The Ballinger Ledger (Ballinger, Tex.), Vol. 57, No. 11, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 17, 1942: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

...! R , J ^ '1 “ ,lhf U. 8 prwrhtng aervlre.s ro“t “uard at N, w • „ returned to his... Pvt August F Powe In the air] force at Tampa Florida, is home1 on a 14-day furlough Samuel J . son... » Sc a WOWOM FIO Deliciouu—Winsnp At I 1X5 Fancy box $3-75 ORANGES - $2.98 COCOA *...... 2 w... i!ur:ng which women will seek to »eli Pie great* »t ilngle week a volume f W .r 1 ds and stamp? will serve... laying and made feathers Her place Is lu the stew pot Another way to text 1* to examine the bark

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

...** *vmy Tkutidar by The Ballinger Print In* ( •nnpitny Often *1 Publication. 711 Hutcktm** A**.. Balllnfer...* (ImkaulyUoaa »ayakla la ad*aac#l 1 alaphaaa JT War Cuts Deeply Into Yule Jewel Business TEXANH ASKEI) TO SUBMIT... rata1 programs because member have been too busy to giv>- tj:■ to rehearsals Shortage d labor... bazar 1 . d everyone is asked to lake extr i precautions this ear 1 > prevent fire that might cause... to prevent this • Mrs W K .1 the week end Cor v s. , g her daughter i! I P bume ' r pus I three *o

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

..., January 1st. W A. Nance 24-tf FOR RENTTwo room furnished apartment. No children, no pels, aU bills paid..., Cultivator and Triple-Disc J. A. Killough. Ballinger. Texas. 5-tf-H SOKE THROAT—TONSIL1TIS! Your Physician... would recommend j a good inop and our Anathesia-1 Mop is unexcelled for this trouble.! ANATHESIA MOP... of Eczema. R 1 n g w o r m. j ordinary itch or Athelete Foot Infections. Remember it must; relieve..., and the sugar, but not the coffee two grand-1 n)r| Hazel Phipps, specialist In food preparation for A A M

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... The homemaklng girls of classes 1IH ami UIB presented a style show at 0 30 last Thursday morniiiK Hetty Jo Baxter... ns haw. Mr and Mrs C 1> Richards. Mr a n d Mrs Rothal O'Kelly. Mrs J M Connor Miss Mrs R K Bruee... held a class meeting last Friday, December 11, for a one act play "A11 Carrs to lilt-1 the purpose... for many beautiful cards and flowers aa well eg the deeds of our friends Mrs i. 1 Beck Joe Beck. Jr... Carlton Evelyn Cwan Ik -v, l "llhU,',: lun ' u* JoFletche. Lavanda Forbes Molly 1 * J ",,*pr '° r

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... THE BALLINGER LEDGER VOLUME n BALLINGER. TEXAS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1?, IMS ' Red Cross... and preparing to cunttnue the work for another year 1 A mcrttnK was held recently with \ a held representative... where discharges are considered, a report from the home service chairman be made before selling 1 begins... of bonds will '»'«■ usu;'1 b>-' P“r,> ,,,r Is also necessary, and the corres- N, „tT(.rod fof ,a)p... on or after September 1. 1924, but not after October 31. 1924 For the children a special war j good bye

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... that are overwhelming - in reduction. Think of it you can save $1.07 on a $2.9$ Dress and $7*07 on a $16.9$ Dress —... $ O OC DRESS T**/J ON SALE AT $1.88 $6.95 JSr $4*8 $10.95 0C DRESS ON SALE AT $2.88 $7.95 DRESS... CCJiR ON BALE AT $12.95 C4 QC DRESS ON SAL* AT $1.88 $8.95 DRESS OC^gg ON SALK AT $14.95 Ce QC dress... this week The first mas In rrgard to double parktnk and it was stated that tickets an hi I<1 be issued... parking cannot ba tolerated on UU. atraet to 4 1 4m mm «f wary tS OUt QUOTA m w/u toms Civil Air Patrol

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... are at home from college the honor guest* This program will be sponsored by • i tiurch brotherhood and Mis* 1... of properties Performers include Elliott Kemp Mrs F-lton Wnnht ilohbv J* M «h1> Mis Malcolm Morgan Bob Lindsey... preceding * *e arm a. ! Stt u t .i C la us tithth Mrrrl Prcshslrrian Th- a n r >i a 1 Ctirislmas service »... t«r held Sunday morning at 11 <>G'»k when the pastor Rev * 1 Eiwu w dt ivcr his Christ .» • rn. si... the annual offering for the orphans' home at Waco will be taken and departments and individuals will | b r 1

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... you WHY BLACK- DRAUGHT BESl smite IAXAIIVE all over the South _______let*1 D »W*»'P»l_ was well open... and on the. first play threw a long pass down j field which Strlplln went high In1 the air to Intercept... Striplm dropped 1 Ivuck and shot a pass to Harville I In the end zone for the second j counter... and the score was 13 to 3. In the last quarter. Uullmgrr1 took over on their own 20 yard i line and started... lle-lle Bear hum will be' presented in u group of musical numbe-rs M< *m Van 1 li re and Toni Murphy

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... Thratrr Saturday midnight In preview a n .1 continue It* local engagement t h r o u k h | hun d ay. Monday..., IVHiita Granville and Ilka Idv Davis has a role that calls Palace —THEATRE— “Yuur Bargain Hoasr1 ^... Oil Ihtrnoon and * Night Ur and 2Se Friday, Saturday, Sunday 2 Blg|Feoture Shows 2 Fra turr No. 1 Hi 3.... Tues- becoming great tuig raisers day. December 1». 2ti 21.22 Teamed niembos of the club... FEATl’RE PROGRAM ure No 1 ■>» G»r v’tooiFon ms ' v*( r* f* *tm, U‘»Om cotu *«rvi7 £ Z Sun-Mon-Tue. feature

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Floyd Currie. ♦ ♦ ♦ Christmas Party far Method 1st Yaang People Members of the Young People's Department... the following precautions must be observed: 1 Dry thoroughly in warm place. Do not hang on hot radiators... Hiebarda, Bothal OKeiiy, J. R Ceiling Price $4.35 REGULARS .... 1 Ceiling Price $4.00 SLIGHT IRREGULARS 1... Ceiling up to $10.9H. AJ1 go for...... *3 .98 ONE GROUP— SHIRT WAIST SPORT—(REI'E PRESSES— WOOL... $22.95 right into this sale........ Ceiling $19.95 right into this sale ... Ceiling $1N.95 right

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... r 1 e McGregor Mary Ann M -rxan, Margie Nell Muncy Mil • drrd Burks Mary tarn Davis Vlrglnia Denny... Campbell. Mrs EfTle Hulsey Mrs Frances Zed 1 Its Ml» Agnes Giober. Mrs Luna Mar Foy. Mrs Thelma Gabbert Mrs... to Heat Kitchen 1. Chief gas waste, in the winter time, is that extravagant hahit of opening the oven

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