Stamford American and The Stamford Leader (Stamford, Tex.), Vol. 34, No. 31, Ed. 1 Thursday, October 3, 1957: Searching Inside

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14 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... I T~ ' i / - V ' MW*®* Si i i =x=:^ mmm I’XJAK''1 T“T'r J-W*'rr~... KINNEY BURIAL... 'tjgff.’m - [IIK P \*k ^ Impact of New Cotton Crop :-|f§ Felt in Toivn by Merchants ■*r— ‘-^1 ^ - ••i i V* V... V— * 1 -A**—‘ Fift> |k*i (vnt above the aante 1 according to C B spencer. agti hi Hip caning irgt... was reported b> customers. was ai\<*(hei mar 1 -«d meeehaaTsi"11*'—*•“*— ehw 111V-opinion.-— . } "Better... than last year, but hot I* Crowd .tiVwnd town wtu$ I*'1 I ay go,«i vet as is expected a- lif ter than

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... To Be Drilled in Area No 1 F M ’Jenkins. slated for t ;«*•» vvi*h rotary. pctli*it>' .# 37S fiVt from 'hr... north jn t 1K7Tret fw*tn 'hr west line* of f NV. Taylor, Survey.. A 3M3 • Mate. gefltMi aa Work 14....! - A 'IwRen fonnty wildcat dull . , od .1 1-2 mile-. uonhvvt-M ol Rule I T»r survey. U... to he

  • 1 lull*', r.otthweat Haskell Coimi.v It tSjSei+n-n I1*, Wi*e... "SL Survey *ti Mhlwest Otl t'orp, of Kor'Worth Flower# tl’anyon S.«>d'1 FleM LIBRARY TO BE DEDIC

  • Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

    ...»*. October M, 1937 Pag« Three Mon Speak Monday Seeking1 Adciitionai Paid Member* Quarterback YTtih... pNrtof uf.the Sager i-i no ■'art length from ■ the flour. iMi. district. 1 Idtttfcn. and i or:* urHud- .... ••* 1- •• ' ■> t* " W ant- Mr and kit*.' Kenneth Jjtege I ^ • - ■' ■ ■■ ctrtghtlght I1... Sus bleetejl piesikU-ni pt HITI3IUII lUITtiva M| . 606 last Tug*a »> Mg HI 1 Southwestern...;. and Idndit c/mnanv has fepe-ed 1 new d * • 'elected,del!eu»iti-is to ihe-sta*c » i. • Mis . ullne i < i » I

    Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

    ... 1 T*ge Two *k' * i pen. 1-2 "price. 1301 Wesleyan St. Pfi.u^e.rn j2«oo. * trip MU$T... with write at once Credit Dept rt. 3 hale cotton bodies; two "M |S “ri " Farmalis with tools; 1 grain binder... water heaters. Easy payment - plan. 1 W estern Auto Store G. R. Cozby Plumhing ';um,’jrd rn... for informs-1 Blanche Baldwin, 502 S. Orient Ion. Slaf j FR^2147. 25-tf FINISH High School or Grade... Books furnished, diplomas award f°r or for banquets.1 apartment, private hath, air ed Start

    Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

    ... Hardin ohn Simmon* at Abilene. Hone Htn/e SOM tiral BlTmla Swenson, 1 >t .uljjhon '* j UuMrcKs College... and ,utJv. jlnd tentatively, planned to eon Han-1 tinue her work there this fall, re *'r *Y turned September... 20 Ao Seguin 'riUH j where she is enrolled as a senior. 1>JI 1 Shirley has altendiaU-TLC lue p.ift... two regular lor ms * — - nf^' Other trieks.lahl Mudontp #n 1 mlied at TliC-m MtHort Ulnar, .-iiitp...-\ , I)(,v 'Vent Frida,v to get S>hla and a. lafit 1 l'wmik»nyinK them was Ernest j(j J-jNeto*-i -i y i

    Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

    ... -K’ TT . SMMlir1 i undry, ,t> held nr. rervil'O e need at any Mil be 1 coin*'* i \v i T • Hed id... .'vlies' to • . Trrdeidle to a liable- ■ 4 =F 4- 1 E - ■ t—i ' - 1 ! i L i -. i » L 4 I I AtSu 1* » •./... in/1 Mra xtr c* p i^. ’ ,ri" "" **• ▼▼ • T-*. TTninv visited their children. Mr and Mrs. Dick Panick... visited their son Dalton P. 1,'s. his wife and baby nerr- Fori Worth Saturday. Mr ->(! '»rs. Leroy Lnwrrv... chairman, Of Lued rs o jttend the meeting at i P-TA Council 1‘rosiclcnt AttcndR District Meeting c '^ry

    Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

    .... Known as the Tom B. Medders. Wichita Falls, No. 1 Lonn»e Cornelius, the well, located in the D. L... 'diLu.- at The home ol Mr. aM Mrs. H- ■ ing. her eenlo: year. She wax j M. Fhil!ip-s, Sr. Everyone 1...* In . 1VVA < fliter and member of the 'ited —• r - , annual staff foil Tw*’Jears: { Mr. and Mrs.... Neindst. who lort ' Stic vi also i thret , everything when their home at • Utr of 1 exas Nursing.... and Mis. .Charlie opening meeting of the Junior-1 Pancake Slipper Senior High school Pa rent-Teach

    Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

    ... of the association reported totul expenditure of $27%767 w-ith'1 minion ex- Williams. Hanna church, and Rev. Verl...? crew try to iwgf ium be Life Story of Fabulous Lon Chaney Told iff Movie HELMER1 trtrpe left '... who is slow to anger an 1 mighty in his wrath. The two reportedly make a magnificent st iron team.... and Mrs. Robert W. Howse and Marsha and Mr. and Mrs. $1 per yard, delivered Call SelbV vwreer. Sons... advantage of t count, which li ber. City tax billi 10-cent raise w fiom $1.23 to 1 change has be< tion since

    Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

    ... wearing nutpber &1 and has seen action the past few week? at wingback. He is a Junior, weighs 140 pounds..., and 1* 5' 11” tall. This is his first experiment with high school football. He Is the son of Dr. and Mrs... advantage. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gamblin. *. , , V*'5 • t < \ • V *' 1 ' * TRAIL... story in Sweetwater 17 .............First l> 420 ______Rushing 1 29.....— Passing Y 2of0 Passes co 3... .... Passes Inter 1 lor 31 ..Punt Avi 10 for 60 Pena It i« 3 ......-—..Fumbles A gallant band Bulldogs

    Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

    ... A J" •1 • l { ■: . = i illlWVilVillll : -*»6OT4rgraBPgi wwv&mkzm % n rn a < 'jl j Brings Out... Large Crowd; Film Is Shown Residents -’■■■- ■ **•}-- m in «g~- •; HI With »- Irs. B1U rjr Mn. . ty... mis A. C. ';"Mrs. : Mrs. ulrman; >r Girls rs. Jimleader. leader. on »r Irogdon the ap. 1 ,... the Mth giade with flue1 and bronchia Mrs tPlans were made for. the year J Mildred Patterson drove the bus... if the its of 90S I -eport ps on ir.SUC 1C Ipv M in rc- Custom Grinding & Mixing BRIN

    Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

    ... <111(1 MFS« J06 Astlll gy Joyce, to Wayne Robert Wash. •on<* Mr and Mrs-N * Host Bridge-Luncheon Thursday..., azuritlum and Yates is enlistment chairman, ®*aut^ berri^t”1 . . Mrs. Howard Kohout, program: Prize..., Edgar Ellis. C 1 M. Other members of the cirrle Francis, W. B. Harrison, Mattie are Mrs. Lee Banjeit...- Mrs W R. TVrry son, W *T. Stovall, Harry Yates, *" 1 i ■■■ii ■■ ■ —■ - ■... .....—-----------■■ - ■ ■ drew*. G. C. Carothers," Arnold 7™*"*'?* *nd Pub,tr Relations /Tc /.wjr. fy < | 1/ vf

    Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

    ... ..Passes completed 6 of 21 3_______Passes Intercepted By ... I 1 lor 31 ..Punt Average 4 for 37 J 10... for tO Penalties. Yds 2 for 10 3 ......J.-. Fumbles Lost ....,a..... 1 Stamfordlrom the one-yard line on th< final... which placed the ball on the sl< got 28 yards In 1, arid Which netted a total of 23 Upshaw pasaet yards... at For*.. 1 (Saturday) Colorado City B at Stamford B (Thursday ) * - Sweetwater Junior* nt Stain fr-rd... to Paint Creek. Oct 9 Sagerton wrJU play Paint Creek and the following week they will tak<» on Vera. 1

    Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

    .... the summer THE WASH POT Automatic Laundry also continues"to offer complete-attendant 1armriTy »cr\ U-e 111... were here Sat- Butch of Absk-re- w-oe -pere- 4a-M j- - 1 wee.k Visiting with her mother, j Mrs- H. H..., of childr en nf Ablfcnc were here Sat of Start-1 Illinois Is also here vifciting .with Ki.wlay.... anil M|s I’hiUip Wi;1 ; mer. Jewel la-hew has return'-'!! ANOTHER DRINK CAN MAKE ME A KILLER! Hold on..., 1Iphla M«‘d. and oth r* ,!l;'tives affd frlervls. Mr cn-t Mr*. Lawson of Pinic were here Saturday

    Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

    ... and the Bulldog coaches. Maintaining a long victory at ring in itself ia a atrong mental hazard. It 1* good... Rfrhtes* Spending h Pause for inflation | - ' 'Sir *4*1.* ■'<*-* wniC day for the government... to the natter than whipping Johnson grass on my .arm. and I’ll admit that while 1 have come to several different... *®e«Ow St Siunfor* *<* <4 Msrtt l **• M. 1WM. tt ttt for* Thw oatt* ttS . a 1ST* \ it>«S AnsatVwa... Im V-w tuns W sWaof.^1 iuaksu.' WWSU ul MMmt Osuauaa _^^^at h Sunday and on Mi oas tui "»ei

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