The Hereford Brand (Hereford, Tex.), Vol. 46, No. 11, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 14, 1946: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... extra Itllf ego MUI Mill •*foty, ill it m <■ ’ v. ’ - at the home of Mrs. Ifv A# /fhl4*flnr> 4aaI«Ima 1... returned to Hereford. They will make their home here where he will be associated 1 r the grocery business.... Mona Wright and Mini Mary Tinnen. Also In the house party were Mrs. G. 1. Gollehon and Mrs. Bttie... West. " Tuesday, Mar. 19 LUNCH ON 6BUUNDS HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1 Kitchen Cab Inst, Ssllsrs 1 Kitchen Safe... 1 Roll Top Office Desk 1 Large German Coal Heater 1 Small Kerooene Heater 30-Gallon Iron Wash Pat

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

..., B. Jones, Wirt Phillips, & 1. Robewop, Frank Terrell, A! Werner ana the boet- Jr Yaur^i * WED CROSS... _ ' Mutt Carry On 1 Bottl* ■' Kraml" Hair..., G*‘ff •1 Fitch’s Shampoo fWrsf Xmowr I WA'W //»»V 49t Ssybroakt YEAST-IRON TAILETS qhttln 7fi 4 CM IP.... pa***! rm «m 1 mp%if*} /*» , * ' 11 GREAT Clean-Sweep SALE for TWO DAYS only SAT., Mar... and equipment — cocmplete COUPON I PACK OF 201 1 ENVELOPES i fl 2*. 2111*1 a 2iirB 6%-inch. (Limit 2) I I Efli

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... cannister sets, attractively decorated for only $1.19— Metal bread boxes in white with colored transfers... for $1.89—and a special on 4 quart covered white enamel pots 79c—while they last New merchandise — clothes... it in 1 lb., 10 lb.,’ 60 lb., and 100 lb. bags. The price is the same as 1940. It pays to feed your lawn... Demonstration dub Tuesday afternoon, March 6. Mrs. Clarence Hollabaugh presided when members voted to1 I... contribute to the Red Cross. 1 The next meeting was announced; !for March 1 tat the home of, , Mrs. 0. 8

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... m ,. •s m M 8L :'£;k ______ (wanm: ^ yifc <1 Published Every Thursday ■ u “More F;: I: .-I... llffl,|l»l" ■■iwl>i Mg machine 1 bronae sfc 1 Sicily, | one year < in in* i * 'Mo m I) Mgm^B.jaoLio Deaf..., and Vicory medals. .................. -: Zone 1, $2.00 per year; Zone 2, $2.50 per year. AM subscriptions..., was discharged on February 1ft at Antonio. He enlisted in the army at Lubbock on March 4, 1948, and served..., at Lubbock. pemi&rr’si the American theater med$l, the Asiatic-Pacific theater medal with 1 bronse star

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... and family. Oonventio Miss Sally and Oma Kelly of £*•? to A1 Amarillo were visitors hi the JJHhlde h W. T... Carrots Wiaaoaaia •aporior. Qt Jar FURNITURE FOUSH Bring in Tour Fresh, AH Purpose, 1 lb. Pkf DRIED AFFLES... 1 Pound Tkf............... FEAR JUICE Libby., 1* oa. BaMa......... STUFFED OUVES Bow Dale, Large Jar... a . / e .J. SALAD DRESSING y MtMWWI h‘ t. ,‘j ,1

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... adline of March It Tax Collector J. O. Robert Neely Jennlnga, Beaman, 1-c, received hi* discharge from... at the Tax Collector** office before new lloenee plates can he issued. •The certificate of title 1* the aame... to get a proper I be registered In Texaa. elUIKIJVu AUKM. CUrspricHc Naturopathic Cttstc R WTRU1... 1b LowerLvnbS To Bladder-^ To Gsmtolsyfl Phone 91 Office Bonn 1 * %A The state department of Health.... Visitors In Amarillo durldg the Fat Btock Show were Messrs and Mesdames J. J. Wilder, C. 1. Leasure, F. L

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... Jargra's HAND LOTION *1.00 tin Dbakalk Mn Body Powders Five Kxquiaite Odor*! BEZEL | faiplfy ■ i..., Thursdoy | daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.(was tbrm-1 as&J ttSSm £s*~c si years In Mrs. Ott wishes to many..., at toe con-1 home here in the spring wleelom of —■»— i i " 1 .........—""O The oouple... 1 but hoped to return to State* soon. the | Lawrence, and Mrs. O’. ». ner were on the pKgram. Gunter... OF MAGNESIA Reoulor $1.25 Cough Syrgp CRE0MULSI0N___ of Childress spent the vrtth their daughter, Lovett

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... pwtod, and boosted their margin 1 point at game's end. Three times In three years Friona and Aquilla... girls in the semifinal round. Individual ecortm; by the Frioaa forwards In £* final game wgs M. Taylor 1... Creomulsion their home. A line 1* being run home of Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Byto the home* of Cax$ Witt end ere... "loss-stoppers" in mind: (1) Never beat animals with whips or dubs. Uas or electric prods... (2) Inspect :iS... May 1. $400 in cash prises for be* letters on "Methods Employed by Meat Packers in Marketing Meets

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... m ' * A -, 1■■ * mm Ssifc Wmwsm ■ ??m rsp .rfOTlfM'! p ■ *•1. , Up. I 1 ^^0* c ycrford /one DC...: Zone 1, $2.00 per year; Zone 2, $2.60 per year. All subscriptions strictly cash in advance. Bntered... Fat Stock Sbowheld in Amarillo last week, were Messrs, and Mesdames O. O. Hill, W. 1. Dam cron, Lee

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... Hertford to Amarillo last October 1. SU is survived fey her husband; five sons, Hubert Bdcf Di-T.rr.itt...; and Low’s address Is Routs 1, Plain view. .....- .-o-------—- ■ Vent Wltheripeea Is Candidate... to this office,” he said, ”1 promise to do my best to give g fair and efficient administration of oounty affairs...#*, New Mexico; oi 51 OCOT) Ou t of friends a1 Included Data Smith County will do Its share to meet... will meat at tha Haa 1th Spot Cafeteria Friday night at 8:20 to organize a local Restaurant Owners

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... hones. Good bam and windmill. Confidential price. Half Section, 1-3 wheat goes. In irrigation district... tan Page 1) Will Garrett and family of Mule shot, Miss Doris Bell of Muleshoe; Rudd Ptff.and son... STRAYED: 6-year old tall-bay horse. Brand on right hip 77. Notify Eldon Craig. Route 1. ll-2tp Home... 18 and 19. block io. $1^00. A. c. Thompson. n-2tp HOMES—New 4-hm home, $5,- 000. 5-rm. home... . JACUZZI 70YB0V 1LEOTUO WATER KLEO HOT-PLATB * rmEBBURE BYBTBM Two Burner Capacity 600 gal. hr. 42

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... the negatives are made--nothing more to 1*7 utU you (*t th* finiihod photo*. YouYrifl h»w the privilege 0f... to move into, meir formal opening will be announced when the building is completed. (Continued from Page 1... at the Church of Christ here Saturday afternoon, with (Continued from Fags 1) for the Camp Fire Olrls; Harry

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... 8 75tro5 !>qa " 1 S 7 7 5 53*87^PS 7 «8L7?i* !| On Plains On Hmelieih Birihday Ml (By Mrs... was bom March 1, in a Chilf storm, m anew house that was not aufte finished. The mother and baby wore... the alligators, deer and other wild animals and1 made all the Shoe* for the family, flboes were at sooh a premium... at be Bell place on Brushy Creek near Round Rock in 1874.1 They had tr> children, nine of I them bom... with the overlapping events and ' “ and Pyla the ovei the activities of a . '|:/t! fifjU f 1 THE WESTERN BATTERY

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... of the Bgy View Club. Those present were Meedames D. H. Alexander, Oolby Oonkwrlght, Herman Ford, 1. W..., mss Tucker, Jean Witherspoon, Danny McLalten, Grady Poff. 1 All of lis honor roll students... serving in bomber combat operations over Germany and German oocupted countries. Try a Want Ad1 party Roger...* —......—.....—■■o1 ■■■—-■-........... Try a Want Ad! -it You aren't getting machinery, Mr. Farmer, because... PICKET... Want Ad Page! M/Mm/Om Breathe Again 1'A Wonderfully quick ft Utile V»-tro-«d UP web nostril helps open

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

.... "Teaching Is whole hog or none." « pH ill ip £31} r M PL Sit pprnn ■ms * HHK BW ' flu^v r 1 mm m Delores... and Mr. and Mm. Howard Higgins Seed Barley OF GOOD QUALITY Sears & Teter GRAD! COMPANY £ . > J 1... Andrews, Feed Axe, and Miss Sadie Lee Oliver. Rev. and Mm. Tract! D. Allen were dinner guests of Mr. and 1

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... Goo. G. Hoard Tom Sanders W. J. Wilson W. H. Knox B. L S. Club Eugene D. Knox No 23* laMB1 John... Fox i'j mimw Wtofc*1* ft mm Mrk H. K. Fox w * fitt April 20, 1946 Free A New

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