Lesbian Gay Political Coalition Papers (The Dallas Way)

About the Lesbian/Gay Political Coalition of Dallas

The Lesbian/Gay Political Coalition of Dallas was a political organization created out of the Dallas Gay Political Caucus during the 1980s. The Lesbian/Gay Political Coalition of Dallas and the Dallas Gay Alliance were the two groups which formed out of the Dallas Gay Political Caucus. During the early eighties, the Dallas Gay Alliance chose to focus more on social issues with the rise of the AIDS epidemic, while the Lesbian/Gay Political Coalition continued to operate with politicians and local leaders in order to get more members of the LGBT community and those supportive of equal rights elected into office. Throughout each year, the group participated in screenings of political candidates, held fundraising events, met frequently to discuss current issues and revised organizational bylaws. The organization was active most prominently during election years, where they helped increase visibility for candidates in both local and national elections.

About the Collection

This digital collection contains documents and artifacts collected by Al Daniels during his tenure as treasurer of the organization, 1993-1998. The corresponding physical collection is housed in the University of North Texas Special Collections. For more information about the physical collection, see the finding aid.


The Dallas Way generously funded the digitization of this collection.

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Lesbian Gay Political Coalition Papers (The Dallas Way) in The Portal to Texas History. University of North Texas Libraries. https://texashistory.unt.edu/explore/collections/LGPCP/ accessed June 12, 2024.

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