED—Apply al 222 E Jones. m54it IK YOI' HAVE a spring suit or dress... with picturesque backgrounds and wealth of costuming. 1 The mantilla worn by Miss Shipman is one of the rarest

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... SHERMAN DAILY DEMOCRAT MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS TH1RTY-SIXTH YEAR. THE WEATHER. Tonight lair... 'sslxz icremmles of the day. In 1S77 the ef the l ulled States helpless aud contempt Ihle. "Although us... to President Wilson tonight : “Sherman. Texas, Mar. 3, 1U17. “T" .the President, “Washington, 1>. C. . “Tlie... wind whiphh1 the rain-soaked dec /rations of the capital and swept the water logged grandstands, which... at the eapitol, the city was DIFFER ON THE POLICY DECOEED rTmrn) 15 nt Berlin, March 1. via London. March r ^ 5

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... In advance. Weekly, f 1.00 i>er year, #0c for '6 months, 3pe for 3 months._; , r ‘ ] Mall subscribers... the saloon* hack In Palo Pinto n utlt.v Saturday, hut. the pros were victorious. 1 <>u with iiie battle...! Alfalfa Hill Murray has retired from Congress, having liecti defeated at the1 last election. While... SARON PE MARCH1LNNE. ■ ^ «j' •' \ , * - Baron Emit ile Cartier ile Marehlemie. who... linden. Ala.. 1* in ninny re*i*vt* so r* markable a* to Ik* almost Incredible Her coihplete statement

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

..., following a brief illness. The1 funeral services wen* conducted Grayson Rebekah liKlge, No. 2117, at Odd... of several years. He lias been in the Canal Zone in Panama anil also In South America since leaving here. .1... in the office of County Treasurer J. II. Baxter, that gentleman iierforiulng the ceremony. mony. mil,1... Undertaking com 1 mny baying charge of the funeral arrangements. Burial will be in the Koirsey cemetery, six... of park i supervisor. For some time he has I worked strenuously In his official ]x»-1 sltlon causing

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... at a slate surfaced shinclet.™™ —*-:1L '*■* ---- ice which would not be pospriCe __________ per year... organization for distribution’of CER- 15 years according to thickness (1, 2 or 3 ply). This guarantee is backed... demonstration. 1 Ah Hie march Ini; hast of some 30,- OOU tram 1 tod from the Capitol to the White 'House Itefore... notion’s fighting men. men who have fought the nation's wars and pic 11 who will Is1 called to fight them... states, some in their full dress uniforms. other1* in t|ie olive drab of field service, all showing

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... ROOMS—Suitable for light housekeeping. Near Frisco shops. K. Richards street. Old phone 1410. m2-.1.... f20tf TWO UNFURNISHED rooms; every convenience for $1 each a week. 721 E. Lamar. uiJWt FURNISHED... phone, 191 Denison. J31-tf FOR RENT—Four-room house, city water, natural gas. Old phoue 51(1. _f24-tf... at Binkley Hotel. * ml-lt PURE BRED BROWN laghorn eggs. $1,00 tier setting. 11S5 Old. 1002 East King..., for prices. fl3-tf WHITE LEGHORN EGGS—$5.00 per 100; $1.00 setting; Buff Coachln Bantam Eggs, $1.25 jaw

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... the Courts i PRESIDENT IS Justice Court. A jury of six liltin' case of J. A. Kurr vs. .1. \V. Hark, suit... in the Fifteenth district court. - tmc&raMnBIS -r s»r; re -1:rere il Motion Overruled. Judge Cal T. Freeman... and wu.h fined $5 and costs, amounting hi all to $12.30. Atiori'Ued Press Dispatch 1 Washington, Mu n... managed 'to maintain a strict schedule for ids working hours; lie never lias been known through |hmmiiiii1... for the next caller. Although during his first udminjs tration the Presiden1; took no reaf vacation, he managed

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Own Peaches, Plums, Pears, Berries and Grapes Extra large Pear Trees, $1.00 value for.....25 cents... and doe Labor Day—(lulls in Good ContHtiin—Playrr-tr Rcpcrt Mrrrh 12. I >i*l i*on( Tex.. Mu fell .1. -At t..., president ; Muskogee, by .1. T. Uoughney, president; Sherman by A. B. Saul. scoretnry; Denison by F. R.... Williford, secretary: -Fort Smith, by George F.llefnetij president; Paris by .1. S. Pafriek, president.... From any druggist for 25c or $1.00 for extra large size, get’a bottle of zemo. When applied as directed

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