The Hereford Brand (Hereford, Tex.), Vol. 39, No. 11, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 16, 1939: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... of (Continued from Page 1) the number of local men who will H pjfi°r1) Frank (Flour-weevil...- Tetnporary pastures, such as ion. Many farmers in the South-1 Upon finding a soft-shelled egg audan grass..., and and those who donot will go Dean Dunlap, who 1s t ‘fish maintain such a dense sod that on taking... from the Zybac-Owens permanent pasture but of more 1 out well are equally as good post

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... THURSDAY! ige 47 DIJRA GLOSS NAIL POLISH Give Whitman's Candies for Easter 1 Bar Of Woodbury’* Soap Free... nfnrlh ^ 1 mmuSlrUSi school j < mS5 ASSOCIATION U1HK AS f Seniors elr dlpave tiff' lembera. sfactorilogy... ‘d. with ipanlst; reus by urds to ind the rd. riven a Balut ipondri Address or class h some '1 Hcnlo... of the Carlsbad High School for the honor society. These students represent 1ft percent of the 84 graduates... Lloyd, formerly of TucumcarL by high March r Court H • Close Drug STORE Nyal % tor 1 Sals NOW GOING

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... for the Buckner Orgram ” Mrs. Ray Johnson read Phan’» Home 1,1 Waco at the several articles dealing with the i..., and nlng at 7:46._ You are invited Miller menday. Members of the Dawn Home =dR 1 lied on * d Mrs. H. 1 Ion... with us. 1. Is the Mlllen- Demonstration Club met Wednlum going on now? 2. Is the nesday. March 8... In the Jess Mr. nnd Mrs R. S. West nnd fnIr1 well home Runday. Bible Study. Wednesday at 7:30 daughter Bobby... selection from Friday with her son. Otto Ham-1* BkfJVtwn/ _ . Or*idn Studio Photo* ~ s rr.s Subject

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... Shorthorns, 1 red, calvand Mrs. Lee Cocoanougher Mr. ed May 28. 1936; 1 white, calvand Mrs. R. W. Elllston... the Stock Show MRS. R. C. VALENTINE (1H miles south, 5 miles east) ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ In Amarillo Wednesday... planting fruit trees on his place. The R. C. Valentine’s have r-\r i r t\/ ^>WvJ t I 1» Seed oitf See... Brothers Blacksmith Shop. ll-2tp LOST—Boston Bull Pup. Notify BUI 8mlth. 11-11^ FOR HALE: Good used... Implement Co. 11-ltc recently in the home of Mrs. Roy Jowell. 1 HAVE the Thomas Black Wal- Hlgh score

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... Editor riionc 1 h 1 w 1 SUMMER AND FALL | It Is well to remember that a.s LOWERING BULBS ARK... as large ones. Ibs” was the subject of an Mr. Rice recommended 1 tea cresting discussion given by spoon... of nicotine sulphate In 1 irry L. Rice, local authority, gallon of water as an all around rne uarden v/iuu... early In the spring, plantng the first bulb around April **** HEALTH PROGRAM the second May 1 and sue... Bahy Boy lit 1 .4 ! Ing an Important part In the Great Commission, Christian Schools In the homeland

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

.... It U being built by E. H. Shinn, 1 Jfour miles north and two west | town, and Includes basement, rooms... W. 1st. Street, Santa Anna, Calif, sends The Brand a four-page letter seeking to locate her dog... LOCAL LABOR QUESTION STILL UNDETERMINED IN THIS COUNTY DRIVERS MUST HAVE NEW TAGS BY APRIL 1st With only... April 1 TULIA BOXERS TO COME HERE FRIDAY NIGHT TWO TRUSTEES IN HERE- j FORD; EIGHT IN NINE RURAL... Theatre is largely the Price Per Copy 5c as*"....... 1.......■9SHBHBB Flu Epidemic On Decline

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

.... 1 ' . . , * dav Rev H B Navlor filled »».. , . n ... . A. L. Fox Sunday...‘ _ 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Miss Frances McDougald and Miss Naomi Hare attended the teachers meeting... Caraway of Tulla Is Moore 1 sPpndlng the week in the home this community Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Milton... visitor. In the W R were visitors In Amarillo Tuesday A«lon Tuesday .f, evening. 1 of Australia... public a cen * “1 1 Trevle I hut .sj>ert WVthn Dj»ip tl tsta stor em ng rr Frigid the fi em h< Mr. compl

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

..., was also reported to be In a greatly Improved condition. dition. I Fred L. Sterner, manager of V 1 Jones... concert of the year Is presented In the college auditorium Thursday evening, March 1(1, at H 15 o'clock... Gonzales. Dawn will cooperate In the Pioneer Day program. The north section of the windbreak at the A1... NONE 1M7.1I SWAP TIRES- PRICES SLICED LEE OF CONHIIOHOCKEN Guaranteed Against All Road Hazards..., Ji Subscribed and 1

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... visiting her sisters. Mrs Earl and Mrs. Vern Lust for some •eeks. i •. * m S;1 Nnl even during the lush... Bhrve who was sick In jfL *Vlalnvlew last week, 1* home * I this week We hope she will goon be able... Hutson visited Rev .1 A Hornbeak In Hereford Monday evening. Margarett Higgins of Hereford nnd Wanda... will be held Mar. an extra voomt try a want AD 30. 1939 Auto MUST BE ON AIT CARS BY MIDNIGHT OF APRIL 1st, 1939... MO............Si And M**y Othse fioaireBl* Items I 9* f r f * ■a rMm f0fMMD^C^r/ ^ 1 TBOTH 7 DAYS OLD

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

...^ >1 Hereford v.*. ilw h gffEt Ify Jimmie flfTTmf Inc ill in i nickle a throw and cleaned up, »1f of *<... w«ar bonnet 1, bustle and Icoats and get to work op Hr’f ry morning should be gfyen M tood prize- HoW... There are several schools of like »ir**| htn ik«y br.k* fW#bur Hud.«i oto seeded. V* * 4 ,,H;; mints ey of the 1... aX ibiem. * ll w * 7^.3? :>1< i(S/ ’t€ #5.*4. |a one tercur Hulbs i «olutloi liner, Jnr (den pe... geometries, smart strtpee und grains! very d< the ful 1 Hu Inches feet tnctv ;he bu a A oi k topj I for bine

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... Goes to Town’—At Dartmouth > 1/ Liititird "Dlcittor (luck to Town." till* know kt ulpluie won lln»t... with John D. Horn. ‘Dizzy’ Confident Arm Is in r% n 1 tpa-y il -tu t i' it it. 4 .......... k t II { g i' O... t*> i i-lif: 1 harlea l.eo i o. Ini I In -ii I uls; Audi eii l.oUh.iw, in Hereford Mrs If M Gunn... lomtii.k 0% • % #1 mm mim II* *♦ i»m|/|/%.i unu ciirti, n urn at a nearly date In April, The date... Canyon Tuesday evening. Miss Belmont Bourland of Elomont, Texas, 1ms been elected to teach the primary

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... percent grew rsm H f 1 unn 1 uni nr* F.lort 'I'hoir Ulirh Csiliwwil ii IK u|n $ t ii \iiunn To Attend... Annual Staff Wednesday i 11ci11 ilt limn Honor Roll Festival In their meeting, Wednesday, March 1... Evans, Eighth Grade Clifford Estes oiorla Cress Katie lean Cress . .. 1 ” Dorothy Nellc »*!!!!.a * *J... someth 1 nK new nod entertaining as well ns worth and practices we are faced with continued erosion After... Will by Minnie Dea Smith; "School . _. Days” bv Dorothy Nelle Trimble ^Hrlftnr.f_1!!rT.!r' and La Wanda

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