Angelina County History Center

The His­to­ry Cen­ter col­lects, pre­serves, and makes avail­able the his­to­ry of our region and its peo­ple for the edu­ca­tion­al use and ben­e­fit of present and future gen­er­a­tions. Geo­graph­i­cal­ly, this area includes but is not lim­it­ed to Angeli­na and the imme­di­ate sur­round­ing East Texas coun­ties. This region­al des­ig­na­tion includes an inter­est in the nat­ur­al and social his­to­ry of the area, the East Texas lum­ber indus­try, and the records of region­al fam­i­lies, orga­ni­za­tions, busi­ness­es, and governments.


Emily Hyatt

(936) 829 - 3543


102 N. Tem­ple
Diboll, TX 75941

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Angelina County History Center, partner contributing to The Portal to Texas History. University of North Texas Libraries. accessed May 17, 2024.

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