The Paducah Post (Paducah, Tex.), Vol. 11, No. 10, Ed. 1 Tuesday, July 17, 1917: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... District School Tax ...................... 226.42 LAND i 1 1 : « O ■ J £ 1 | t* 4 ’£ i t g « £ £ 2 1... < 3 V •= I 1 1 < 6 < 6 l.'MI 31 6:;; t;;;l >. i i ..jt262 ____1719 Pre ____11663 ____1556... '.I. N. Dillard . .. 1 J. I). Newman . 1385 342 35 8031 814 36 34.79 5 C. Ts By. (-0. 2 B. B. & (’. By.... C. Cleary ... Geo. W. Faubion J. M. Hawkins . .1. W. House ... Leslie McAdams i.e.slie McAdams.... D. K. Haves W. 3. Walkup . '(.'has. Wolf, Est. Chas. Wolf, Est. D. M. Hailey..........1 189 J. C

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... ♦♦♦♦•»♦♦♦♦♦ » >♦♦♦ I I I 11 »»»ww 2 / fit / !> it *1 i :r / -p's Y ns PADUCAH «ic/skv POST... and the pauper to /the prison and the paorhouse. ' 1 have iooked into the tearstained faces of a still larger...]) thousan(1 palcfaced, hoi » . I. 1 . * 1. . v U .,.1 / ii'nl'l. * i ____________to help... in the Red Cross work J 1(,w.'(.he(,kt,d, ragged, dirty, Imnthe Cnited States is good thins...; for the merchants, but | (*UI 'a" 1 '.s "a,‘ *1’' ' U . j gry and starving children cursid a good thing tor our town

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... purchased hin * "* b"g!rV' K1DDO. KAISER’S ABDICATION PRE- DICTED IN LONDON GINSITE GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN... developments of the .1., . I,I In. 111 cri- Paducah AucOTff House ■Hi — sis should be suspended in the j... ffivc good results. “ „t sufficient ,1a,. upon »S»K Specific drug store or toilet counter will supply...... 1......... Hfnoctnm> tlllU ffJl- Al I «><» IvO sick, is able to be up this week... the Y ranch where he had ! been putting down a well. j£pKR3i’.1 BROOKSVILLE DELWIN The rain which fell

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... in congress will find its way to Germany. 1 wouldn't give the Germans any information until they find... At Thursday night's session, which lasted until 1.15 a. m., the regents voted to dismiss Dr.^ L., M? Keasby... is showed that the individual Russians for the Allied cause. COPENHAGEN. July 13.-1 he j refuses to try... fitted COTTLE COUNTY FURTHER TIME GETS MORE RAIN Til FN |\ ' replaced before an ultimate peace IU LI1...LIU I j conference. While denying the _ | report that the party had demandi ,1 ..11 i tyi

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... Gulf States—1 he weather SiMuiti r Smoot’s amendment pro- Keganling prohibition it was al- x,^^ouri... intoxicants,” Sterling declared. “But 1 believe a bread riot is more to be dreaded than beer riots... in East St. |,v the American troops in France Louis, 111. In prohibition.states • . . l L 1... led. signments of the national guard which it as follows: 1 troops to training camps already "July... in acclaiming with tnem York state. Spartanburg, S. F. 1 on their national holiday our own Seventh division

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 t \ I r ^10 THE PADUCAH POST Paducah, Texas, July 17, 1917 fr When and Where to N settlement... was in the city Monday. day. Walter Liedtke of Salt Creek J was in the city the first of the1 week. Buy... Phone 200 1 have ten yearling Hereford hulls for sale at 3D Ranch. Call or see B. ■Canon. 7-8t-pd. 4.... terests. 1. T. Findley was in from the Shorty community the first of the week. A. P. Hollar of Dumont... was in the city Saturday looking after inteaeata. p Don’t Feed Grain—Fatten Cattle on 1 I Cotton Seed Meal

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... scared the children home and I am afraid to >ro about him. 1 think that it is very little of a man.... first enacted In 1 .“tit and ex | With a keynote of patriotism predominating in every effort... Increased, and one morning Ills employer came in. stopped before the window and ex claimed: "1 can't make... of trespassing will he punished to the fullest extenl of the law. BOODIE McADAMS 10-1 vr. LESLIE M ADAMS Lost—A... States department 01 agriculture.1 In the cleaning method recommend rd the necessary materials are a gran

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... WtH »♦♦♦♦•# 111IHI » PROFIT BY THIS ARRINGTON & BELL Lawyers Practice in all the Courts Rooms 1, 2, 3..., Texas JAMES M. WHATLEY Attorney-At-Law Rooms 1 and 2, First National Bank Building Notary Public Don’t..., running over two years, there1 was disclosed the entire program of German propaganda in France....: The Gazette was absolutely the j only means of public information 1 about what was going on open |

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