Sherman Daily Democrat (Sherman, Tex.), Vol. THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR, Ed. 1 Saturday, October 14, 1916: Searching Inside

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8 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Legs.,......:...25e Mutton Stew.............25* 1 After October 1st, wc will sell strictly for cash at tlte above... prices. No meats will be charged to anyone. Free delivery. Packing House Market H. 1. RYLANT & CO., Prop... department of the R. R. V. Fair: Peach Sweet Pickle- Ila Mky Dit- An- Johns lard 1st; Mary Cleveland 2nd... Cldlt Spuce-Ha May Dillard, 1st ; Jennie Eee Johns 2nd; Annie Sigler 3rd. ' Giconi- Tomato pickle—Jennie... Preserves—Annie I>. Stgl t 1*1 ; lla May Dillard 2nd, Mary ( tevelund 3rd ; Jennie Lee Johns Ui. Mixed

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... of Life. Today's Markets I ♦----♦ Ixtral Markets. Cotton. In the Hut..............1(1%' (ollou ill seed... ................+I.JVO.- < ‘id 11 >|| seed..................*48.00 Wheat, tier husliel..............*1.55 Mats, tier tut... and I’ruvisions. Yesterday’s Close. Close Wheat t >ee .. . .May .. . Corn 1 lei’ .. . May ,. Oats— 1 Km- ,. . May... .. . •ork - Act ......15T% .......157% 70% .... 48 .... 51% 1,58*4 157 V* 77 78% 48% 01% ____...... 27..VI 27.77 I 1 l<-C . . . ............ 23.2.5 23.8.5 Ribs — t laird— (lit ____ ,.

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... Tiroes..........25c 3 Lines 6 Times...........40c 3 Lines 12 Times..........70c 3 Lines 24 Times........$1.... olO-tf close lu; modern conveniences. Ol phone 533 or 315 W. 1-aurel St. * nO-fit FOR RKNT dreir.... Aston. o14-3( FOR RKNT—Nice house on (1 Hid; 5 rooms and bulb; all nu conveniences. Call 61, either pbon... conveniences. Corner of f ter and Grand uvenue. Old phone 1 o‘2-tf FOR RENT—A four room house, 1 S. First St.... Newly papei and istinted. Apply at residence. 1 404 W. Tennessee. s1f FOR RENT—1 >wel!tng« la all pa

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... k 1 A' Jl ESTABLISHED 187*. IF ITS NEWS • THE DEMOCRAT TELLS IT. SHERMAN DAILY DEMOCRAT I Members..., tniide pithlie. today. dotSared the emergency which caused Hit* sending of-1 lie militia to I he hoi tier... and who resigned Ims-hukc he felt that a man should lie elected who Is liere and i mild Is1 m the Job..., Thompson. (’. IV-1 hirin'ter. Joe F. Filer. C. It. It. Smith. \. I,. Randoll o. t). Me Reynolds.... Will ls*s!le mid Secretary .1. F,. Surratt. D. S. Thom|»son. chairman of the llimttee rommltlee. submitbsl

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... and color combinations that are so good this season; priced at...................... ......$1.25, $1....M. $1.75 and $2.00 WOOLEN FABRICS In the newest weaves, colors and color combinatiens—stripes, platda..., mixtures and plain and the prices are right................................$LM, $1.00, 75c, «5c and 60c..... ............7c Pound 16 lbs. Fancy Head Rice... ,v...................$1.00 8 lbs. Fancy Head Rice... Quality Shredded Cocoannt.r........6c package 10c Celery Salt.. .j......5................../.. ,8c 1 lb

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... I rasa 1AHDA1LT DUOCKAY. Saturday, October 14,1916 KAILWAY TIME TABLE y. t T. f. RAILWAY. ..... A TEXAS. • South Bound. N1:30 p... (southbound! arrives..3:00 p. m Leaves 0:00 p. m 612 (northbound! arrives, 1:20 p. in. leaves 1 :.'{0 p. iu... THE VERY BEST SERVICE S 1« Our Mattes » ® ® HODGES & BILLER § J. D. BUSTER, Lawyef. We try to scan... indifferently said to each man, "You needn't tarry For 1 never shall marry. So go just as quick as you can

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... morning cars out of Sherman today. Circle No. 1 of the First Baptist church Missionary society will meet... of the second degree. Sherman camp No. 9 Is enjoying a splendid growth at this time and now has 1,081 members..., quiets the cougly and restores health in the bronchia! tulH-s. Prices 25c. 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold... FoDowing Silk Speeiak;-t v -• i j • it v'1 -J-.-aJ, 4, | All Silk Crepe de Chines in all shades..., regular $1.25 values, y i SILK WEEK, SPECIAL 93c. ? i WEEK! All Week! 36 inch Black Chiffon Taffeta

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... PAGE TWf. IHERMAN DAILY D! X IM (AT, Saturday, October 14, 191< f % f SiiV./l V': T'fj- V 1 V. .... year in advance. month. The Weekly Democrat is published rm Thursday, $1.00 a year. It Is tha big... issued some time since »n-l 1viU proceed to connect with the county good roads two miles north... to ask for assistance, hut every member 1ms many families of this kind, however, hut has room for many.... Senator William H. Thornp- V r.. T 5" .:'. v.v; Q ' c'- t §®1* Women who affect semi tailored1 rest limes

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