The Panola Watchman (Carthage, Tex.), Vol. 90, No. 38, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 22, 1963: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 21 (standard view) | zoom view

... nv * 1 *- rktis- Idryhmi{ |hmi{ I .inti fllnit. font not any kktns INukoIa Count? OIL & GAS.... Pumper Produced HI 16 harrels of 44 2 gravity oil In 24 hours; UOR 578 to I 1>nneco finished on Julv 27... the T. C Adams “C" No It U1, .lone survey, and test was completed same day. Pumper Produced 126 3... oil in 24 hours; UOR 1686 to 1. J. C Trahan Drilling Contractor Inc Shreve|H)rt, completed on August l... gravity oil through 32 «4 inch choke in 24 hours; UOR 400 to 1. Tenneco Corp., Shreveport, brought

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... a director's meeting of the North and Ka*t 1>x as Press Association at the Com munity Inn, Kilgore Sunday. He... parlor. Hostesses were Mmes Janies L. ftoolsby, Kilby Ross. Tom Wall. Morris Samford, U .1 Harris. Jeah..., I t vVnnher ly. Noble U hoist on. I* I Milam ,li Raphael Crawford. I> R O • .•1 B B. Pippen and N I... tali' h* 1‘ c nt table held .v ran-eim nt f valid labni-h. i ir i t Mr »ml Mrs Joe it Brooks Com mum tv... Fi iday evening for >1 s*, >wei tv ’soring Miss Proof and W H Lake were Mmes. Forrest \ u Bill

Sequence: 24 (standard view) | zoom view

... dr ahall hit! rag "farad f • art. ra.1 hr laa la da aa. Tha 1-ag.aft if to dathalM# Ihd/ attmfVfc... at * oia: .1 of 1 Iran to whtato ai 1 Hoard la "Thd Varan*# Land Tut to atod hf rt f Hoard for 1 ton... fora og 1 haraaftaf yj nrot ay **-> Said, rot t to tab pr-ra tharaf.-r, 1 igatggr - th any mtaraar... and ganarraa dl.w. nova oath totoaf hr too# Hoard • a-orngn Mti og u ni anor. ra rrotttr -art to prt rot 0.1...* to any Honda harrtrafara or aaraofiar .arant and aoM hy aw-i 1 Hoard itt.-rh ntnutaya a> tunhitAa ahu .*»

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... PANOIA WATTTfMAV, Carthago, Twnw. Aug It 1MI — t Panola News %t M«». c D JOHNSON PANOLA—SMl..., president; Sally Gibbs, 1st vice, president: Patricia Langford, par liamentarlan; Margaret Mac Don aid... in and establishment and closure of llena, tf any, seeming 1 the payment el same, aa provided by law. All parties... eaten out are non business — Car thefts are running 10 per tent a hov« last year —1.800 stolen cars per... speaker. And you get this unique triple guarantee: 1.90 days for parts and labor. 2.1 year for picturetube

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... GOLD CHAIN MILK, 3 tall cans ... # SNOWFLAKE RICE, 3 lb. pka. — 3) MARriANO C1.UB-KIMBEU - FMGfRS... OR ADHKUFKM COFFEE ZER WAX PAPtt. 100 H. ron Large Firm Lettuce KIMBEU SALT, 1 round boxes KIMBELL TEA BAGS... Had. IIA bn ATSUP EGGS WATCHMAN, CiHhifr 1>xu, Auf 22, 1MJ

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... and ' and son of Shreveport visited her Ml* fur Johnson during the week 1 parentr. Mr and Mrs. Emmett... l.a were Mt and Mrs .1 V Johnson \ Urone Saturday ol Gilmer. Mrs lx**trr Thornton Hml Mrs Johnnie... and Mrs. Hill Dick erson ami Mr. and Mrs 1> La drone. . Mr and Mrs Vernon human ami rhildren ami Mr... Jlmniy Marsailus 1 Thr>' attended the wedding of her nf Shreveport visited her parents, brother... Sunday evening. August 25 through September 1 llcv Johnson will preach Every one ha*- a special

Sequence: 20 (standard view) | zoom view

... m wi&i mm V, .TrrT ^TTl PW 4 —• PANOIJY WATCHMAN CMtbagr TV1***, Atig 2? IflU |tt» V* “PEN.... The Itousow ivi * AminfM it And now it's here A new wrap per that opens easily an<1 ran be ii'sriN each... time bread I* lakrn from I hr package. The n« w wrapper is 1h* latest dr Vclopmenl in modem packaging... forml to takr a ur,d,. h,r...w h.. ** ,n,° ,ho going post gradual)' rmilw. “B»- OK, MAMA. 1 h* \..., and child in CLB MISS HAS graduated James «he world a tract 2d by 200 feet 1 M rrd l'v

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... special purchase PANOU WATCHMAN, Carthbge Toxin, Aug it 19*3 - 1 SftctloB > vldann, •vening irch... FMa Puda Caanl kMfttal Say "Charge 1C* Admitted Augual IK: Mra Margaret Dlrkaraun, l.a ganaporl. La... (•rever Sharp, Clly. Discharged August IS:* John T. Murphcy. Raalrop, la . David Glrn 1>ler. Shreveport... August III Mra John 1\ Secrcat, Itarkvllla. l.ra Owens Gravea, Gary, I'allaa Crump, Tlmpaon. Mra Buford.... SPICIAL VAIUI . . 100% Orion Acrylic bulky knit sweaters campus , . Compare and save In *1* Imely alylra

Sequence: 23 (standard view) | zoom view

... and Denntc r>!mn **1,mIV *>h" '"mmerer Sunday The Ba« i unn and rhildrHt. The Dunn * j Retts who... MrNeese ol [ J* » . %* Fong view1 spent the weekend wllli * t It H .*■ f At, 3fM... slsler. Mrs Bill Uenlry HI t .hih tfeef Mrs .1 m Smllh was the ttlrlli day lumoree ai the meeting of Hie... .'ill Chili Friday In the home ol Mis .1 D Brasher In Beekvllle A eovered dish luncheon waserved lo Mine...* .1 M Smllh. .1 I1 Boipiemore. c \ Hauler, Paul Boy el I; M II Thomas, Hr, .1 D Blusher and Iwu

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... V PANOLA WATVHMAN IVxas Aug 82. IS6.1 ★ Gary News GARY—Mr and Mr* Henry Ford Downing Dale... of Whelling. W Va . relumed after a vlalt with Doycr Heaton and other relative* Rev and Mrs. R 1) Turner. Dale... auditorium Friday night. August 2.1. at T3 pm for the purpose of discussing plans for a brick plant here...); and two brother*, l-eonarfe and HIU Thur man. all of Gainesville. Card of Thanks W> would like 1o express... of aorrox* The Eva Mae Jinks family •UMCBIBB TO THB WATCHMAN ESTATE OF WILLIE JO ROSS, DECEASED NO 40H1

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... PANOLA WA1VMMAN Carthage l>*as Augi ft. \m - t AMERICANS, WAKE UP! Regarding The National Council... listed below , plus many more; 1. That the United States recognise lied China and admit Red china... This drive wiff reach its peak about J amt at y I. 1B0>. One til the propaganda pieces that the Cttmmum<1... as a Communist Hr. Ward held the position of chairman fur manv vears In the Scptem tier 17. 1»fll Issue... to Socialistic, Communistic propaganda in Church literature, including literature going to our votith groups .1

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... Furnished apart ment. bills paid. 310 N. Daniel spur, phone 0X3 6134 36-1-c Far ffenc OFFICES FOR RENT -.... MAM Phene >4548 ALL TYPES MONUMENTS L D. MANGHAM BECKVILLE, RT. 1 Call OX 3-4240 See me for special... and 30-year linn at 5 1 4 percent Interest to veterans. * • • Nice 4-room house, close in, price $4560... FOR SALE 1^3 bedroom brick, aircomlitloned, 2 tile baths. Shown by appointment only. Call 3 4575 O. V... 6357 FOR SALE — The C. M Nutt and Son store building in Gary. 37 1 8 by 95 ft , galvanised roof. Can

Sequence: 22 (standard view) | zoom view

... Rkrvttnic 100 Nr> r.-.oonn 1 ao rwmgtit n»m • m Anveniov** to Fotonnu in m N*w* * grottim “ “...* Now* • on New* * Wootnor • is Dan nmoot Rrport • 30 Lucy-DM1 7 So Th* Ortond*r» ■ 30 Hovr... of August A D. 1MB3, in this cause, numbered A SttfMt on the docket of said court and alyled MlCIS Dlt4.uA... The Voire ol the IJewtl 0 is Twiilain BhoW (tmlrWI 1 oo ft vest I n« brvwoohal FRIDAY, AUDUIT tt B M.... f0rs Floes tbs tiles os you wont them her and 1st them dry about two days. fp«|| Also, ask them tor

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... Delicious APPLES, 4 !b. bag . Crisp Fresh Pascal CELERY, large stalk U. S. No. 1 Red POTAIOU.IOIb.bag SWIFT.... Choice Grade Club STEAK, lb. ...1.........59c Fresh Made Mmute STEAKS, lb..........65c U. S. Choice Chuck... SOAf...................39c Hew Improved Dutch CLEANSER, 14 ez. df.... 17c __________w _______ Now AB Fabrics Pormufe 1b1 j os

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... Eula Keeling Jesse Fletcher Brooks, Y3. die® Sundsy at his residence on, Route 1. BeckviHe following.... $1.39 $1.18 lbs 15 I 2 ounce i. Guy Mixon of Grand Saline, for mer high school principal, was In town.... Robert Friend, the Rev and Mrs John Derr of Wasknm at (.Continued from page 1> County from St 43 near... at Dead wood 7# mV *out*1 Carthage — •it. Younga again cautions mo ****#• — “f>o not take ANY post ed... with Bethel Church bv transfer of letter and Alice Tiller on profession of faith PCMI0.I.1IN.1 lish James W

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... will begin at 7 30 pm and are as follows: Oct 4. I’aris 'October IB, Center; NoV ember 1. Jacksonville...* „uMwutaift aiiuktiv imh Mucniit fowh. He In Andrew mux an unit averaging slightly over 1HQ l...- Bowling OAV LIAOUI Mealier Pins 36 32 Rolletts 36 32 Plavmatcs 33 1 2 32 1 2 Misfits 27... Ballard 3 10 3 1-2 — 2 12 lb buss; T. W Strong, ._ Carthage. 8 t 2 lb bass. Mr. and Mrs C E. <'nonrod... of Henderson LOST SOMETHING? IiCt a Panola twelve bass ranging from 1 and Watchman Classified Ad find it I 12

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Vem-mda Guests Saturday of Mr and Mrs U infield Kirk'ey were Mr and Mr* ,1m k Brown and Dennis ol... Rogers and .1 It m'Imhi, from Tatum, ullemled the course Five mechanics from Center also attended. Mary... or Gold Or White "BARK CLOTH” DRAPERY FABRIC 2 Yards $1.00 Decorator assort, ment of new scenic, modern... PIUOWS 75 a 46 inch BATH TOWEL.........1 15 * 26 inch FACE TOWEL ......... J 12 a 12 inch WASH... parents, Mr and Mrs' T t Jordan -sr Mrs Charles J Stamper and Jamcx and Mrs .1 K Stamper of. Shreveport

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... and Federal numbered highways in District III will lie posted,lor 7(1 Mi’ll daytime and 65 Mi’ll fflghtflme... Manor, where signs have been jm* du^State Park in Harrison County * Jj*’, *”1*rlu/lntr "h/w" dlawmair... ho Ihn htanv for orvlm;ifion.s u *»l*liMh1** will answnt a VarUnpalinn in ilnly Communion senes... DlvDIun thlp week. Mr Jacob, fused his staletnetd on u letter received Angus! I from .1. \\ Haines of Ihe..., upon fhe (i*r7 ,rf,m Fafiola 1 o.mtv making the highest scholastic grad and to the community. Mr

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... Society. Hus Hall, head of the Communist Party, In the October 23. 1 H«2 Issue of The Worker savs... let os look at its record Prior to 1947 ('In 1st Ian Century was controlled bv Charles (layton... inifir'irr tti Int ni • m* Wnir inmim* nu' #»? Ifflrfr By f JT^y mt w n ii«tTTi“ rm it urn rrJnrH. i OfP W1... Spanish certt War Now let us refer fo the 19B1 is owned he George C Kerdein and Sr Serstem’* wife m... of May 11, 1962 at a rally for Dr Carl Mtlidlre ot l-o Cresenta High School, in 1--i t resent a

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... ««15‘ T E A '/4-lb. Box FREE! 1-lb. COFFEE (YOUR FAVORITE BRAND) WITH $10.00 OR MORE PURCHASE IN OUR....... $1.59 Bama It Of. She PEANUT RUTTER.......... Ttei* Tot M. 1 Cm, CANS 39* IRS 19* 2 POUND BOX 49c «Mtmt

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