The Llano News. (Llano, Tex.), Vol. 56, No. 11, Ed. 1 Thursday, February 3, 1944: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... r.’iiun r oil a H IT bomber sot: > '.here in England. Deem her £:<, r ... I ■1 ad been on in mltml ms over... ri (Sng)'.i’ 1. Dick did not have a furlough fr n the time lie enlisted until In Went across. I ,... for an aviation 1 'el Kc'H fill IT PiMtr! Mf*r — ‘ PROIVOTID TO c T A F F SERGEANT by l’t:Rcv CWUSBY Back o... .1 F Buttery (lie past weekend FRPRBYtFRIAN CMUflCH Hnndny s bool at 10:00 o'clock and hint'll lug... at 8:15 a. & 2:40 p. in. Arrive Austin at 11:30 a. m. & 5:00 p. n. L Do'.1 Schedule?! Through Georgetown

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... m w. tilt I1AN0 Ntwi AUMp, mil tmiMBAt. n O; t»AM s, mf t ■bterec i the Llano rott Ottlea... Guadalcanal Railroad Built by Saabtat * t* rvv.m -y > > mm III: m* mm $ >• i i;$mm J |1 and DANCE Meet your... Son'll Spring Nelly Dons In Beautiful New Materials - - $ 1.93 lo $14.98 Let's think of this Saturday..., the division's first train and the “last spike” ceremony. Si izes A A * 1 J lO Miss Beveridge Shoppe Bfhtb... will visit in tils home for a few 1 Mr Barclay will also visit n • ' tint's f Mr and Mrs. Walt -r

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Thr V'Mtinii'M Mm IHy rtf f'lirOllnn Hi'l vll III I llr IhiJIhI <1)111,1! I:| m Jmti h liny n... have an opporunity to attend. Mr. Canter stated that while the pitt; > i 1 the rally Is to sell more... county ko over the top again while the Mo- Idle 1' nit was here. Many thanks to the on:*s who cncrh d.... OXFORD MITHODI8T CHURCH W o. Schulte, Minuter 1 here will he preaching services ni iln Oxford rlntiTli... present. 1 wnlifi t',',1-1 lltirtn.r —: FOR SALE: Kerosene hath room heater, .! burner oil stove, enplane

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... mistake someone <: 1*1-3 fire on them. Japs begin photographing the place. No longer safe to sleep... In a rice paddy and Is surroundi 1 by Filipinos The crew buys an outrigger canoe and sail to the Isle... CW radio It was from Scha'.izt 1 saying he'd be In after dark with one body aboard. Scbaetzel gets In... Corr< 1 t with '1 passengers aboard Sergt. Boone, the gunner, tells how Queens rile. CHAPTER XV: Java... sea row full of Jap carriers, continues Lieut Kurt1 Jo s bombard helpless Dutch town. Scant Dutch

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

..., Robert Kppsp, Obed Rode, 'Ernst Feldler, Mrs. Tlilrza Feldler, Alvin Schneider, Herbert Wend d, Edgm .1... Morris, Waldemar Oehler, Jim Draeo Mrs OHIe McGee, Clarence Light, Mrs Lola Moore. Myrtle Wood, E1- tiert..., Is 40-yenr-old Flying Officer Norman C. Cathcart of Paradise Valley, Nev., with 1,950 flying hours to his credit..., has been with the RCAF heavy transport command since Its Inception His 1,900 hours of flying have..., oor<*. Elbert Moore II- r - L Pi T uesday liap , Mrs kl" ■ ■ *‘i Aid. ... C r1 ■ Oil* m il Gray, 1)1 k

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

...” Drugs 60c Calwell’s Syrup Pepsin 49c 60c Alka Seltzer ________ 49c 60c Sal Hepatica 49c $1....25 Creo-mulsion Cough Syrup 99c $'.25 Pe-Ru-Na Tonic ............. 99c $1.00 Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery 89c... 75c Bayer’s Aspirin 69c Bottle 100 Norwich Aspirin 39c 35c Vick’s Vapo Rub 29c $ 1 50 Amphojel, 12 oz... Lilly’s Lextron Ferrus Capsules $2.75 $4 50 l John’s Unicaps, 100s “One a Day” .....„ $3.95 $1....00 Upjohn’s Super D C.L.O. Pcne*,, 30s 89c Take Vitamins to BUILD UP YOUR BLOOD to Help KEEP OFF COLDS $1

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... It again'' and forget It and not buy our limit. There 1* no doubt In the minds of the men In the settles... for the Fourth War I,oan. which ends February 15 is *209,000.00 — . KomrmN>r r*»rt IlHfhof —— 1,717 Poll Tax.... McWilliams, deputy tax assessor-collector, stated yesterday the office had Issued 1,717 poll tax receipts... ay and .03 yesterconductc 1 j day. Therome er readings for the pa«t week, according to Mr. Roths... guess that you would like o know that I have been In action, but 1 mu back in the Hawaiian Islands lands

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... 4 I'll!'' I (.AS » Mfr’AVH M.V'ttl ICXArt turn IM> I I Hill MlV I 'll 1M r.lV, ' MW . w &%iu ■r... with money in the bank when these things are needed? You will if you ta\e the offensive now1 Put every extra... to meet the future. Now is your chance t > do it.. an 1 help fight the war t' d G > on the offensive! Buy

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