The Daily News-Telegram (Sulphur Springs, Tex.), Vol. 58, No. 1, Ed. 1 Sunday, January 1, 1956: Searching Inside

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... maid.fftChelh inks he is. . . • - 1 - - *rom**->• ••ttt.lkjVi'■ V , -• • - ~ - ★ GRAYSON... flayed stead of the usual 9th and 8th I in McKinney Friday night. 1 The Kitten- A team took-a 53- 39....' b Williams w-aathe leading scorer, ... . . ,, for McKinney with a total of -14 | PT 1...L points to his credits Sunday, January 1, 1956.^, THE DAILY NEWS-TBUGRAM aris Nips Wildcats In 55 to 52... The sharpshooting of Harapy Hodges was largely responsibly ............... .......... I 1 I j Griggs | TOTALS -U

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... - I ■ ■ ! ' . I, ' ' • SECTION i — ' SULPHUR SPRINGS, TEXAS. SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 1956. GUIDES... will kick off the 1956 March of Dimes with a voluntary “Blue Crutch -■Day1'-on January 3, Ka.v Gayle... across tiie state, giving the small, work to become fanulter with j iapel.size plastic Uur cT3Sc1... that'sajddoxical too much activity—of the: Change takes extra energy. It. of-1 JJttlk , vaccine has shown same...^ certificates; we are leader pointed out. as it| is foohsh. |;it1T!ined’J,to minimise it. Medical 1 ‘Cuff

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... ;< : •' & : ■•"?.•..,• Vj .............___j "* Sunday. January 1,1956. "T fmvrrr ^WantAds... Figaro Your Own Ad Cost*— ./ One ’ 2-3 Day Day* .75 1.10 .76 1.50 .06 1 85 1.16 2?5... l.'S3 2,65 i.50 8.00 1.70 3.85 1.85 3.75 CASH DISCOUNT Take a 20 per cent discount frorj... Belvedere :. :i T Furniture Upholat 1 Rpf iniahing McLARRY BROST MADE-RITE MATTRESS CO. Jefferson...! Answer to ProvloutPunJ* , ACROSS 1,4,9 Tonight is tomorrow, starts a new ~T2 Before < 13 Clothe 14

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... .. TN.- 1 — Section * THE DAILY NEWS-TEJ-EGRAyT-:- -Bnn day, January 1, 1956. (fj|l •vw»i« X «'... the texecutive committee of Texa1s Wholesale Harthvkfe’ Association. v1 DAN E. BONNER Dan Bonner is a native... years-with the Armed Forces in the Phil 1 ipines. Married ton Jane Longino, (laughter of Dr. and Mrs. Byrd... Church, past president pfythr Rotary Club and past president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce.1 »*cj... Our salesmen call on their customers every two weeks and goods are 1 delivered by our trucks within

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... _ DI/^L 5-3141 f 1 . . . ALL DEPARTMENTS -* wJVW Wa e/\m v 21 A/ i r7i\kS SltE ilatht... _ _. 1__.*■ • • . f ' •• tf" r 5 - - Weather Forecast ............... * Partly Ctoody... ABSORBED THE DAILY GAZETTE IN 1924. VOL 1 “X SULPHUR SPRINGS, TEXAS. SUNDAY. JANUARY 1, 1956. 20 PAGES —.... J. - (Ray.I Morgan and .1. duled here soon, First is I.. (Jim< llryce.- Injection-in... iisajAtfinanye 1 foreman Tor fire ( otton-JpcSt railroad. Morgan .is;.^fif i ently .aerv/j ing a justice of peace

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Penuehe Filbert, ■'~;V ’ Twb cups toasted whole filberts, 1 cup brown -ugar, few gyaiDrP salt, 1... minutes, if you use a prO^arpd chocolate fudge mix and stir into it 1-2 cup toasted meit«r“V---—: 7;.; I... \ Filbert Fondant Roll One and ohe-half cups filbert.-, I pound powdered 'ugar, 1-4 cup .j melted... butter or margarine, few grains salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2 | to 3 tablespoons, omjm or evaporated mtikv... apd-cream gradually and mix Well. j Stir in 1 cup-fttbertsiWii share into log. Roll-in remaining half l

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... Vi" ■’ Section ! THE DAILY NEWS-TELEGRAM Sunday. January 1, 1956. y''" ............ : ■\ Woman... in her island cottage. He declared H W«A, won* ^latrdng to ^5 higher; coalers 2.00-1 •... h/on'ari-atoned'In .• believe that possession of poWer1-! J;O0'highet!:few sales stokers.and s,,'m 1 s . s...... -... Market Chicago, Dec. cattle 100, to til 10CD compared week ago; >1 Js—Sal 100 iestimat. alabie ^estimated... with Hears! MeBotOHe news ; 2I1.OO; good to low* choice *45.00- gn’d fuiwiiiljes ci.wsrcd, film to

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... 4 - ‘k; T-‘ Sunday, January 1, ItWv : ■' > 4 \ .7 I 1 / * -4'- Editorial and Features... There they Are, Son. They Expect Big Things of You1 ^ \ / GO TO CHURCH TODAY • *■ • • • -u '' -Mr Around... the Square - - 4...... It aluavs ia.pretty rtekfr' bu si n e ssd e 1 v - irig into the field of prophecy..., but on the basis of prevailing indications Sulphur 'Spririjfr-and Hopkins Count}1 Part look to 1956... tlTASHINaTOtf—(NEA)—1They’ve done killed danta '' this Christmas, insofar as the U S. covernn Claus for* U.S. government

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... .3- 5e ir THE DAILY NEWS-TELEGRAM - Sunday, January 1, 1956. Society and Clubs Mr*. Fred Moelk... sandwiches, iind.v,dual frosted IW|Ur-; yrnMr D(1. ' hues Hale, Ruth Berry Ashcroft,,/ Jo Arrne Graver... with gmilax and'. Jroints over hit han i-. The bouf-1 theme,, of Christmas Virginia Drive. friadew alcr... Hei shoulder length veil of tllu-1 —j■ ;Mr,.Bob Thomas Lilly, Mr. MasUfii dtwet, fio*m Ea-t Texas... in dustry rose faille sheath street-1 ^ in the afternoon with Dr. Darold i H. Morgan, pastor) of

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... Morning January 1,1956 CHURCH OF CHRIST and 7:30 p. ni \ Services Daily At 10 a* m l Plain Gospel... Preaching Good (^higrc^Otltrmpng '•'V1;'58*“*’Mlv '"*• : Mfc tow &...... &}' * Mb**-** NEWS-TELKQRAM... through April 1, which is Worship services, begin at '.EHfiSf. A record of attendance 11:00 a.m. Rev. Jack... 10:55 service. For the next the Sanctuary for a general as-! Gospel, with 1 ie story o... service the1 BY WILUAM K. GILROY, D.D nURINO the first six months ^ of this year lAihy scholar* In chorch

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... » ™ ■ • , r, , j ;; 10 Years Of Progress lit-. ’'■'iW \ .......'' Sunday January 1, 195.... • ..... From left to ri|1tt—front row: Klough Williams and L. T. Martin. Bark ' row—Sherman... Stamps, W. J, Allen and John Orr Jr. * v _________‘ 1----»-------- Mirromatic Percolators

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