The Comanche Chief (Comanche, Tex.), Vol. 85, No. 11, Ed. 1 Friday, September 13, 1957: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... IS, 1M7 Mt HOME SEASON OPEhTr] Comanhe H » the opinioi ID- OF fe( r .. vo. Stephenvill BOARD" ..I... Chiefs Grid Contest ___ $11 IN WEEKLY PRIZES • JUSJ CIRCLE THE WINNERS COMANCHE vs. STEPHENVILL* 1 DE... THE WINNERS—1st Prize, *5 CASH; 2nd Prize, two Reserved Seat Tickets to Indians' next Home Game; 3rd Prize, 1 year... of the season. '•=i V. GO GET ’EM INDIANS Ned Stewart's Grocery-Slafion OPENS 7 DATS A WEEK w 1H% BEHIND... THE INDIANS (lemons Motor Co. FORD—MERCURY 1 dwiilii»i»ipviiwvinpwwwifwvi FIGHT Ado*U4+*H**t SfuotUosied &f

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... v,8,ls»"«tUo; Allle ftfanigK,- ^^Panied by*?* r-r <* ^-*****1 ;n Cl>manch^ «,. TURDAY, can. s... CHIP, SBrrV&BBtlZ. 1M7 ^bi» *£ only for *Jfnot W»y t0T ' B^rm-to-Market if* **: ,nd more t*J*U... the conw™ TT. tlon to the Federal tax of ft? many college* and universities 1 Jimmie Mr and Mrx e c... Mrs Clifford Tumbow gasoline Ux rate than Texas; I going to accept without examl- • • Dy 'T1 r... by one' For-years. Rice Institute. Hous- Mr.v Truman Wilson mS" W°C ^ Comanche ! fiU1

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... “,RTH Anno hirth o, 1 ^stssSm SffigSflP OR rSt ^ reasonable siyn^J ™*' VWo, '5JJ' >> - XKZS&Z... Qjganrhe. 1 1i'ain" help"-, PP’-V at Service Dr,,"? OR SAL£^Twa id an tenia, Phone z ziiz OR SALK i ted... 1!11 miles nor) omanehc. 4 *ttbm hoLg "v ' in culnraO ideal dairy place^i" •ovements. Also a feed, iH... Mrs. Georw V t 1. Comanche. ' MORE!! SEE DHffor > pur ikes . . . Breaking •-» ., ted Tractors. ’... oad Of the way!! TOR ... BEN & ED COMANCHE itic way 'rax COMANCH* CHIEF SEPTEMBER IS. 1M7 O^^Whtte

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... at half-price 2nd , leas. — Kirkland* Bargain J*-- Store. . _______ (ltc); WANTED—Ironing —-----1", 7. _i Mr... at 4 Way | qe upright Home Proeaer and the --——i—~ p New Frlgldalre Chest home freea- FOR YEARS. 1...* 10-17c&hL^ D and. looked over the Increased where you left school. _ Write*1 * I coffee tables...,. priced reasonable Caw..,be seen ?>»octiiaed_PeMW_ _i!LiiC1 KTu, “ C°smet C P ’ selections of gift Items..., spare ,, 1 ~ ~ Start01 oats - USE ijflK rSS- n —- ' dine L « room b°uw’ ,0" ,00.n W 3street Comandbe

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... grandchildren ana » 1 grand children mes| days a fishing for b« three (3) week as follows: Saturday, Sunday.... There will b __tf 11 ii f i Cat tarrl’i -■ fe€ding these fish all year and there arc a lot of them. 1 t you... nothing to fish, charges are thirty-five (.35c) cents per [I?1®*the fish you catch. You will furbish your...! looking over the new show, lots BELVE BEAN Democrat Star Rt. - Comanche, Texas r* kN >*A . irssr\ rip* 1 1... they describe as being "among the best In this 1 iAn T section. I Here From Fort Worth Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cauley

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... ( 4 TOT COMANCHE CHIEF. IS. 1#67 SURE YOU SCORE - - •r« the one who mikwi vour futnre* •% let.... Sirs. after spending the week with1 Effie Reeves their parents. Mr. and Mrs Ed die McDougal at Oustin..., stated a (crowd of 801) to 1,000. was anticipated. To stimulate attendance, valuable door prizes..., and Mr. and iMrs Clyde Brinson and Rickey I of De Leon- ... 1 , Mr and Mrs. Garland Collins. Roland... of Houston. Mr. Stokes assumed his duties with the Production Credit system January 1, 1987 and took over

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... ” ■ ' 1 aw. ",} 1wtah 1 **” » > u » were I ■wU,~ yo« folk, ibwtth," DIES’ CLOTHEg , y*u see *t ftp..." Theal DAY, Sept 8-9| UT MQOEE to DINE" ive-'In RDAY, StfL 1-7 IATVII >NET In PACIFIC” ftatarr ’ O in T Y... BABY”1 IDAY, S*t «•» a ritnolm to OF JOY )AY, THURSDAY, llrun AST AIM to FACE” Carload NiffcU! rf ‘ ■... -«^-M=a»c=a=CT5nI5^ae5j-leaBa5BS^s^^W!_ft!Sftst;;S^^ ________ _ EIGHTY-FIFTH YEAK- at=smsE=8=asee nT). ii -onrsraese “u “wi.1, »K'1 BSC... ®^7:f&os&Bi53iaKT!ita£ac45S6ssr(eSE!i^wciK5StstR'3cawr?»T^r^^.t5r^!r1^—"^—'r^,ri,5B(wtac3t!2Ci.t^csr".r*'.,-'.r”.“-".,—np.nnr.r-.'-.'-r.—r__—^^^T-ipareiree-ieatacw a rtde, gf aw holdup. waa iff! .« at®*41 patol, but did and , m to the U_ 3. J »t Kansas ciiy.j ^

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Yates Clements, age 8(1, who met>ting date to Sunday, a vote "Iac**'°°d-Mlms Hospital, Cbattended school... there 76 years and overwhelming ma- l1!8"1'*1*! child of family, ago when a Mr H&rWood was the Jor^y... ____________ prepared,’12 ounces, bom August 1 at De <,tven bv building were. P. J. “ BfJod‘'food... Jones child of family. Mother’s maiden 4si«dlM by B^y 1 ( son, ajid Mrs. Bates L*»ne. Mr. B9ata... Mazurek for an ex-1 Tn W »#,. av,0„ JgVgrM *<«> fr^tssrtt nwlster was being d*TfoT everyone to K

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... weathers long summers and cold Our W-58 Hobo Queen - the winters, before it is full grown. 1 glil bringfrig... in the most money 00(1 knows what keys ln hu‘ ' for the day. is Barbara Jennings. man soul tou>uch draw out... upperclassmen,1 they maybe the lighter notes of * big sisters" and their freshman J1-Door Bel-Air, r-GIide, Whitewall door... job done right— PRICES! Motors! C. D. Swearer • « • » .. » 1 « ♦ • il Festival I Gorman leok'End

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... It, 1*67 COkLVMCHB CHIEF. * •. By Mil. t* from the SytwJr"Si!u* fcT It Ssalr-sjsss; A chmuiuitn... MSftni hl» native 1 l»uadnd UK .Me twU ptalMd Sine, *hlrto that the fastidious men of meeting that day... wort. Oor****•"" BUUt year Old Comanche ! Oeeding H Friend j Newburg Quilting 1 Club Holds Meeting... Church to attend the Uhion Christmas treea few can sttll remember.LPr“1„dt; when Unde Cap Swltter stooped... Comaijch e* for £2y\ eTrSTfo^ Oakwood homa cuyLul* *• 1_ Ros'^5 ^ !.:• Oebrge a*. W V?** .11 _| moving

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... V ' 4 i! Comanche Chid ----to JOT. . • i .Total J. ft «*.» *" 1W«K **•£ 4W ft year ago. High... athletic* faces. 5X^E5X&*Sr* «pr 1 ration In government, Mini . Chicago TSuh. of their reaen- The * . Now... P**1* atm unoe. .jea re -j>vas will smile when they hear and extend to them a persoanl li»k... -ha'live n Co- Tyv*n bo**Un* *h°1t our State « jjr. w>TS; <£U«. cw rushed by the Comanche cname . ,.... tf It is fflowed ^ nov Sth^k JKrtc* tcldisba a Uv- ^^^“and'bu'r little crtttB-,1 comers. W« touM-gp

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... THX COMANCHE CHOP SEPTEMBER II. 1H7 "September Is Better Breakfast Month WHY EAT A 600P BREAKFAST...? BE A BE 1 BPEAKMST BOOSTER* JOHN SKIPPED BREAKFAST.... ...SUSAN ATE 8PEAKFAST Nation wide surveys... on breakfast-eating habits report that: 4 oat of 5 school-age children 2 out of 3 teen-age girls 1 out of 3 teen age... boys adults SKIP OR SKIMP BREAKFAST 1 out of 2 and. Use boiler an Um top of tbo stovw of Airs. T. J... of'-tenusrv 1 1912,was one of the greasest enelsl events given 10 fermnehr within veers even exr-)',rt

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... ■ if; •* r )PESEW STADffl 8(TCU '1 \W ' • ” R A Dl'DNYY’S IE HUB 4 BOYS WEAR L^wwww^wwwewwewraew... rsozwi 's Product1 Um 1 SHOWN, HO*- *0 BO*108,1 lUICAH'S FOH *■* ** m BACKING' IncheNafU rWKJWH^ ■0CB... of Equalization, which $1 meet at the School Tax Office September 19, 1957, for the purpose of equalizing...; back on’ the Job at his Jewelry Store Tuesday 1 Q LAN AH TEBITOHB Mr. and Mn. W. H. Quarvah were hare... Anderson. COMANCHE CHIEF Mias Neville Hamilton of Lamga 1M7 . kin won honors t&l herself and the Lamkin

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... is |wrw*Md to ilop Mon. • _*--— • jSStiS.“l£l.,S5 5 ^SSS’S^K^c1- Im» .ctioo in • flew, modern %#&££&* ■..., ever listening, ever merciful end just ■S'K'S.&i •85V**|>jgd /p*1 the slanew .1 friua which tu .—. em... COMANCHE, reprewstint Ink Exterminator *1 RUPTURE-EASER dr. h. OPT0METRI* . ..... Office Bw, I N M. U.S... selves helping 1 moat r WASHING and GREASING—A SPECIALTY. WE GIVE S.&H. GREEN STAMPS Whether... A Complete 1 PHONE 10 Blotto EAST MR. asd EARL TUESDAY Daw noktodrikl Nagging Sleepless •cho«ndp*lrav

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

.... j* Holdr t Court .of com»n- ! Mr(l Terrill Sh*rp lallowa: I V Leslie. Rt. 1. Ct Rt. 1, Dublin; B... A of Henrietta. and,camp from thls ®reft include: -------- v_capt. Daniel' V. Speakman.' tv..' Bfownwood; 1st Lt.... Gregory aftursurf»c' £nm?nchr S:t mvl<1 A Attorn, ait surfac- Brrrw’riwood; • 8p-2 Robert T fl Army... ermim killers ef mice, and rt* __8 E | service V <®5 W. PalM . 1 COMANCHE, rrpreseatliig i... telephone Industry is 1 composed oLtiic Hell System aiid the Indepi lull nt' vt^yijanies. Hell operates

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... and | ^ 1' " : 0[ - ^ I •' ;; • IS* WEST CENTRAL PHONE 57* i. Comanche, Texas ! ^jSs^ua^ssss..., ■s&sssr*-^ * The JKonorablq. Mayor and- City Council 1 City of Comanche ./* • Comanche, Texas Dear Sirs... locomotive, a replica at tha ffri.,.1 anglaa which haalad tha first freight and pasaengsra over tha a-w. fh... been vis- band. Jack W. Carter, Hasse; 1 81 Wer- T- R- Atwood. Alton E. lting Joe Walker and other... ANNOUNCEMENTS— printed or engraved—The Coman che Chief (Adv) -.j Garbag e Pick-Ups Rl 1 SOUTH OF RAILROAD

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